How Forza Horizon 5 Fixes The Series’ Biggest Problems

How Forza Horizon 5 Fixes The Series’ Biggest Problems

With the launch of Forza Horizon 5 in the rearview mirror, it has become clear that the latest entry in the racing franchise has fixed some of the series’ biggest problems. Set in Mexico, Forza Horizon 5 turns players loose on an open world excursion, free to participate in a vast amount of activities and races. The game starts with a bang, having players drive down the face of an active volcano in a Ford Bronco after jumping out of an airplane. It’s a perfect adrenaline-inducing introduction for new and returning players alike.

In 2021, Forza Horizon 5 launched to critical acclaim, receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback from fans and media outlets around the globe. With over 10 million active players within the first week, it was clear that Playground Games had a winning title on their hands. Forza Horizon 5 was also the biggest launch ever for the publisher of the game, Xbox Game Studios.

While the past Forza Horizon games have been overall very enjoyable, a few key areas required upgrading. The developers at Playground Games recognized this when building the world of Forza Horizon 5, implementing innovative changes and quality of life improvements. Forza Horizon 5 fixes some of the series’ biggest problems.

Forza Horizon 5’s Mexico Inspired Map Is The Best In The Series

How Forza Horizon 5 Fixes The Series’ Biggest Problems

One of the biggest upgrades in Forza Horizon 5 comes with the map itself. The surrounding geographical and environmental features are gorgeous, and the map boasts a 50% increase in size when compared to the map in Forza Horizon 4. Drag strips now ride smoothly and have been given proper endings that transition into drivable roads, something Forza Horizon 4 was in desperate need of. In earlier entries, drag racing strips were so bumpy and choppy that it was often difficult to tell which player had the faster car. This problem has been fixed in Forza Horizon 5, allowing players to finally determine once and for all which car reigns supreme.

One of the most common complaints players had regarding the Britain-inspired map of Forza Horizon 4 was the dynamic weather system that seemed to only feature rain. Mud bogs and rain-slicked roads became an all too frequent annoyance for the player base, and the word “dynamic” came to be associated only with precipitation. The Mexico-inspired map of Forza Horizon 5 fixes this problem by introducing an actual dynamic weather system featuring ominous-looking dust storms as well as powerful tropical cyclones. There’s more than just rain in the forecast in Forza Horizon 5.

Customization And Visuals Are Greatly Improved In Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 Garage

Customization has always been an important aspect of the Forza Horizon series, and customization is even better in Forza Horizon 5. Players now have the ability to swap out even more individual parts and can even customize specific elements like engine sound. There are tons of new tire and transmission setups, even allowing players to install 10-speed transmissions in certain cars. It’s enough that it ensures almost every player will have plenty to do no matter how long before they beat Forza Horizon 5.

Additionally, the visuals and graphics in Forza Horizon 5 are outstanding. The use of lighting and reflections in the game can make the cars look hyper-real at times, blurring the line that separates fantasy from reality. It’s not a stretch to say that Forza Horizon 5 may very well be the best-looking racing game ever made.

Playground Games fixed the Forza Horizon series’ biggest problems by listening to the fans and were subsequently rewarded with an extremely successful launch. The map changes, visual upgrades, and customization improvements make Forza Horizon 5 one of the best and most engaging racing games to date. It will be very exciting to see what else is implemented in the Forza Horizon series as Playground Games has made it clear that it is constantly looking to evolve the franchise.