Henry Cavill and Christian Bale Star in Metal Gear Solid Fan Poster

A new fan-made movie poster envisions a potential style and cast for a film adaptation of the first Metal Gear Solid game. The fan art follows a recent trend of resurgent hype online for the MGS movie project, which, despite a series of hindrances and production setbacks over the past few years, remains distantly in the works from director Jordan Vogt-Roberts.

Rumors of different Metal Gear film projects have circulated in one form or another for over a decade, but Vogt-Roberts’s love and commitment to the franchise have given fans more real hope in recent years since he announced his intention to direct the prospective film. Series creator Hideo Kojima has endorsed the director personally for the project, but at the moment, there’s still nothing in the way of concrete casting news or production scheduling.

Artists Bosslogic and spdrmnkyxxiii released a collaborative fan poster on Instagram for the Metal Gear Solid movie, complete with casting ideas for several key characters. The image shows series protagonist Solid Snake facing off against Metal Gear REX, with the silhouette of cyborg ninja Gray Fox standing atop the nuclear mech. Above this strikingly rendered confrontation, the poster shows stylized depictions of several star actors as major players from the first game, including Christian Bale as Liquid Snake, Milla Jovovich as Sniper Wolf, Oscar Isaac as Solid Snake, and Henry Cavill as Big Boss.

Given the inclusion of characters like Liquid, Sniper Wolf, Gray Fox, and Psycho Mantis, as well as the iconic Metal Gear REX, Bosslogic and spdrmnkyxxiii’s poster seems to imagine the MGS film as a relatively direct adaptation of the first game in the series. A faithful retelling of the Shadow Moses Incident, as suggested in the poster, could potentially be a great narrative angle for adapting the franchise to the big screen, especially since Kojima drew major influence from ’80s spy thrillers like John Carpenters Escape from New York for the first game in particular. And while Big Boss is long dead (well, sort of anyway) by the events of Metal Gear Solid, including him in some kind of flashback would likely be necessary to accurately translate the saga of the Twin Snakes.

Unfortunately, at this time, it remains unknown what direction the prospective film will take. Concept art recently posted on Twitter by Vogt-Roberts shows events from the first game. It also includes references to later entries in the series, including renderings of Metal Gear RAY from the second and fourth games, and the Shagohod tank from MGS3. Casting also remains an unanswered question, with Kojima having his own ideas about who could play the best Snake. Until more news on the official project is released, creations from fans like Bosslogic and spdrmnkyxxiii offer an optimistic glimpse into what the film could look like.

Sources: spdrmnkyxxiii, Bosslogic