How Miles Morales Becomes Marvel’s New Captain America

How Miles Morales Becomes Marvel’s New Captain America

Warning! Spoilers for What If…? Miles Morales #1 by Marvel Comics

In a brand new What If…? series from Marvel Comics, Miles Morales becomes the new Captain America in a world where Steve Rogers died. In the alternate universe, Miles never became Spider-Man but instead accidentally took the Super-Soldier Serum, transforming him into a different type of hero. Immediately, Morales proves to be worthy of the mantle of Captain America.

Earlier this year, Marvel revealed a new What If…? miniseries that will imagine Miles Morales taking on the role of different heroes across the Marvel Universe. Taking place across different alternate universes, the comic will show Morales becoming Wolverine (in a series written by John Ridley), the Hulk, and Thor. However, first up, readers are introduced to a version of Miles who became the Captain America of his universe – as his origin and life are drastically changed with elements from Spider-Man’s original backstory still intact.

In What If…? Miles Morales #1 by Cody Ziglar, Paco Medina, Walden Wong, Victor Olazaba, Sean Parsons, Chris Sotomayor, and Cory Petit, readers learn Miles Morales’ uncle Aaron stored the Super-Soldier Serum in his fridge in his effort to make himself a hero. However, Miles accidentally ingests the serum, giving him the strength and powers of Captain America. Morales would eventually become Marvel’s new Captain America – as the original was killed in action. Captain America and Falcon (Tiana Toomes) learn the Prowler is working alongside the Grey Skull to use the Cosmic Cube to power a transdimensional-fracker capable of traversing realities. Captain America and Falcon stop the Grey Skull after learning the thought-to-be-dead Uncle Aaron is the Prowler. Miles and Tiana manage to shut down the powerful device while being shown a glimpse of other versions of Morales from across different timelines. The comic ends with Uncle Aaron with a shard of the Cosmic Cube revealing he intends on opening the doors to the Multiverse.

How Miles Morales Becomes Marvel’s New Captain America

Miles Morales does an excellent job as Captain America, with the story retaining several plot points from his Spider-Man origin. For example, Uncle Aaron’s Prowler twist is still in place in the comic, Tiana is his partner (don’t call her a sidekick), and Ganke is a tech-expert, albeit initially working with Grey Skull.

Ultimately, seeing Miles Morales become Captain America and thrive in the role well makes for a great What… If? tale. While the original Miles will always be Spider-Man, in realities where he wasn’t bit by a spider, it’s cool to see he is still destined to become a hero. Readers can see Marvel’s new Captain America in action in What If…? Miles Morales #1, in comic book stores now.