High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: Ranking The Main Characters, Based On Likability

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: Ranking The Main Characters, Based On Likability

When it was announced that Disney+ was releasing a show called High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, some people scoffed. Not only was the title a mouthful but it felt like a weird choice, especially coming over a decade after the original trilogy’s popularity was at its peak.

However, this new show ended up being met with positive acclaim from fans and critics alike. One major reason was the characters. They’re a diverse group who look and act like actual high school students. Even the most flawed of them were still likable, so viewers wanted to keep watching and see what happened to them.

E.J. Caswell

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: Ranking The Main Characters, Based On Likability

The audience is basically meant to dislike E.J. Caswell at least a bit from the start. He’s Nini’s new boyfriend and her ex Ricky is the show’s leading male character. While he has some positive qualities including his care for Nini and his relationship with his cousin, there are major problems there.

E.J. is someone who always gets what he wants, so he doesn’t know how to handle it when that doesn’t happen. He steals Nini’s phone in a huge invasion of privacy, lies about it, and is a known schemer. E.J. does get points for trying to make amends with everyone. He even buys Gina a plane ticket for the show and steps aside so Ricky can be with Nini.

Mr. Mazzara

Mr. Mazzara talks to Carlos as Miss Jenn watches

Even more than E.J., the fans aren’t given a reason to like Mr. Benjamin Mazzara when the show begins. He’s kind of mean to the kids in the play, he seems to have it out for Miss Jenn, and he even goes out of his way to uncover the truth about her past.

Thankfully, Mr. Mazzara does also redeem himself a bit. He forms a sweet bond with Miss Jenn and helps her out on a few occasions. He comes to appreciate the drama club and invites Big Red to the robotics team. Still, he’s known to talk down to others and believes he’s smarter than everyone around him, which is off-putting.

Miss Jenn

Miss Jenn looks around her during a dance number in the High School Musical series

Honestly, it’s difficult to go wrong the rest of the way. Every remaining character comes across as very likable for the most part. Miss Jenn shows up at East High and immediately makes an impact. She gives the drama club kids something to believe in and be a part of.

It could be viewed as her doing the play for a selfish reason as she tries to live out a dream following her own failures. However, it’s clear that she genuinely cares for the students. The bond that she forms with them is endearing, regardless of her initial intentions.


Kourtney sings in front of a group In High School Musical The Musical The Series

For the most part, Kourtney takes on the television trope of being the best friend of the protagonist. She sticks by Nini’s side and always has her friend’s back. That’s a likable quality on its own and that’s even before she gets more character development.

From doubling down with Nini by stealing from Gina to helping her regain her voice when they went out, Kourtney is a great best friend. Eventually, Kourtney gets a moment to shine when she sings and everyone sees her talent. With more screen time, she could’ve easily ranked higher.

Gina Porter

Gina with headphones on In High School Musical The Musical The Series

Like some other characters on the list, Gina Porter doesn’t get off to a good start. She’s kind of vicious to Nini, dissing her and coming up with a seemingly conniving plan to steal the lead role in the play from her. That changes once the homecoming dance happens.

It’s revealed that she was faking it and had no real plan. She shows a vulnerable side to Ricky and changes her tune. Gina becomes a loyal friend to him and makes up with Nini. Viewers feel for her when she explains that her mother constantly makes her move and does so again, taking away her newfound drama club family.

Carlos Rodriguez

Carlos dances with Seb

Nobody gets a better first episode line than Carlos Rodriguez. When Mr. Mazzara asks him if he has somewhere to be, he simply responds with, “Broadway.” That is all audiences needed to fully understand just who Carlos was as both a person and as a performer.

As the choreographer, he helps Miss Jenn keep things together and forms relationships with everyone. Likable enough by himself, he gets taken up a notch because of his romance with Seb Matthew-Smith. They’re adorable together and fans can’t help but swoon.

Ricky Bowen

Ricky skateboarding

Ricky Bowen acts as the audience’s introduction to the story from the beginning. His poor reaction to Nini’s declaration of love leaves him single and sad but it’s kind of his own fault. Of course, like any good lead character, he ultimately grows and becomes a better person over the course of the season.

The combination of his work on the show, his friendships with Big Red and Gina, and the time he gets to spend with Nini do wonders for him. Ricky also becomes sympathetic when he deals with his parents splitting up. At the end of the season, he sacrifices to make sure Nini can perform at her best, which is a real sign of love.

Ashlyn Caswell

Ashlyn sings in High School Musical The Musical The Series

There’s a ton to love about Ashlyn Caswell. She accepts the role of Ms. Darbus and shines in it while also stealing most of the scenes that she’s in. Her songwriting is admirable, especially when she performs “Wondering” alongside Nini. Throw in her other activities like being on the robotics team and the high priestess of the Salt Lake Renaissance Fair and she’s delightful.

However, there is one thing that holds her back a bit from ranking higher. She is E.J.’s cousin and she is complicit in his stealing of Nini’s phone. She may disagree and tell him about it, but it’s still tough to go along with that, even if she talks it over with Nini afterward.

Nini Salazar-Roberts

Nini dances in High School Musical The Musical The Series

In terms of major character growth, Nini Salazar-Roberts doesn’t get quite as much as Ricky or some other characters. That’s okay because she’s mostly likable from the start. She’s a musical theater enthusiast who fans can mostly agree with as soon as the show begins.

Her growth is more about her gaining confidence and believing in her own talent, which is also important. Nini is ready to defend the likes of Kourtney whenever she can and when she’s wronged by both E.J. and Ricky at different times, her reaction is justified and never something that fans wouldn’t like.

Big Red

Big Red tap dances in High School Musical The Musical The Series

Known simply as Big Red, this character is nothing but lovable. He’s so loyal to Ricky that their friendship leads him to be part of the play. Whenever Miss Jenn or anyone asks him for anything, he’s quick to do it even if it makes him somewhat uncomfortable, like reading in front of the group.

Big Red also develops a crush on Ashlyn, which he shows by being nothing but sweet to her. The way he tells her that she deserves a brighter spotlight is almost too cute for words. His hidden skills in electronics and tap dancing are also great.