“He Would’ve Shattered the Earth”: Flash Finally Unleashes His Full Destructive Powers

“He Would’ve Shattered the Earth”: Flash Finally Unleashes His Full Destructive Powers

Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash #5!The Flash shows just how much damage he could really do if he ever lost control of himself. If the cosmic problems within the Speed Force weren’t bad enough, Wally West’s temper returns when his son is threatened, revealing the devastating power the Fastest Man Alive is holding back from the world.

In The Flash #5 by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato, Jr., the Flash’s son Jai is struggling with his new power to produce conduits. However, with the assistance of a new figure known as Inspector Pilgrim, Jai discovers he can travel to visit any speedster at any point in time.

“He Would’ve Shattered the Earth”: Flash Finally Unleashes His Full Destructive Powers

Jai visits the Flash just as the Stillness arrives to stop Wally’s research. They also harm Jai over his power. Flash’s temper immediately goes out of control as energy surges and crackles all around him. Wally calms down after discovering Jai is okay, but the land around them is practically cinder.

Flash’s Anger Unleashes Wally’s Most Violent Powers Ever

flash spirit realm

The Flash’s world has been in complete chaos for months. Wally gained the ability to see into hidden layers of reality, only to discover threats were lurking in these unseen realms (such as the fearsome Uncoiled). To make matters worse, Gorilla Grodd has been launching coordinated attacks on Flash’s city and managed to change reality using a brain cloned from the Ultra-Humanite. Not to mention, his rogues such as Mirror Master and the Folding Man have all been getting powerful upgrades. The Flash has a lot on his plate at the moment and it’s beginning to take its toll.

The Flash is the first to admit he’s got a bad temper. But never has Wally’s anger been actualized as something so powerful and destructive. To be fair, Flash has had a lot on his mind with his new baby, the events of “Beast World” and the cosmic horrors he’s seeing on a daily basis. Wally’s not taking the time to process any of the things he’s going through and it’s starting to come out in unexpected ways. If Wally doesn’t deal with his bubbling anger, Flash could wind up causing serious damage to the DC Universe.

Flash’s Anger Poses a Huge Threat to the World

Wally Flash Shocked at His Own Anger DC

Flash’s world is currently dealing with a lot of cosmic weirdness and things are only going to get worse before they get better. If Wally’s most destructive powers are linked to his emotional stability, then it’s imperative that he find a way to properly channel his anger. Grodd’s actions have already put the world in danger, the Earth can’t also deal with a Flash whose powers become uncontrollable whenever he gets angry. If the Flash doesn’t deal with his hidden anger promptly, he might just end up making his home a whole lot worse.

The Flash #5 is available now from DC Comics.

The Flash #5 (2024)

  • Writer: Si Spurrier
  • Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.
  • Colorist: Trish Mulvihill
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.