How Peter’s Double (Pugachev) Survives In The Great Season 2 – Every Theory

How Peter’s Double (Pugachev) Survives In The Great Season 2 – Every Theory

Warning: Contains spoilers for The Great season 2.

In the final moments of The Great season 2, Pugachev manages to survive a stabbing meant for Peter but it is now clear how – however, a number of theories could explain it. The Great often does not take itself too seriously and has been happy to depart from concerns of strict historical accuracy. However, The Great season 2 finale takes a bizarre turn by having Peter’s double apparently defy death.

Throughout The Great season 2, Peter (Nicholas Hoult, X-Men: First Class) is protected from potential assassination attempts by the coup by a team of body doubles that appear at various points. Eventually, only Pugachev (also Nicholas Hoult) is left alive, the double that is noted to be the only good double that Peter has. Pugachev is used as a stand-in to allow Peter to leave his apartments to attend to other hobbies without his absence being apparent. However, when Catherine resolves to kill Peter at the end of The Great season 2, she stabs Pugachev multiple times in the back instead before collapsing in grief. As Peter emerges and he and Catherine embrace, they watch in apparent shock as Pugachev gets up and walks away muttering about how much it hurt.

Pugachev is regularly used as a form of comic relief for The Great season 2, using his crass attitude and inclination to steal things as a juxtaposition to his intended station. His eventual death along with the rest of Peter’s doubles would make a certain degree of sense narratively before heading into The Great season 3. Keeping him mysteriously alive promises to add some interesting complications. Here is every theory on how Peter’s double survived the stabbing.

How Did Pugachev Survive His Stabbing?

How Peter’s Double (Pugachev) Survives In The Great Season 2 – Every Theory

An important piece of context for Pugachev’s part in The Great season 2 and his survival is the matter of the historical figure that Pugachev is drawn from. While Peter survives the coup in The Great season 2, in reality, he died (or was murdered) about eight days after Catherine seized power from him. Around a decade after that, the real Pugachev used the dissatisfaction of the serfs to stir up the largest rebellion that Catherine the Great had to face during her reign.

Known as the Pugachev Rebellion, the movement gained momentum in part because Pugachev claimed to be Peter III. His assertion that he had secretly escaped Catherine’s imprisonment and had not actually died gave the rebellion a point to rally around, whether they believed it or not. While it is rumored that Pugachev bore a striking resemblance to Peter III, this is likely only an addition from later legend and, in truth, he was simply able to pass himself off as Peter because not many people outside of the royal inner circle knew what Peter had looked like in person. The choice to keep Pugachev alive at the end of The Great season 2 suggests that, now embittered with Catherine for having stabbed him, Pugachev might lead some version of the Pugachev Rebellion in The Great season 3.

Pugachev Was Part Of Peter’s Plan

Nicholas Hoult as Pugachev in The Great

The first, and potentially most likely, theory for how Pugachev survived the stabbing is that he knew he was part of Peter’s plan. Peter knows Catherine well and admires her ruthlessness. When, in The Great season 2 finale, Catherine appears to reconcile publicly with Peter and tells him she will meet him in his apartments after putting Paul to sleep, Peter likely suspected that she intended to try and kill him once away from the crowds and their child. Therefore, he arranged for Pugachev to be there with his back to the door as a test to see whether Catherine (Elle Fanning, Maleficent) would really kill him.

Pugachev has managed to survive as Peter’s double for a long time in part because he is smarter than he may appear. If he was told to stand with his back to the door after the tensions of The Great season 2, he would likely try to take some precautions against his own demise. For this reason, he may have been wearing some form of armor or a heavily padded coat. While the blade clearly pierces his skin and blood is drawn, they are not the great spurts of blood that are seen at some points in the show, so a heavily padded coat could have ensured that the attack resulted in only shallow wounds and was not fatal. The main issue with this theory is that Pugachev would only have been sure of survival if she stabbed him in the back. Attacks to other parts of his body, like his neck, or the use of a gun, could have still been fatal and he had no way to know how she might try to kill him.

Pugachev’s Survival Is A Joke

Great Season 2 Pugachev Peter Double

Early on in The Great season 2, Peter comments that Pugachev is the only good double and this is assumed to mean that he looks like him. However, he is also the only double that manages to survive the multiple attempts to kill him. It is possible that Pugachev’s survival of the stabbing is meant primarily as a joke in which Pugachev is a cartoonish character who is able to survive improbable things that would have allowed him to avoid the demise Peter’s other doubles faced. Ending the season with this absurdist joke might have been a good way to break the tension created by the situation between Peter and Catherine, set into motion when Peter accidentally killed Catherine’s overbearing mother, Joanna, played by Gillian Anderson, in The Great season 2, episode 8. The Great describes itself as “an occasionally true story,” but doesn’t let history get in the way of the story they want to tell. However, it has tended to stay in the realm of realism, so this departure purely for a joke might be a strange solution to the issue.

Pugachev Teases A Rasputin Figure For Season 3

The Great Season 2 Pugachev Nicholas Hoult

Whenever the idea of someone connected to the Russian aristocracy improbably escaping death is raised, the name Rasputin comes to mind. Rasputin was rumored to be extremely hard to kill having survived an assassination attempt where he was stabbed and came close to death but recovered, along with various myths about his eventual murder that suggest he was immune to poison and took several bullets to kill (autopsies from the time do not support this). Pugachev himself has no connections to Rasputin, and Rasputin did not come along until a century after Catherine the Great took power. However, The Great has moved several timelines around to have people alive at the same time when they shouldn’t be, and with this departure from history, they could easily use Pugachev’s apparent immortality to turn him into a Rasputin-esque figure for The Great season 3. Of course, if this was the show’s larger plan, then Archie (Adam Godley) might make more sense to take on that role as he already bears several similarities to the Rasputin myths of manipulation and sexual deviance, and his The Great season 2 arc seems to indicate an extreme change of personality is in store for him for season 3.