Horizon: Zero Dawn Breaks Sony PlayStation Rules

Horizon: Zero Dawn Breaks Sony PlayStation Rules

Horizon Zero Dawn was a smash-hit when it released in 2017, quickly gaining accolades and showing that Guerrilla Games could do much more than Killzone.

It remains one of the most successful PlayStation exclusives of the generation, and that success is about to go even further. Horizon Zero Dawn is officially heading to PC, a big move for any console exclusive game.

Although Horizon Zero Dawn is years old, porting it to PC is a big move for Sony and one that could be indicative of the company’s attitude going forward. It doesn’t mean every PlayStation exclusive will come to PC, but it’s a big step regardless.

Horizon Zero Dawn Coming to PC Is Big

Horizon: Zero Dawn Breaks Sony PlayStation Rules

Horizon Zero Dawn is a first-party studio game, which is why its PC port is such a surprise, even with the rumors of it happening. This is different from something like Death Stranding, which is developed by the independent Kojima Productions, who owns the IP but received help and funding from Sony.

Unlike Microsoft, Sony has closely stuck to console development and a PlayStation exclusive means its a PlayStation exclusive. With the PC port, more players than ever will get to experience Horizon Zero Dawn, which is nothing but good. It’s one of the most unique games of the last generation and letting more players experience that is a wise step for Sony and one that leads to more profits, of course. It also potentially opens up the game to modding and user content, which can keep Horizon relevant for even longer.

Horizon is basically the first big PlayStation exclusive to ever make its way to PC, although there was a little bit of a workaround that would let you play PS games through PS Now. The fact that it’s unprecedented is what makes it such a big step, as it could potentially pave the way for more. Sony has already said they don’t currently have plans to bring other exclusives to PC, but the fact remains that Horizon has opened the door.

Horizon Zero Dawn Could Mark a Change For Sony

Horizon Zero Dawn

The most interesting aspect of Horizon coming to PC is how it could represent a changing mindset for Sony. Traditionally Sony has staunchly stuck to their own brand, even declining to integrate cross-play for quite a while.

Horizon Zero Dawn is only one game, but it could show Sony is starting to become more willing to go outside the comfort zone. As Nintendo and Microsoft have started working together more, Sony has separated on their own. From here, Sony may be more willing to bring games to PC or work with other publishers, developers, and console manufacturers.

Chief among Sony’s properties is Dreams, which could work wonders on PC. Fans have already made some incredible creations, and opening up that system to PC users would make for boundless opportunities. Even if there’s only a handful of other games that come to PC, it’ll draw more attention to the PlayStation brand. More than anything, though, more people getting to play more things is great.