How Marvel’s Avengers’ War For Wakanda DLC Moves The Story Forward

How Marvel’s Avengers’ War For Wakanda DLC Moves The Story Forward

Marvel’s Avengers: War for Wakanda is the most recent expansion to Square Enix’s co-op action game. The DLC, free to those who already own the base game, is the largest to date, adding a new playable character, new villains and environments, and more to the universe. War for Wakanda also continues Marvel’s Avengers‘ narrative, introducing a strong story centered on Black Panther that still ties into the game’s main conflict.

The story of Marvel’s Avengers kicks off with an event called A-Day. The superhero team unveils a new HQ and a Helicarrier, but a terrorist attack causes the Helicarrier’s experimental energy source to explode. The Avengers are blamed, and they’re forced to disband. Five years later, Inhuman Kamala Khan discovers A.I.M was actually behind the accident and framed the Avengers. A.I.M. is an organization focused on pushing science to the limits to make heroes unnecessary, and its dubious moral compass means it will do anything to accomplish that goal, even experimenting on unwilling humans. Now, the Avengers team must reform to defeat A.I.M. and clear their name.

War for Wakanda takes players to the African kingdom after the events of the main game. A.I.M. is still running rampant around the globe, the Avengers committed to hunting down its operatives. After A-Day, King T’Challa closed Wakanda’s borders to the rest of the world, but in War for Wakanda, Black Panther calls on the Avengers to help when Ulysses Klaue invades to harvest vibranium for nefarious purposes. Though the DLC’s basic description seems disconnected from Marvel’s Avengers and A.I.M.’s plot, War for Wakanda is actually a continuation of that story.

How War For Wakanda Connects To The Marvel’s Avengers Game’s Story

How Marvel’s Avengers’ War For Wakanda DLC Moves The Story Forward

While Klaue is the new primary antagonist in War for Wakanda, he is bankrolled by Marvel’s Avengers’ A.I.M. and, through that funding, created a number of mechanical arachnid minions, as well as more impressive enemies powered by vibranium and sonic technologies. Klaue invades Wakanda to harvest its vibranium, which causes a warped, poisonous version of the material to erupt around the planet. This is the event that brings in the Avengers to help T’Challa in his fight – a logical next step in their mission to eradicate A.I.M. and keep the world safe in the meantime.

Because Klaue is funded by A.I.M., it stands to reason his deadly technological advances are its property, something likely confirmed by A.I.M. ships using sonic weaponry throughout the game. The warped vibranium also adds a new level to the story, showing how an Avenger’s tools can be used for evil. Enemies wielding corrupted vibranium weapons can gain energy during combat, similar to Black Panther’s suit, and becoming Overcharged significantly reduces the damage they take. These new technologies could spell trouble for the heroes as they continue their quest beyond Marvel’s Avengers: War for Wakanda.