How The Gelatinous Cube Works In D&D: Honor Among Thieves (& Why It Burns)

How The Gelatinous Cube Works In D&D: Honor Among Thieves (& Why It Burns)

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves showcased many different creatures from the D&D universe including the mysterious gelatinous cube. Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves cinematically revisited the D&D universe to critical and audience acclaim. With a sharp mix of comedy and fantasy-action, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves brings both D&D players and movie-going audiences together to enjoy this entertaining tale. Honor Among Thieves follows the tale of Edgin the Bard (Chris Pine) and Holga the Barbarian (Michelle Rodriguez) as they try to save Edgin’s daughter Kira (Chloe Coleman) from their ex-partner-in-crime Forge (Hugh Grant). In so doing, the movie features a raft of extraordinary creatures and obstacles.

To begin on their adventure, Edgin and Holga first join forces with sorcerer Simon (Justice Smith) and druid Doric (Sophie Lillis) to help stop Forge and his alliance with the Red Wizard Sofina. One of the creatures that Edin and his group come across is a gelatinous cube. At first, the gelatinous cube looks harmless, looking more like a giant cube of clear Jell-O than a formidable enemy. However, the gelatinous cube proves to be a deadly enemy for those who fall into its ooze. Here’s how the unusual adversary works.

Dungeons & Dragons’ Gelatinous Cube Is Actually A Living Monster

How The Gelatinous Cube Works In D&D: Honor Among Thieves (& Why It Burns)

While the gelatinous cube may look like Jell-O, it is a living and breathing creature that serves as an obstacle for the D&D player. In Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, the thieves get stuck in one and nearly die before Doric pulls them out. In Dungeons & Dragons gameplay, gelatinous cubes are large creatures made out of ooze that can hold four small to medium creatures inside its body at a time. The gelatinous cube takes up its entire space which causes players within its vicinity to make a saving throw at disadvantage.

In D&D gameplay, a player can try to pull another creature out of the gelatinous cube if they have a high strength stat. However, the gelatinous cube can be hard to defeat, which is shown in the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Luckily the group is able to escape the cube’s wrath. But in gameplay, sometimes D&D players aren’t so lucky.

Honor Among Thieves’ Cube Dissolves Victims With Acidic Ooze

Chris Pine as Edgin the Bard, Michelle Rodriguez as Holga the Barbarian, Justice Smith as Simon the Sorcerer, and Sophia Lillis as Doric the Druid confronting the gelatinous cube in Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves

In Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, the gelatinous cube dissolves its victims with acidic ooze. This is why there was a skeleton inside the cube and why the group was covered with burns after exiting the cube. While in D&D gameplay, the player would take acid damage, the characters in Honor Among Thieves would have died if they stayed in the cube much longer.

With a mimic, a pudgy dragon, and an owl bear, the gelatinous cube is just one of the many creatures from the game that D&D players will recognize. With its critical success, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves proves that viewers don’t have to be D&D players to enjoy this fun adventure flick. However, considering the confusing nature of some of its monsters, some background knowledge can help for Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.