How Old Archie & Rose Are In Leave The World Behind (& How Their Actors Compare)

How Old Archie & Rose Are In Leave The World Behind (& How Their Actors Compare)

Archie and Rose are the children who have to inherit a world ravaged by the apocalypse in the Netflix sci-fi thriller Leave the World Behind, but exactly how old are these kids, and how old are the actors playing them? Leave the World Behind sees technology turning against the human race as cargo ships crash into shores, planes crash into oceans, and self-driving cars crash into each other. Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke star as Amanda and Clay, a couple riding out the end of the world with their teenage son and daughter.

Their kids, Archie and Rose, are played by Charlie Evans and Farrah Mackenzie, respectively, in the Leave the World Behind cast. These characters both have a fleshed-out arc throughout the movie – Archie deals with a strange illness that causes his teeth to fall out after being bitten by a bug, and Rose just wants to finish her Friends binge by watching the final episode – and the actors handled those arcs masterfully. But how old are the characters supposed to be, and how old were Evans and Mackenzie at the time of filming?

Archie Is 16 Years Old In Leave The World Behind

Charlie Evans Was 26 Years Old When Filming Leave The World Behind

How Old Archie & Rose Are In Leave The World Behind (& How Their Actors Compare)

Archie is the older child of the two, and in true big brother fashion, he often teases his younger sister Rose. Leave the World Behind was filmed on Long Island in April of 2022, with some additional shooting taking place in Katonah, New York, in May of the same year. When Archie’s father Clay is pleading with the survivalist, Danny, to spare some medicine to help Archie overcome his illness, he says that he’s 16 years old.

Evans is significantly older than his character is supposed to be. There isn’t a ton of information about Evans online, but his date of birth is listed as June 1, 1995, which means that he was 26 years old – and a couple of months away from turning 27 – when he shot Leave the World Behind. It’s a common practice in Hollywood to cast an adult as a teenager, because the labor laws are more lenient for adults than teenagers, allowing the actors to work longer hours.

Rose Is 13 Years Old In Leave The World Behind

Farrah Mackenzie Was 16 Years Old When Filming Leave The World Behind

Farrah Mackenzie as Rose Sandford in Leave the World Behind.

Mackenzie is a lot closer to her character’s age than Evans is, but she’s still older than Rose is supposed to be. Rose’s mother Amanda tells G.H.’s daughter Ruth that Rose recently turned 13. Mackenzie was born on October 29, 2005, so she was 16 years old during filming, three years older than Rose is said to be in Leave the World Behind.