How There Can Still Be A Huge Secret Cameo In WandaVision

How There Can Still Be A Huge Secret Cameo In WandaVision

With WandaVision escalating to a climactic conclusion, the revelation of secrets provides a perfect setup for cameos from MCU notables who have been conspicuously absent through the course of the series. Plenty of references have been made to the other Avengers – most of whom are likely still recovering from the events of Avengers: Endgame. Some of those faces are more likely to show up than others, whether it be from a professional interest in what’s going on with Westview, a personal interest in the well-being of Wanda, a family tie to Monica, or a creeping paranoia that something is going very wrong with SWORD.

It’s understandable that Westview hasn’t been flooded with superheroes. Even if the heroes were in fighting shape after Endgame, there are five years of lost time to make up for those who were blipped away. There are definitely strong connections – it’s no accident that Monica heard Captain Marvel and Nick Fury as she passed through the Hex – but with chaos following the second snap, it would be difficult for meet-ups to happen if nothing else had gone wrong. These reunions are likely to happen, but whether they occur in the course of WandaVision or in subsequent MCU properties remains to be seen.

While there’s always the possibility of shout-outs to upcoming Marvel films not directly related to the Scarlet Witch or her magic – Spider-Man is just across the Hudson River after all – the teased cameo or cameos are more likely to be characters who have some kind of direct connection with persons or events going on in Westview. While not a short list, there are a few lead contenders who deserve a little extra scrutiny.

Doctor Strange and/or Mordo

How There Can Still Be A Huge Secret Cameo In WandaVision

With growing hints that WandaVision is unfolding on a nexus in the MCU multiverse, Doctor Strange making a cameo appearance would certainly make sense. The order of wizards to which Doctor Strange belongs are concerned with dimensional incursions, and the upcoming film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is by its very name connected to the countless possible realities that meet at such a nexus. Considering the fact that Strange was the only character in the comics who could defeat Wanda once she went off the rails at the end of the “Avengers Disassembled” storyline, he may be called in for a similar reason in the MCU.

Mordo is something of a dark horse in terms of a possible cameo, but by the end of Doctor Strange, he had an ax to grind with sorcerers in general. While he’s no longer directly affiliated with the order of wizards Strange represents, he’s concerned about the effects of magic on the world, and Mordo might not be a villain in Multiverse of Madness, especially if he shows up to assist with incidents such as Westview. With his dislike of wizards, he might also have underestimated Agatha, which would be dangerous for him, to say the least.


Although Hawkeye was clearly concerned with returning to his family at the end of Avengers: Endgame, he arguably has the connections as a former SHIELD agent to hear if Wanda is in trouble, and enough fondness for the Maximoffs to look into things if what he was hearing worried him. Pietro’s death was at least partly in service of saving Hawkeye, and any rumor that Quicksilver had returned from the dead, or that someone was impersonating him, would definitely interest Clint.

While Hawkeye does have an upcoming series that would be served by cross-promotion, and while Quicksilver’s reference to his own sacrifice and death might seem like a direct call out to the Avenger, it’s not too likely that Clint will show up in WandaVision. Without access to specialty equipment that would let him enter the Hex and no hard and fast evidence of bad actors for him to fight off outside of it, such a cameo would be wasted, leaving nothing for Hawkeye to do once he shows up. As much as it might allow Wanda to have some emotional catharsis, Hawkeye is a nice but unlikely cameo.

Captain Marvel

There have been several references to Carol Danvers through WandaVision, and Monica’s personal history with the MCU superheroes began in Captain Marvel – a film that has been directly quoted in the series so far. Now that Monica has begun to develop energy-based powers of her own, having Captain Marvel show up as a mentor figure could tease character progression for Captain Marvel 2 in 2022. Monica gaining powers in WandaVision allows their next meeting to be on an even playing field as peers, and unlike Hawkeye, Captain Marvel does have a direct tie to the cosmic energy that encapsulates Westview, giving her a potential way in.

As much sense as it would make, having Captain Marvel show up in WandaVision might overshadow Monica’s own character growth. At present, Monica is simultaneously grieving and growing, dealing with her disorientation in a world that jumped ahead five years by trying to help Wanda who is in a similar situation. The reunion between Monica and Carol is another one that needs to happen, but unless handled very carefully, it would run the risk of derailing a story that isn’t currently about Captain Marvel. If it did occur, it would be a good capstone or after-credit scene, rather than an appearance that furthered the show’s plot.

Nick Fury

With a Nick Fury show on Disney Plus still in the planning stages, and a cameo of Fury at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, it’s clear that the MCU is not yet done with Nick Fury. With an established SWORD protocol stating that those who had vanished during the Blip are not allowed in space running up against Nick Fury’s appearance on a multi-species spaceship in Far From Home, Fury cleaning house at SWORD could help to connect the dots. The charismatic Jimmy Woo is a former SHIELD agent, and as there are some hints floating that SWORD may be up to nefarious ends, it’s possible that he would reach out to the former SHIELD director.

If he does appear, Fury isn’t likely to interact much with the happenings within Westview itself, but might have stern words for SWORD director Tyler Hayward. Having vanished for five years in the blip, Fury would have taken some time to catch up on what was going on in the world during his absence, but an appearance in WandaVision would further cement his reputation as a mastermind for the various goings-on of the MCU. While he doesn’t have a known connection to SWORD, it follows that Nick Fury takes a special interest in a number of secret organizations, particularly considering his connection to Captain Marvel and the Skrulls.

Any or all of these characters could yet show up. Although there are only two episodes left in the season, both episodes are predicted to be longer than any of the episodes yet aired. The MCU also has a wide array of potential secondary characters that, like Darcy, have previously only played supporting roles. WandaVision will be followed by The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, the next series to be released on Disney+, and following the precedent begun with Iron Man, it’s possible that cameos may cross-promote the series, like the Phase 1 movies did. Whoever shows up, WandaVision will likely end on a bang and keep Marvel theorists guessing until the very end.

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