High School Musical: 5 Reasons Gabriella Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons She’s The Worst)

High School Musical: 5 Reasons Gabriella Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons She’s The Worst)

Though the original High School Musical trilogy is loaded with boppin’ songs and smooth dance moves, the characters make up the heart and soul of the series. While basketball star Troy is at the center of the film, so is his smart sweetheart, Gabriella. Gabriella is an active member of East High’s drama department, Scholastic Decathalon team, and later yearbook club. While she has many great qualities, there are some negative things she does in the films that are difficult to overlook.

Here is why Gabriella is one of the greatest characters in High School Musical as well as why she is one of the worst.

Best: She Faces Her Fears

High School Musical: 5 Reasons Gabriella Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons She’s The Worst)

Gabriella is naturally shy and likes to stay in the background. This is why she brings a book the New Year’s Eve party at the ski resort; She’s not looking for attention. When Gabriella is called onstage for a duet at the bash, however, she decides — if not a bit reluctantly — to give karaoke a shot.

She continues to face her fears of performing throughout the remainder of the first film, eventually getting on stage to sing “Breaking Free” with Troy in front of all her classmates. Though the event is scary, her determination to overcome stage fright is stronger.

Worst: She Doesn’t Know What She Wants

High School Musical Senior Year

Throughout the entire High School Musical trilogy, Gabriella struggles to decide what she wants in life. In the first film, as mentioned, she’s unsure whether she wants to blend with the music crowd and Troy or instead focus on the scholastic decathlon and her future. In High School Musical 2, she debates about working her summer job at the country club with Troy or instead going home without him.

Her biggest struggle comes in the final film when she can’t decide whether to take a few classes near home (where Troy will be) or go to Stanford after being accepted into an early admissions program. Gabriella can never make up her mind between her relationship and her future and struggles to find a compromise.

Best: She Makes Her Own Decisions

Though Gabriella might be bad at making decisions, she’s good at sticking with her choices after she’s made them.

Gabriella performs in the first musical even though Sharpay tries to throw her off track. In the third film, she makes plans to go to Stanford even when she knows it means she and Troy will be over a thousand miles apart. She doesn’t let anyone’s opinions dictate what she’s going to do with her life.

Worst: She Makes Troy Feel Bad About His Future

While no one’s going to stop Gabriella from going her way, she has no problem standing in Troy’s path.

In High School Musical 2, Gabriella gets upset at Troy for spending time with Sharpay even though he is forced into it by the Evans family, who employs him at the Lava Spring Country Club. Additionally, they try to connect him with schools that could get him a scholarship to play basketball. While she should be excited for Troy about these opportunities, she’s instead disappointed in him, believing he’s changed.

Best: She Supports Troy

Though Gabriella isn’t the kindness toward her boyfriend in High School Musical 2, she makes a recovery in High School Musical 3. Troy doesn’t know if he should go to the school his dad always wanted or instead accept an offer somewhere else. She knows that he loves singing just as much as basketball and encourages him to do what he wants instead of going through with what Chad or his dad desire.

She first encourages Troy to pursue music in the original High School Musical, even though it’s not what the “cool” crowd is doing. She’s good at reading him and being there to support.

Worst: She’s A Poor Communicator

Unfortunately, Gabriella isn’t good at getting her message across because she’s afraid of disappointing people. This only leads to more hurt in the end. Gabriella doesn’t tell Troy after she’s accepted into the early admissions program at Stanford, even when it’s only a week away. Instead, he’s forced to find out from Sharpay, who found out from Tiara, who overheard Gabriella talking very loudly in yearbook. This is unfair to him and everyone else.

Gabriella dragged all her classmates into the senior musical even though she knew she might not even be in it. She also waited for Troy to get a tux and prom tickets before telling him that she wouldn’t make the dance or graduation.

Best: She Works Hard

Though Gabriella is incredibly smart, she also knows that hard work is required to come out on top.

In the first High School Musical, she joins East High’s Scholastic Decathlon Team and wins the event even though she is also constantly practicing with Troy for the callbacks. In the second and third films, she continues to fulfill her passion for music even though she’s busy with her summer job and later all the activities of her last school semester.

Worst: She’s Terrible At Her Job

Gabriella alongside Chad and Taylor at the country club in High School Musical 2

While Gabriella works hard at the things she cares about, she’s not quite as good as a lifeguard at Lava Spring. Like many of the Wildcats, Gabriella has a difficult time following the rules of the country club. When she gets in trouble for clocking out of her shift early for lunch and running into the kitchen, she acts like it’s the boss’s problem and not her own.

Later, she sneaks onto the golf course with Troy and even further into the film, goes to the aforementioned nighttime swim in the pool. She knows she’s not supposed to abuse her job privileges, yet she does so anyway.

Best: She Cares About Her Friends

Sharpay and Gabriella smiling at each other High School Musical

Gabriella becomes close with Taylor after they bond over their shared interests. They constantly support each other and are truly excited when one of them succeeds.

Though Taylor is her best friend, Gabriella also cares deeply about the other Wildcats, showing interest in Kelsi’s new music and even making up with Sharpay after they get into squabbles. She doesn’t hold grudges and is good at moving forward.

Worst: She Doesn’t Take Music Seriously

Though Gabriella is dedicated to her academics, she’s wishy-washy when it comes to music. In the first High School Musical, she shows up late to the audition after being too shy to sing and expects the rules to be bent for her. She ends up showing up late to the callbacks and once again expects Ms. Darbus to give her a shot.

In High School Musical 3, Gabriella ditches the show and instead decides to head to Stanford early. While there’s nothing wrong with this decision, she flips it around last-minute with a little help from Troy and shows up late to perform in the show. This is unfair to Sharpay who has been dedicated to musicals her entire life, only to have Gabriella step in at the final and “save the day” by taking away her role as an understudy.