Hogwarts Legacy: 10 Best Talents To Make You Powerful, Ranked

Hogwarts Legacy: 10 Best Talents To Make You Powerful, Ranked

Although the fifth-year protagonist is surprisingly adept at magic, they’ll still need to make use of Hogwarts Legacy‘s best talents in order to survive against the many enemies they encounter. However, with five different skill trees and 48 different talents, it can be overwhelming trying to decipher which are most useful. Of course, the relevance of each individual talent is heavily dependent on playstyle, so there’s no one build that’s the best choice for everyone. Across the board, however, witches and wizards can’t go wrong by unlocking the 10 most powerful talents in Hogwarts Legacy.

It’s important to note that talent points in Hogwarts Legacy are nonrefundable. Perk trees can’t be reset, and students are only able to earn 38 points in total, meaning they can’t unlock every talent. In this way, Hogwarts Legacy could learn from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and other RPGs to improve gameplay quality. Performing a manual save before purchasing a certain perk, however, is an effective way to work around these limitations, and reverting to the save file will smooth over any disappointment. Fortunately, with the best talents in Hogwarts Legacy, such a process will hardly be necessary.

Hogwarts Legacy: 10 Best Talents To Make You Powerful, Ranked


Hogwarts Legacy On Switch Is 100% A Game For Muggles

After multiple delays, Hogwarts Legacy has finally been released on the Switch. Though highly anticipated, it fails to deliver in a few key ways.

10 Human Demiguise Improves Hogwarts Legacy Stealth

Allows Sprint While Using Disillusionment

A Hogwarts Legacy student in stealth and using the Petrificus Totalus spell on an enemy in front of them.

Even for students with more aggressive playstyles, it’s sometimes better to use stealth in Hogwarts Legacy and avoid combat at inopportune moments. Unlocking the Human Demiguise talent will make them a more effective assassin overall by granting them the ability to sprint while using Disillusionment. As a level 5 upgrade on the Stealth talent tree, this one can be unlocked fairly early on to get a quick start on mastering the technique.

Not only will Human Demiguise make sneaking less time-consuming, creating a more enjoyable experience, but the increase in speed also opens up more opportunities to take advantage of Petrificus Totalus. It’s nice to have interesting options for stealth, and it’s worth taking Human Demiguise out for a spin just to see all of the possibilities in play.

9 Wiggenweld Potency Helps Hogwarts Students Heal

Wiggenweld Potions Get A Boost

Although it’s basic, Wiggenweld is one of Hogwarts Legacy‘s best potions for combat, and the Wiggenweld Potency talent makes its restorative properties significantly more effective. Players can upgrade this perk up to two times on levels 5 and 16 of the Core talent tree – in which both levels provide the same boost – but only one upgrade is required to feel an impact that makes the expenditure of the perk worthwhile.

It could be argued that this talent isn’t absolutely essential, since it’s only useful in situations wherein mistakes have been made. But realistically, every student will take damage at some point, which inherently makes Wiggenweld Potency one of Hogwarts Legacy‘s best talents. This could also save money in the long run, cutting down on the overall expenditure of Wiggenweld, which costs 100 gold apiece.

8 Incendio Mastery Sets Enemies Ablaze

Incendio Becomes A Ring Of Fire

Hogwarts Legacy Combat Against Multiple Enemies Using a Variety of Different Spells to Create Firey Explosion

Setting enemies on fire makes Incendio one of the most satisfying spells in Hogwarts Legacy, but it suffers from extremely limited range. Luckily, Incendio Mastery solves this problem by replacing the short, unimpressive spurt of flames with a full-blown ring of fire that surrounds the protagonist. It’s much easier to master combat in Hogwarts Legacy when using this perk, as its area-of-effect damage is helpful against large, swarming groups of enemies (especially Inferi, who are susceptible to fire damage). Incendio Mastery can be unlocked at level 5 in the Spells talent tree.

7 Swift Makes Dodging In Hogwarts Legacy Easier

Quick Teleportation Is Great In Battle

A Hogwarts Legacy protagonist reaches out to Professor Fig as Pensieve Guardians wreak havoc.

Swift is one of the best Hogwarts Legacy talents, allowing students to teleport a short distance at any time by holding down the dodge button. Although it may not be as life-or-death as it is in Soulslike titles, going invisible for even a split second and gaining i-frames (or invincibility frames) can easily turn the tides of battle in the wizarding world as well. Regardless of the situation, students will always benefit from having this trick up their sleeve. Swift can be unlocked at level 5 in the Core talent tree, and it’s best to get it sooner rather than later to open up the proper mechanics of combat.

6 Fertilizer Doubles Cabbage Damage

Clones Chinese Chomping Cabbages

Hogwarts Legacy combat plants book entries mandrake tentacula chinese chomping cabbage

Although it doesn’t sound overly impressive on paper, Fertilizer is one of the game’s most powerful talents, and it’s crucial to Hogwarts Legacy‘s most overpowered attack. With this perk, every time a player uses a Chinese Chomping Cabbage in combat, the plant will automatically clone itself. This might seem like a very Hufflepuff (or Neville Longbottom) way to tackle a problem, but students from any house can actually get a lot of mileage out of this.

