How Jesse’s Blindside Of Cody Revitalized The Survivor Fanbase

How Jesse’s Blindside Of Cody Revitalized The Survivor Fanbase

Most Survivor fans have been critical of season 43 as a whole, but Jesse Lopez’s betrayal of his closest ally Cody Assenmacher has reignited many fans’ love of the show. The move came at the Final Six vote, when Jesse orchestrated an incredibly savvy play to oust Cody from the game. Though the two had dominated the season together up to that point, Jesse was motivated by wanting to provide for his family, and realized that Cody was his biggest obstacle to winning the game (and the million-dollar prize).In one of the most memorable Survivor moments in years, Jesse exploited Cody’s trust in him to engineer the brutal blindside, which saw him use Cody’s own Hidden Immunity Idol (entrusted to him by Cody) to save Owen Knight. This forced Karla Cruz Godoy to play her own Idol for self-preservation. Cody, completely stunned by the move, was voted out of the game by his closest friend. The already-iconic moment was capped off by a tense standoff between the two, as Jesse offered to shake Cody’s hand while Cody was leaving the game. Cody only decided to do so after an emotionally-charged moment of consideration.Related: Why The Current Jurors Believe Cody Played The Best Game

Jesse Betraying Cody Has Energized Survivor Super Fans

The blindside has revitalized many fans’ passion for Survivor. Season 43 wasn’t particularly well-received by fans, many of whom struggled to connect with the season, and were not pleased with the season’s unexpected Mike Gabler win. The fact that viewers are struggling to maintain enthusiasm for the show has mostly been the result of many changes Survivor has made since season 41, as part of its new era, including a shorter game length and new editing styles.

However, Jesse’s betrayal of Cody was Survivor at its absolute best. It represented the confluence of some of Survivor‘s core components. The move was the ultimate representation of strategic maneuvering and character development, the tenets of Survivor that hooked many fans in the first place. The betrayal has energized the Survivor faithful, and has led to immense debate and analysis on social media, including Survivor fan communities. Viewers are pointing out the betrayal, calling it one of the most exciting and complex moments in Survivor history.

Cody’s Blindside Is The First Legendary Moment Of New Era Survivor

How Jesse’s Blindside Of Cody Revitalized The Survivor Fanbase

Jesse blindsiding Cody was momentous because it was one of the few truly memorable moments to emerge in the new Survivor era. Some fans may point to the vote-out of Shan Smith in Survivor 41, and Maryanne Oketch’s brilliant move to eliminate Omar Zaheer in Survivor 42, deeming them similarly impactful. However, it seems inarguable that the Cody-Jesse Tribal Council will be remembered as being among the most legendary moments in the show’s history. It won’t be a surprise to see the moment mentioned alongside other iconic Survivor events, like the blindside of Erik Reichenbach, Sue Hawk’s “Rats & Snakes” speech, or Kelley Wentworth’s Second Chance Idol play.

Overall, the Cody-Jesse Tribal Council proved that Survivor still has the potential to be one of the most riveting shows on television. Though the new era has struggled to find its footing, the format clearly continues to have value, even 22 years into its run. With Survivor 43 having recently concluded, season 44 can hopefully maintain the fresh enthusiasm that Cody and Jesse inspired in the Survivor fan base.