Hitman: The Best Gear For Easy Kills

Hitman: The Best Gear For Easy Kills

Completing missions undetected is the preferred metric for a Silent Assassin rating in the Hitman universe. Regardless of the method chosen, veterans of the franchise pride themselves on maintaining that perfect 5-star rating, but stealthy doesn’t always mean fast or easy. Planning missions down to the last detail takes a lot of time, patience, and concerted effort to pull off and the slightest miscalculation can result in the player’s overall performance tipping completely sideways. In some cases, eliminating a target quickly is better than a hilariously elaborate scheme or a perfect score, and here’s how to do it.

The World of Assassination trilogy, or the first two at least, features a wide plethora of weapons, items, equipment, and gear with which players can diversify their approach and keep conditions unpredictable. Strangulation, Agent 47’s ideal mode of killing, is only one of many options that can complete the job, and it’s hardly the most efficient tactic either. MOs that involve remote detonation, poison, blades, and silencers are certainly more economical ways of dealing with a target. Getting close to an enemy unnoticed is the first step toward a perfect assassination, which means weapons that can’t be hidden are instantly out of the question.

Since easy doesn’t always mean silent either, players won’t be able to hide any bodies trying to be more resourceful. The idea is to carry out executions in the easiest and quickest ways possible and be able to disappear into the crowd immediately after. If you have to leave the body in plain sight to prioritize a fast and sneaky exit, then do so. You never know, the payoff may be infinitely more enjoyable.

Remote Explosives in Hitman

Hitman: The Best Gear For Easy Kills

Anything that can be remotely detonated can be used to covertly assassinate a target while safely keeping your distance. These include remote explosives, car bombs, phones, and rubber ducks, as well as environmental hazards that could be triggered with a bullet: things like propane tanks, gunpowder bags, explosive compounds, cars, and leaks from punctured oil drums, gas pumps, and motorcycles. Devices and on-site equipment that can electrocute targets work just as well. Sinking the ground in fire and brimstone isn’t the only good way to create fireworks.

Remote devices allow players to execute kills from afar and for the most part, avoid getting caught mid-act. It’s an appropriate weapon for any consummate silent assassin. It’s loud, but if done correctly, won’t blow your cover. To refrain from carrying out any unnecessary, accidental executions that can detract from a good score, however, consider drawing a target away from the crowd first by either causing a distraction — tossing a coin or a spaghetti can in the opposite direction, for instance — or flicking the remote explosive away, to attract interest. Once they’re safely apart, you’re golden. Easy kill. No convoluted strategies are necessary. Just get close enough, cause a distraction, and boom, you’re home free. The best gear for this type of approach is hands down the infamous Pale Duck, which will interest anyone enough to catch their attention, can be surreptitiously thrown and picked up (by curious targets) without guards noticing anything amiss, and detonated without once arousing suspicion. Agent 47 wields a devastating arsenal of weapons, but nothing else is as destructive and innocent as the Pale Duck in its design and killing capabilities.

Proximity and tripwire mines fulfill similar functions but make sure to account for instant detonation before setting the trap. Proximity explosives are called such because they don’t require a remote to go off; they explode as soon as anyone walks by. Since proximity gear doesn’t make a distinction between target and non-target, try to keep non-targets (including 47) away to avoid unnecessary casualties. The same goes for nearby explosives; detonating an explosive next to several cars can cause all to implode one after the other and kill more people. Various bombs and homemade grenades that go off right away are a no-go as well since successfully vanishing into a crowd becomes impossible when bystanders and targets are able to see you coming. Be quick, but not sloppy.

Lethal Poison in Hitman

Hitman Gun Splash Screen

Poison (in all its forms) has long been a staple of the Hitman franchise. Given its focused targeting system and minute chances of error, it may very well be the most efficient weapon in 47’s extensive armory. Poison comes in 3 types: emetic, sedative, and lethal. Emetic causes targets to feel sick and move to an isolated space to puke; sedative causes enemies to fall asleep. Lethal, of course, is what you need for assassination missions.

Lethal poison can generally be administered in 3 ways: injected into a target or an IV drip via syringe, mixed into food and drinks from a vial, or crumbled into meals from pills. Items are usually either one-time use or reusable on multiple targets. Most in-game poison simply says “poison”; others specify what kind, for instance, rat poison or improperly made Fugu (pufferfish). The World of Assassination trilogy introduced more novel ways of poisoning enemies, including but not limited to: herbs and recreational drugs, dangerous medication (as in Botulinum toxin), frogs and flowers, virus prototypes, and certain poisoned daggers.

Mission stories aside, lethal poison is by far the stealthiest approach to eliminating an enemy. Players can very quickly stake out a target, anticipate where he’s going, and set the trap in advance without necessarily having to wait too long for results. Most food and drink stalls (including cigarettes and bongs) offer an option for poisoning and every single kill automatically counts as accidental. The only way you could ever be seen is while administering the poison — so make sure relevant bystanders are sufficiently distracted before you poison the well, so to speak. Using poison this way ensures players don’t necessarily have to wait for targets to come (and personally watch them die) to know a mission has been successful. You could set the trap way in advance yet already be on your way out by the time a target is eliminated. Be careful though: you may be targeting someone else besides the enemy. Make sure you’re prepping poison for the right person, not some poor sap in the wrong place at the wrong time, that just happens to taste the free sushi. Some stalls only attract one target, some multiple. Observe carefully.

The lethal syringe is the handiest poison of all, especially in situations where cornering a target — or keeping them distracted long enough to make a kill — is impossible. Enemies like the Maelstrom or patrolling guards will be walking around indefinitely; crowded areas will be swarming with bystanders. Injecting the lethal syringe is both quick and sneaky.

Blades vs Guns in Hitman

Hitman Gameplay Hiding Game

Knives and firearms are equally efficient, but also equally problematic, mostly when trying to exact easy kills without being noticed. Blades can be thrown or carved into an enemy from behind, but leave blood pools for other people to find. Guns are useful for emergency situations where more efficient methods have failed and players need a quick workaround; they have an unbelievable range and guarantee swift deaths in the case of headshots. On the other hand, misdirected gunfire will not kill a target right away, giving enemies a chance to either fight back or call for help, and are generally useless without a silencer. Not all firearms are equipped accordingly; most that are picked up on the job is loud and sloppy. Some blades and guns also can’t be hidden.

Both methods can be executed from a distance and are great for emergency screwups. They’re also quiet and quick, especially when used on a target — even multiple targets — from a blind spot. Pick your poison.

Hitman is a sandbox of possibilities, and Agent 47 is nothing if not resilient. It’s best to have as many options as you can by picking up as many items as possible. You never know what the situation might call for.

Hitman 3, the final entry in the World of Assassination trilogy, comes out on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 2021.