How Power Rangers Took Bulk & Skull from Joke Villains to Franchise Heroes

How Power Rangers Took Bulk & Skull from Joke Villains to Franchise Heroes

After years of being the bullies and comic relief of the Power Rangers franchise, Bulk and Skull have truly redeemed themselves as heroes in the Rangers’ comic book adventures. From the very beginning of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series, the duo are portrayed as the bumbling tormentors of the Rangers in their civilian lives, while at the same time, they are avid fanatics of the Rangers’ heroic actions.

In time, the two would have moments of surprising nobility throughout the years, like when they offered to sacrifice themselves to the villains of Power Rangers in Space to prevent the Rangers from having to reveal their identities to the world. However, at the end of the day, Bulk and Skull would always return to their usual status quo: being the butt of a joke. Thankfully, the two are given more time to grow, mature, and most importantly, become natural heroes in the BOOM! Studios comic franchise.

10 Becoming Power Rangers for a Day

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Annual 2016 story “Unlucky Heroes” by Ross Thibodeaux, Rob Guillory, Taylor Wells, and Jim Campbell

How Power Rangers Took Bulk & Skull from Joke Villains to Franchise Heroes

Before the series would proceed to add layers to Bulk and Skull’s character development, the first few issues worth of backup stories for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers leaned heavily into portraying them as the buffoons that readers know and love them as. Buteven as buffoons, they still have an urge to help people. They get the opportunity to do just that when Rita’s latest villain incapacitates the Rangers, and Zordon reluctantly calls on Bulk and Skull as a last resort for help.

The duo is temporarily turned into the Purple and Orange Power Rangers, though they are far too enamored with the animal Zords they get and their “blaster thingies” before they can actually act like heroes. To everyone’s surprise, the two miraculously save the day, defeating the monster of the week and freeing the Rangers. Although Alpha and Zordon wipe Bulk and Skull’s memories of their adventures, this still serves as a taste to readers of the good these two are capable of doing, even if they’re not serious.

9 Expressing Regret For Bullying Former Friend, Billy

Go Go Power Rangers #3 by Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Bulk and Skull bully the Billy Cranston of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

When he wasn’t saving the world as the Blue Ranger, Billy Cranston was often the easy target of Bulk and Skull’s shenanigans. The comics, though, expand on the lore, revealing that Billy and Skull were best friends as children before Skull went down a harsher path alongside Bulk. Alongside these flashbacks, there are subtle moments in which Skull shows regret for becoming a bully and making life hard for his former best friend, Billy. It shows that there’s more beneath the surface than just a thick-headed meathead. He has actual feelings.

8 Bulk Saves His Homecoming Date from a Carrie-Esque Paint Job

Go Go Power Rangers #7 by Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Bulk and Skull Dumped by Dates

Sticking true to that initial bully moniker, Bulk and Skull were often depicted as selfish on the show, invested in only their own self-interests. The comics don’t deviate too heavily from that narrative when Bulk actively campaigns (and bribes) his schoolmates to vote for him for Homecoming King. However, he starts to show an uncharacteristic level of selflessness when popular girl Marleau threatens to dump paint on his date if he doesn’t withdraw from the race on Homecoming Night. He obliges in a move that again shows Bulk and Skull are more than just petty bullies.

7 Bulk Becomes a Part of the Coinless Resistance

Go Go Power Rangers #9 by Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

The first real, mature turn into heroism for Bulk arrives through The Coinless. The World of the Coinless represents the alternate timeline where Tommy Oliver never stops being evil, even after Rita Repulsa’s spell is broken. Under the name Lord Drakkon, he rules the world as a ruthless dictator. Those lucky enough to survive and rebel are forced underground as the universe’s rebellion unit, The Coinless. Bulk is recruited to join the team by its leader, former Pink Ranger Kimberly Ann Hart. Until she’s corrupted as the Ranger Slayer, he works closely as her right hand, practically serving as The Coinless’ co-leader. He even gets his own Zord.

6 Skull Makes a Heroic Sacrifice While Undercover as the Red Sentry Ranger

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #13 by Kyle Higgins, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms, and Ed Dukeshire

Skull keeps himself busy with an equally heroic turn once the World of the Coinless falls into darkness. Skull has a different path from Bulk, but arguably a more harrowing duty on behalf of the resistance: join Lord Drakkon undercover as one of his Red Sentry Rangers. No one would have guessed Skull would become a Red Ranger, but his bravery to get his team their intel earns him his colors. He gains Drakkon’s trust until his cover is blown, ensuring certain doom for himself.

