How I Met Your Mother: Which Character Should You Date, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

How I Met Your Mother: Which Character Should You Date, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

How I Met Your Mother is a classic CBS sitcom that operates, mostly, as an ensemble hangout comedy. However, based on the actual title of the series, there is an obvious strand of romance in the series, as well.

The series does center around Ted Mosby and his quest to find “the one,” also known as “the girl of his dreams.” Thanks to the signs of the Chinese Zodiac, though, dating is a lot easier than the ringer Ted is put through. Each character on HIMYM embodies some qualities of the signs of the Chinese Zodiac and, as such, makes them a perfect choice to date.

Rat: Barney

How I Met Your Mother: Which Character Should You Date, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

Barney is always quick on his feet and is a conniver and a schemer when he tries to hook up with women at MacLaren’s. However, this is mostly a front for the emotion and kindness beneath the surface.

Rats in the Zodiac embody these attributes the best. Rats are very well-known for their resourcefulness and, also, for their underlying sweetness, so it’s no surprise they’d date Barney.

Ox: Ranjit

himym ranjit talking to barney

Barney’s personal driver, Ranjit, is easily one of the most reliable characters in the history of television, let alone How I Met Your Mother.

As such, could he have been anyone except an Ox in the signs of the Chinese Zodiac? Strong animals with the utmost dependability, Oxen are well-regarded as some of the most loyal figures in the Chinese Zodiac. Any Ox would love seeing those qualities in Ranjit as a potential mate.

Tiger: Carl

Carl the Bartender in HIMYM

Speaking of dependability, Carl the bartender embodies that specific quality, as well. He is always behind the bar at MacLaren’s and is a steady, reliable figure in the lives of the main gang.

However, Tigers will be the ones with the best success dating him. They’ll love his confidence and his utmost versatility when it comes to operating a successful bar.

Rabbit: Stella

Ted gets his tattoo removed by Stella in How I Met Your Mother

Sarah Chalke’s Stella character is one that might have seemed like endgame for Ted, but was ultimately not the right match. However, it’s not because she’s necessarily an unlikable character.

Granted, she might have been a bit dull, but she was also exceedingly generous and a bit reserved. This makes her more of a perfect romantic match for Rabbits, a Chinese Zodiac that Ted definitely wasn’t.

Dragon: Ted

Josh Radnor

Instead, Ted is more aligned with the Dragon side of things when it comes to the Chinese Zodiac. Dragons would be attracted to him because of his unending confidence and enthusiasm when it comes to acts of love and faith.

Ted Mosby wears his heart on his sleeve more profoundly than anyone else on How I Met Your Mother. Dragons in the Chinese Zodiac absolutely adore it when someone acts exactly like the kind of person they are deep down and it means Ted is an ideal one for them to date.

Snake: Zoey

Zoey, another long-term girlfriend of Ted’s, was similarly unafraid to be exactly who she was. She stood up for her beliefs and always advocated for what was right.

However, Zoey also had trouble expressing herself from time to time and failed to make compromises when it counted. This unyielding nature would be better suited to Snakes in the Chinese Zodiac, who are wise, but also unpredictable. They’d make a perfect match while dating.

Horse: Marshall

Marshall in How I Met Your Mother

Marshall Eriksen is a great big goofball throughout How I Met Your Mother, so it should come as no surprise that he’d be a perfect one for Horses to date. They’re the only ones in the Chinese Zodiac who can match his energy!

Marshall is an extremely animated character with unabashed sensitivity and colorful playfulness. Horses will love how active Marshall is at every turn of his life and they’ll love that side of dating him.

Goat: Patrice

Patrice on HIMYM

Patrice gets more than a little unfair treatment throughout How I Met Your Mother, largely because “nobody asked” for her input. Yet, she takes this verbal abuse throughout because she’s a perfect match for Goats.

After all, Goats are known for being calm, gentle, and prone to rolling over in favor of those who assert their dominance over them. With Patrice, Goats would feel comfortable never being undermined.

Monkey: Lily

lily on how i met your mother

Of all the characters on How I Met Your Mother, Lily is absolutely the most intuitive. She understands her friends and the world around her better than anyone.

That’s why Monkeys will be the perfect dating match for Lily Aldrin. Monkeys are similarly sharp and in tune with the greater population of people. Curiosity, as well, is key for Monkeys and Lily is practically an embodiment of such an attribute, so Monkeys will be drawn to that romantically.

Rooster: Robin

Robin and Barney's last fight

It takes a lot of courage to uproot one’s entire life to an unfamiliar city (and country) without knowing what awaits. Yet, that’s exactly what Robin did, showcasing the bravery and tenacity that exists within her.

Because of these qualities, Roosters will love Robin and will want to date her so as to share in the traits that make them so well-defined. It’s a match made in heaven. Or Canada.

Dog: Tracy

Tracy on How I Met Your Mother

When Tracy entered the How I Met Your Mother fray, she was a perfect fit. Likewise, she would be a perfect fit for those born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dog.

The personality traits most associated with Dogs are their honesty, as well as their lovely lust for life. Tracy is always a vulnerable, open-hearted character and Dogs will enjoy dating her profusely.

Pig: James

Lastly, James, Barney’s half-brother, best exists as a dating match for the Pigs of the Chinese Zodiac. After all, his compassion (once he’s woken up to how he should embody it) is unparalleled.

Pigs will adore these qualities in James and will respect his determination to be the best person he can be. He’s called on his own misbehavior and Pigs will love that he was open to this sort of change.