How Din Djarin Visiting Grogu Sets Up His Darksaber Journey

How Din Djarin Visiting Grogu Sets Up His Darksaber Journey

Spoilers for The Book of Boba Fett episodes 1-5. 

The Book of Boba Fett episode 5 closes with Din Djarin intending on visiting his adoptive son and member of his clan, Grogu, and this might set up his Darksaber journey. At the end of The Mandalorian season 2, Grogu goes off with Luke Skywalker to be trained in the ways of the Jedi. Din Djarin himself now seems to have more in common with the Jedi than initially thought, now being the rightful owner of the Darksaber, originally a Jedi weapon. 

The season 2 finale of The Mandalorian saw Din Djarin beat Moff Gideon in combat, winning from him the Darksaber and becoming its rightful owner. The Mandalorian who created the Darksaber was Tarre Viszla, both a Mandalorian and a Jedi, as well as the ancient ancestor of Paz Viszla, the one surviving member of Din Djarin’s original sect. Now, with Din’s journey taking him to visit Grogu, who is in the care of a Jedi master, Din Djarin’s journey with the Darksaber is starting to move at a rapid pace. 

Din Djarin’s use of the Darksaber in episode 5 was less than graceful, inflicting a wound on his own leg, and struggling to duel with both the armorer and Paz Viszla. While the armorer gives Din a brief breakdown of how and why the Darksaber gets heavier in combat, as Star Wars has previously shown, there is perhaps only one way to efficiently train yourself in lightsaber combat. While visiting Grogu is Din’s immediate goal, this ultimately bears a greater significance. Being in the presence of Luke Skywalker—nearing the peak of his abilities, no less—presents the opportunity for Din Djarin to learn the ways of lightsaber combat from an actual Master, and there is actually precedence for this. 

How Din Djarin Visiting Grogu Sets Up His Darksaber Journey

In Star Wars: Rebels, the Mandalorian Sabine Wren is trained in the ways of lightsaber combat by Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, and this was an integral part of her training. In fact, it was Sabine Wren who gave the Darksaber to Bo-Katan, which is why Bo-Katan doesn’t have a right to wield the Darksaber. While almost anyone can train with a weapon, Din Djarin is in dire need of calming his thoughts and his mind, allowing him to better connect with the blade itself—or more specifically, the energy of its crystal. While he can train extensively with the weapon, ensuring his mind is at peace is something that he may also have to borrow from the Jedi religion, and can be passed onto him by Luke Skywalker. This would also be the perfect opportunity for the live-action Disney+ shows to mirror the events of the animated series.

Given the show has made a strong point out of why the Mandalorian can’t give Bo-Katan the Darksaber, Din Djarin has the opportunity to avoid the detrimental results it yielded the last time. Clearly suffering mentally from the events of the first two seasons of The Mandalorian—including an internal struggle over what it means to be a Mandalorian—spending time with a Jedi Master is Din’s perfect opportunity to finally clear his mind. Fortunately for Din, this will equally allow him to create a much stronger connection with the Darksaber, making it lighter for him to use, and easier for him to train with. It’s looking more and more like the Jedi might be more centric to Din’s story than initially thought. 

So far, Din has proven to the audience that despite not wanting it, he is firmly in the position to be the rightful Mand’alor, and deserves the Darksaber over Bo-Katan. The opportunity to train with a Jedi Master would be too great to pass up, and now understanding the importance of the blade, he has equally proven that he is willing to fight for the right to wield it. With plenty of training to go, The Book of Boba Fett has perfectly set up Din Djarin’s visit to Grogu to continue his Darksaber journey. 

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