Thankfully, due to most of Lord Drakkon’s meddling with timelines being undone by the Emissaries Three, Skull is brought back to life. He returns in a post-Drakkon World of the Coinless, just in time to reunite with Bulk upon the shocking return of Rita Repulsa. Fighting off her army, it’s revealed that Skull is still with the Red Sentries, but as the Red Ranger Brigade Leader. He continues leading them in assembling Kimberly’s army after she takes over Drakkon’s empire to rebuild the world into a better place.

5 Skull Turns Down Kimberly’s Kiss

Go Go Power Rangers #15 by Ryan Parrott, Eleonora Carlini, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Most of the time on the original television show, Bulk and (especially) Skull both expressed having a crush on Kimberly. So, when Kimberly finally accepts a date with Skull in the comics, it should be his dream come true. Unfortunately, it comes right after she breaks up with the new Green Ranger, Matt. It’s clear to everyone, including Skull, that this is just a rebound. There’s no chemistry on their date, they barely talk, yet she tries to kiss him anyway.

To Kimberly’s surprise, Skull turns her away. He continues to explain how he’s not oblivious to the fact that she’s rushing into dating to get over Matthew and that as badly as he wants to kiss her, he wants her to kiss him because she genuinely wants to. Skull refuses to take advantage of her in a vulnerable situation. Considering his childish demeanor and reputation, it’s a surprisingly self-aware and mature response. He was always portrayed as a dim-witted bully, but even he knows where to draw a line.

4 Bulk and Skull Try to Save the Day

Go Go Power Rangers #20 by Ryan Parrott, Eleonora Carlini, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

Power Rangers villains stop Bulk and Skull

Bulk and Skull exhibit surprising amounts of bravery throughout the comics. One such moment comes in this issue when Ernie’s juice bar gets a surprise attack from Rita’s favorite henchmen. Bulk decides to make a run for it, not to retreat, but to find help. Even after Skull points out that he’ll be spotted, Bulk goes through with it anyway because he knows it’s the right thing to do. Much of Bulk and Skull’s nobility is shaped by their admiration for the Rangers and, even when it’s short-sighted, it shows their hearts are in the right place.

3 Saving People From Monsters

Go Go Power Rangers #24 by Ryan Parrott, Sina Grace, Daniel Bayliss, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire

While the last entry showcases an unsuccessful attempt at bravery, this instance is a rare time when Bulk and Skull do manage to come to the rescue. This entire issue stars Bulk and Skull as they try to get the perfect footage of the Rangers to grow a following for their online news program, Ranger Station. When they finally do get the perfect shot of a Megazord fight, Skull notices a group of teenagers getting attacked below them. Knowing they’ll miss out on their shot, they abandon their station and go save them.

2 Skull Dates Eltarian Warrior, Candice

Go Go Power Rangers #24 (and throughout the Eltarian War arc)

Skull and Candice aka Zelyar kiss at the end of the Eltarian War arc after helping the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Bulk and Skull’s good deed in the previous entry gets the latter a girlfriend out of the whole ordeal, named Candice. However, as Skull is most enamored with the newfound love of his life, it’s revealed at the start of the Eltarian War arc that Candice is actually Zelya, an alien from Zordon’s home planet of Eltar. She arrives on Earth alongside Zordon’s old friend, Zartus, but when Zartus’ true colors are exposed, she aligns with the Power Rangers to stop his evil plans.

Meanwhile, a lovelorn Skull searches aimlessly for his partner, assuming she’s been kidnapped or worse during the Eltarian invasion of Earth. It isn’t until the storyline’s conclusion that Candice resurfaces, revealing her true form to Skull with an offer to return to Eltar with her. He opts to stay on Earth to keep an eye on his best friend, but not without one final kiss. That in itself is heroic, as Skull sacrifices a happy life with the alien he’s in love with to stick by his best friend’s side.

1 Bulk Becomes a Red Ranger

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless #1 by Adam Cesare and Moisés Hidalgo

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Coinless #1, the newly formed Drakkon Rangers

Skull isn’t the only one who achieves his unexpected destiny as a Red Ranger. Revisiting the World of the Coinless, where Skull dies again (albeit in zombie form), Bulk still works with Kimberly. As Dark Specter looms over the heroes, Bulk’s presence is needed now more than ever. His army forces a reluctant reliance with Lord Drakkon that manifests a new Ranger squad, including Bulk’s Red Ranger breakout. No one would have expected these ’90s bullies to become the heroes they are, but the comics give Bulk and Skull the chance to be the Power Rangers they always wanted to be.

  • Power Rangers Poster - Dino Zords

    Power Rangers
    Created by:
    Haim Saban, Shuki Levy

    First TV Show:
    Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers

    Video Game(s):
    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle