Hogwarts Legacy Preview: Mischief Managed In The Wizarding World

Hogwarts Legacy Preview: Mischief Managed In The Wizarding World

Hogwarts Legacy has been years in the making, but this February, fans will finally be able to walk the halls of the famous wizarding school. Set in the 1800s, players can experience Hogwarts like never before. It’s up to the player the route they take in the game and the legacy they leave behind, whether that’s following in the footsteps of Harry and his friends, or instead choosing to master the dark arts.

Watch Screen Rant‘s Hogwarts Legacy preview gameplay in the video above and get a fresh look at some of the beautiful world, characters, and more, coming on February 10.

Screen Rant was given ninety minutes of a fully immersive, hands-on preview experience of Hogwarts Legacy, revealing character creation, the opening cutscene, learning spells, battling wizards and goblins, and touring Hogwarts from both the air and the ground. The open-world RPG is separate to Harry Potter, but Hogwarts Legacy adapts its canon, giving a new glimpse into the magical Wizarding World.

The Story Of Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Preview: Mischief Managed In The Wizarding World

The beginning cutscene of Hogwarts Legacy shows the player’s fifth-year character going off to Hogwarts with a professor when something unexpected happens, throwing the two into exploration of a stunning landscape instead.

After this, the preview moved forward in the game to the arrival at Hogwarts, where players can explore the grounds and the inside of the castle, as well as train as a part of the dueling club. From there, segments of Hogwarts Legacy were revealed, such as wizard and goblin fights, as well as what happens when the player encounters poachers. But many of the plot points of the game were kept secret, so players can experience it for the first time at launch.

Hogwarts Legacy Character Customization: The Possibilities Seem Endless

one male presenting and one female presenting custom wizards made in Hogwarts Legacy.

One of the most impressive things about Hogwarts Legacy is that keeps the player busy and feeling like they’re attending Hogwarts themselves. The game kicks off with character customization, which could take hours in itself if desired. There are many presets to choose from, but it goes so much deeper than that. Skin tone, hair color, and facial features can all be adjusted, as well as being able to add accessories.

As the game goes on, even more customization options are unlocked. Cloaks, hats, and gloves not only provide a character with a fresh new look, but some are also linked to the talents players have chosen to explore.

How Easy Is Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay?

Hogwarts Legacy's protagonist standing off against a dragon in the Forbidden Forest.

As with any game, the controls take a little bit of getting used to, but the creators behind Hogwarts Legacy have done everything they can to make them easy to learn. Both this and a previous Hogwarts Legacy gameplay preview showed off how the controls flow naturally. The first fight or two might feel a bit rushed, and players could fumble with pressing the right buttons to cast the spell they are looking for, but in no time at all, it should become second nature to them, as long as they remember to drink healing potions when needed in battle.

Traversal in Hogwarts Legacy is enjoyably varied. Characters can walk at different paces, allowing players to take it all in through a leisurely stroll, or quickly run to their next mission. Of course, players can also just fly their broom (which also offers different speeds) to where they want to be.

Touring Hogwarts: From the Ground & the Air

Two students in Hogwarts Legacy riding on the backs of Hippogriffs.

One of the most exciting parts of the game is exploring Harry Potter’s iconic locations in Hogwarts Legacy. Remember, Hogwarts is sentient. It is living. So while it may not look exactly like the movies, it certainly has the same feel. The creators also explained that if there was ever a debate about using the books or the films for influence, they often went with the books as the written description allowed for more leeway in their creativity.

Throughout Hogwarts Legacy, there are unlimited things to do. Players can talk to students, participate in mini-games, unlock puzzles, collect items, visit their common rooms, attend class, and even explore the Room of Requirement, making it their home “base”. With all the minute details to make the castle feel alive, it would be easy to spend hours just exploring the world of Hogwarts Legacy. Even the NPCs add extra realism, including ancestors of both Sirius Black and the Weasley family in Hogwarts Legacy, filling the world in, as well as offering players interactions they won’t soon forget.

Learning & Using Spells In Hogwarts Legacy

A wizard in the Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy game casting a protection spell in the castle grounds

Attending classes at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a necessary part of the gameplay. These offer tentpole events, help form relationships with the players’ teachers, and the opportunity to learn new spells. The longer the game goes on, the more spells there are to learn, with the Revelio Charm being one that will likely be used most often. It reveals objects that the player can interact with, such as chests or puzzles they will need to complete.

This is also how the fast travel element of the game, Floos, are discovered and unlocked. In the gameplay of Hogwarts Legacy, the DualSense even acts like wands would, with the player following a path with their right and left sticks, while pressing the indicated button as they pass it to learn new spells. There is a large selection of spells, which can be added to a spell menu for quick use during battle.

Whether Hogwarts Legacy students prefer to become invisible and attack stealthily or go in wands blazing, the variety of options lets the player customize their gameplay according to their style and personal preference. In order to get used to the offered spells, players can also join the dueling club where they can battle against other students or choose to fight a training dummy. There are also objects around the environment that can be flung at an opponent with the touch of a button. Alternatively, they can go a more malevolent route and choose to fight and kill dark wizards instead (for a price). The choice is up to the player.

Promising a touch of magic to delight any Harry Potter fan, Hogwarts Legacy can be preordered now and will arrive for players on February 10th. Those who pre-order on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC will have access to the game 72 hours earlier.

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