Hitman 3: How to Sabotage Surveillance Tapes

Hitman 3: How to Sabotage Surveillance Tapes

Players can have access to the best weapons and tools throughout Hitman 3, but if they aren’t able to avoid detection in each of the game’s levels they won’t make it very far. Luckily, Agent 47 has a wide range of different techniques at his disposal to avoid suspicion while sneaking around. Players are able to don various disguises, dispatch enemies quietly, and even use the environment in ways to stay out of the gaze of nosy guards.

While 47 does have many different things at his disposal to avoid his enemies, sometimes security is far too tight to do much without rousing suspicion. One of the more annoying things that players will run into are security cameras that are always monitoring the player’s presence. Those who want to make their way through these different areas and survive will want to find some way to disable these security measures. This guide shows players how to sabotage surveillance tapes.

Hitman 3: How to Sabotage Surveillance

Hitman 3: How to Sabotage Surveillance Tapes

Surveillance can be extremely annoying when trying to navigate levels throughout the Hitman games. As long as security cameras are still active in a level then players will not be able to step into their field of vision without raising suspicion, just like when spotted by guards. This essentially doubles the amount of eyes that are on 47, which makes completing his mission far more difficult than it should be. Players can avoid these eyes by either finding a disguise that will fool the cameras or by destroying the cameras themselves. Neither of these are permanent solutions but can help whenever in a rough spot.

The best way to solve the issue of surveillance though is by permanently sabotaging the surveillance tapes whenever the player comes across them. All of the security cameras on a level correspond to a single security room hidden away somewhere on the map. Players will need to sneak around and discover this room in order to permanently disable them. Once in the security room, all the player has to do then is interact with the surveillance system in order to sabotage the tapes and then be able to navigate the map without being hindered by their gaze. Players should make it their first priority to sabotage surveillance on any level that features it in order to make their lives much simpler.

Hitman 3 can be played on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.