How Bridgerton Will Change Charlotte And George’s Real-Life Romance

How Bridgerton Will Change Charlotte And George’s Real-Life Romance

In the upcoming Bridgerton prequel, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, the miniseries will uncover the romance between Queen Charlotte and King George, and the on-screen depiction is sure to be very different from the real-life story of their marriage. Bridgerton is a period romance series that follows the ups and downs of courting during the Regency Period in England. In real history and the series, Queen Charlotte and King George are the monarchs of the country, though their portrayals in Bridgerton vary in several aspects from reality.

As is true for the previous two seasons of Bridgerton, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is likely going to be filled with heart-fluttering romance and a fair share of steamy scenes. However, where the majority of Bridgerton’s characters are fictional, Queen Charlotte and King George were real people with legitimate romance and marriage. It would make sense for the series to change certain details to create a more romantic atmosphere. However, in order to make the series’ compelling, some historical aspects of Queen Charlotte’s and George’s romance will need to be altered.

Bridgerton’s Prequel Gives More Time To Charlotte And George’s Romance

How Bridgerton Will Change Charlotte And George’s Real-Life Romance

The first major change that Charlotte and George will see in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is that more time will be given to developing their romance. In history, Bridgerton’s Charlotte and George had never met or courted before their marriage. As king, George needed a wife and Charlotte seemed a good option because of her origins in a very small part of Germany. When the arrangement for them to marry was officially formed, George traveled to Germany with a marriage contract which was promptly signed, and the couple returned to England. The same night they arrived in London, they had their wedding ceremony among family and a few guests.

It seems highly unlikely that Bridgerton will follow this line of events exactly. In fact, according to the trailer it seems as though Charlotte and George will have a real period of courtship. Although it’s unclear whether the pair truly like each other or are bound to each other by their titles and societal expectations. Either way, Bridgerton’s Queen Charlotte prequel will give the couple much more of a chance to get to know each other – and actually fall in love – before their marriage.

Key Players In Charlotte and George’s Romance Will Appear In Bridgerton’s Prequel

Closeups of young King George and Queen Charlotte in the Queen Charlotte prequel series for Bridgerton

It is custom for a royal romance to rely on many more figures than just the couple at hand, and this will continue to be true for Charlotte and George in the Bridgerton prequel. When the real King George set out toward Germany, he brought a crew of people with him, including the Earl Simon Harcourt, a British diplomat and governor to George. On the other side of the marriage, Charlotte was mostly represented by her brother Duke Adolphus Frederick IV. Both of these parties signed the marriage contract between Charlotte and George and escorted their respective individuals throughout the marriage journey.

Of the many characters in Bridgerton’s Queen Charlotte spinoff, Harcourt and Adolphus will both be included to once again play their pivotal roles in the marriage. So far, there hasn’t been much information on the significance of these characters in the series, but when it comes to the history of the marriage, both men are crucial. It will certainly be interesting to see the inner workings of the marriage as well through these characters’ thoughts and opinions on the union. By including Harcourt and Adolphus, the series will definitely have some aspects of the real Charlotte and George story.

Charlotte and George’s Romance Will Remain in Bridgerton, England

bridgerton queen charlotte story

A significant portion of Charlotte and George’s romance occurred at sea between England and Germany, however Bridgerton will likely avoid this storyline – and for good reason. When Bridgerton’s King George and his escorts sailed to Germany, the trip was uneventful, however, the travelers hit three powerful storms on the way back and were delayed in reaching England. Though this scenario could be an interesting romantic storyline, as the couple is forced together on a heaving ship, it makes sense to avoid this plot point. Bridgerton often uses gossip and societal expectations as obstacles for its characters, and the journey from Germany to England would be a rather isolated, and arguably boring, event.

A benefit of Bridgerton is that it merges fiction and history to create stories that are not only important but also fun and addictive. Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story may not be exactly like the real-life romance between the king and queen, but it will certainly have elements of both their history and fictionalized romance and steam. In this way, the prequel will be its own version of events that will engage audiences and give the real and Bridgerton‘s Queen Charlotte the appreciation she deserves.