How Clubhouse Invites Work & The Waitlist Explained

How Clubhouse Invites Work & The Waitlist Explained

Clubhouse currently operates an invite system making it hard for new users to join the service and listen in on the conversations. While there is also the option of joining a waitlist, this is not a guaranteed way to speed up joining Clubhouse. Here’s an overview of how the invite system and the waitlist both work.

The audio-only app launched in 2020. Since then, the ability to actually access the service has remained greatly limited. For example, the app is currently unavailable to download on Android, greatly reducing the number of devices it can be installed on. However, regardless of whether a device is supported or not, there remains the more general invite problem.

Clubhouse’s invite system is pretty simple. Those wanting to join Clubhouse need to be invited by an existing user. Although even that is not as simple as it sounds. To begin with, current Clubhouse users don’t have an unlimited amount of invites to share. Instead, they are allocated invites routinely, based on their contribution to the community. So those who are the most active will likely get the most invites. Needless to say, knowing someone who is not very active is unlikely to be a great option for securing an invite.

There Is Also A Clubhouse Waitlist

How Clubhouse Invites Work & The Waitlist Explained

Besides waiting for someone you know to join Clubhouse, there is also a waitlist available. Joining the waitlist is pretty simple with the option available in the iOS app. One of the additional benefits of joining the waitlist now is that it also allows the user to reserve their username in advance. However, even this is also not a surefire way to get in. Unlike a typical waitlist where a spot opens up and the person next in line is invited, Clubhouse once again relies on its existing users. Essentially, after joining the waitlist, the person then has to wait for an existing user to approve and let them in. Clubhouse does occasionally notify users of those on the waitlist and also allows them to approve the new user without using up any of their invites. Of course, as this is not a typical waitlist process, how long it takes to get approved by an existing Clubhouse user can vary greatly.

Neither the invite system nor the waitlist are permanent features. Clubhouse has already made it clear that it plans to open up the service to more users in the future. However, when that is going to happen remains unknown. In the meantime, anyone wanting to join Clubhouse are left to rely on an invite from an existing user or joining the waitlist in the hope an existing user will approve entry to this exclusive club.