These cabbages are surprisingly lethal in numbers, being able to take down enemies as tough as trolls with relative ease. Every student should strive to use them as much as possible, especially with the Fertilizer perk and the Herbology III trait that ratchets up the damage that plants deal. It can be unlocked at level 5 of the Room of Requirement talent tree in Hogwarts Legacy.

5 Spell Knowledge Is A Core Hogwarts Legacy Talent

More Slots For Spells

Throughout the course of the game, students can amass up to 27 different spells (or 24, if they’re avoiding the three Unforgivable Curses). But with only four slots on each spell set, it can grow overwhelming to constantly swap out certain spells for others, especially during combat. Luckily, there’s a direct way to counter this mounting problem with Spell Knowledge, which is easily one of the best talents in Hogwarts Legacy.

Students can unlock up to three separate sets in which they can place Hogwarts Legacy‘s best spells; in fact, it’s recommended to do so. Having access to more slots overall ultimately requires significantly less time that would be spent configuring loadouts, making for a more seamless and immersive experience and saving a lot of hassle. Spell Knowledge is available twice at level 5 and once at level 16 of the Spells talent tree.

Hogwarts Legacy Students Making a Potion in a Cauldron


Hogwarts Legacy On Switch Is Missing The Most Obvious Feature

Hogwarts Legacy is finally available on the Nintendo Switch, but this port doesn’t use a feature that could’ve made it feel truly magical.

4 Transformation Mastery Makes Combat Explosive

Enemies Get Transformed Into Explosive Objects

Hogwarts Legacy's Professor Hecat casting a spell on a levitating student.

Transformation Mastery is not only one of the flashiest ways to kill enemies but it’s also hands-down one of Hogwarts Legacy‘s best talents for late game. Whereas the standard Transformation spell will turn enemies into random objects, this perk makes them become explosive objects in particular (which will also damage surrounding enemies in a giant blast). If not for the pure chaos, it’s worth unlocking this perk for the ability to quickly wipe out hordes of tight-knit enemies. Transformation Mastery is available at level 22 of the Spells talent tree, so it’s best to get handy with regular old Transformation before then.

3 Avada Kedavra Mastery Is A Dark Talent In Hogwarts Legacy

Avada Kedavra Targets More Enemies

While some students are adamant about sticking to light magic, those who choose the dark wizard path in Hogwarts Legacy will greatly benefit from using the Avada Kedavra Mastery talent. With this skill in their arsenal, the killing curse will not affect just a single target, but also every other target who has been cursed in combat. Being able to one-shot most enemies is already quite powerful, but being able to simultaneously take out several is invaluable to any dark witch or wizard. Avada Kedavra Mastery can be unlocked at level 22 in the Dark Arts talent tree, serving as a major capstone to a dark path.

2 Protego Mastery Turns Defense Into Offense

Protego Can Unleash Projectiles

Hogwarts Legacy Protego Spell Against Boss with Possibility of Perfect Protego Parry on Right Timing for Stupefy Follow-Up

A contender for best Hogwarts Legacy talent is Protego Mastery, which gives players the opportunity to deal damage while protecting themselves. Timing a perfect cast of Protego with this talent will unleash a couple of projectiles that seek enemies and deal damage on impact, even breaking their barriers along the way – making for some of the best spell combos in Hogwarts Legacy.

With how often the protagonist uses this defensive spell throughout the game, it would be unwise not to unlock Protego Mastery and gain access to this additional output of damage. This also helps make up for the semi-frequent situations where enemy attacks aren’t blockable and go down smoother, as Protego feels significantly more useful in general. This talent is available at level 22 of the Core tree.

1 Stupefy Expertise Is The Best Hogwarts Legacy Talent

Stupify Deals Damage Along With A Stun

Hogwarts Legacy Player Tanking Poacher Spell With Edurus Potion

The best Hogwarts Legacy talent is Stupefy Expertise. Similar to Protego Mastery, this perk imbues players with a massive buff as they use Stupefy, only this time without the pressure of timing a perfect Protego. Every Stupefy cast will not only stun targets but also deliver a powerful burst of damage to them. This brings it closer to its appearance in the films, where it seems to gain an extra dose of knockback power for a cinematic show.

Especially when combined with Protego Mastery and Stupefy Mastery, which extends the time enemies are stunned, this ability can turn even some of the most difficult battles into a walk in the park. As the game’s most useful talent, Stupefy Expertise is an essential perk for the Hogwarts Legacy‘s best talent builds, and every witch and wizard should capitalize on the advantage it provides. It can be unlocked at level 22 of the Core talent tree, and no one should hesitate to pull the trigger on this fantastic talent in Hogwarts Legacy.

  • Hogwarts Legacy Game Poster

    Hogwarts Legacy
    Harry Potter

    Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows, Steam


    Avalanche Software

    Warner Bros. Games

    Adventure, Action RPG, Open-World


    Xbox One

    Release Date :
    February 2023

