“He Hasn’t Been There For Me”: Miles Morales Drops an Insulting Bombshell That Would Break Spider-Man’s Heart

“He Hasn’t Been There For Me”: Miles Morales Drops an Insulting Bombshell That Would Break Spider-Man’s Heart

Warning: Preview pages for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13 ahead!Miles Morales just dropped a major bombshell about Peter Parker’s Spider-Man, and it would absolutely break Peter’s heart to hear it. Over the past decade, Miles Morales has been gaining popularity among fans as one of the most well-recognized Spider heroes in the Marvel Universe. First debuting in Jonathan Hickman and Salvador Larroca’s Ultimate Fallout #4, Morales has made waves in the comic community with his unique take on the webhead. However, a major heartbreaking confession from a new comic features his current thoughts on Peter.

In a preview for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13 by Cody Ziglar and Federico Vicentini, Miles has a one-on-one discussion with his therapist Keisha Kwan during a brief breather in between battles from the Gang War event. During this conversation, he reveals that Peter has not been the best teammate in recent years, mentioning, “He just hasn’t been there for me when I needed him the most.” In fact, he states that Peter actually “ghosted” him for a while before “he finally popped up” and “acted like nothin’ had changed.”

This is a huge confession to hear from Miles, since it’s well-established that he has always had a positive outlook on his friend. Peter inspired him to first don the mask and the two constantly team up. Now, this changes everything fans knew about Miles and Peter since their fan-favorite friendship doesn’t appear to be a two-way street.

“He Hasn’t Been There For Me”: Miles Morales Drops an Insulting Bombshell That Would Break Spider-Man’s Heart


Miles Morales’ Spider-Man Has Even Worse Luck Than Peter Parker

With the loss of yet another close ally, Miles Morales’ Spider-Man has clearly inherited the dreaded Parker Luck from his older superhero mentor.

Miles Morales Replaces Peter Parker with Misty Knight

Miles Morales and Misty Knight

What’s fascinating about this reveal is that Miles seems to have found companionship with a new hero. Hero-for-Hire Misty Knight has been filling the gap that Peter has left after Miles begins to feel a space between the two. He tells Kwan that Misty “stepped up in a big way and has done so much,” hinting that the two have been developing a friendship that could rival his and Peter’s. This new alliance with Knight has also helped Miles come to terms with who he is as a hero. He shakily admits that his pairing with her has helped him realize that maybe things would be alright if he were to take things on his own. While this is simply a suggestion made by Kwan, it’s still clear that his mind has been toying with the notion of breaking things off and becoming a solo hero.

There’s Still Room for Peter and Miles’ Friendship to Repair

Peter Parker and Miles Morales

Despite these thoughts Miles has been having, it’s clear that he doesn’t truly want to end his friendship with Peter. After all, he’s just voicing his frustrations about Peter’s actions since the two teamed up again. In fact, in Amazing Spider-Man Gang War: First Strike #1 by Zeb Wells, Cody Ziglar and Joey Vazquez, Miles lays into Peter about the changes that have happened between the two. This is healthy though, since it lets Peter know that something is rocky in their friendship, and knowing how kindhearted Peter can be, he could very well work to repair the tensions between them once the dust has settled from their Gang War battles.

It’s clear that Miles and Peter have a long road ahead of them to work out their difficulties while dealing with the major crime wave happening in New York. Until then, Miles has his own support network in Keisha Kwan and Misty Knight to air his grievances. It’s normal to have concerns regarding a friend’s actions, and while Miles Morales‘ thoughts about Peter Parker’s Spider-Man may seem harsh and heartbreaking, it’s an important step towards the two repairing what they have.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13 (2023)

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13 Cover Art
  • Writer: Cody Ziglar
  • Artist: Federico Vicentini
  • Color Artist: Bryan Valenza
  • Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
  • Cover Artists: Federico Vicentini & Alejandro Sánchez