HBO’s Barry: The 10 Relationships In Season 3

HBO’s Barry: The 10 Relationships In Season 3

Season 3 of Barry begins with some relationships in shambles, some in a rut, and some blossoming into something truly special. Barry and NoHo Hank might be on the outs, but Hank and Cristobal are very much in love. In terms of their careers, Barry and Sally are flying high, but in matters of love, they’re nosediving into a breakup.

The HBO hit series, which had been on a two-year hiatus, has placed interpersonal relationships at the heart of its unique premise about a hitman trying to be both a hired killer and an actor, and it’s in the moments between two characters working through conflict, like Barry and Mr. Couisoneau, where it truly shines. To paraphrase Monroe Fuches, people can either grow together or they can grow apart, and on Barry, the journey is always worth watching.

NoHo Hank & Cristobal

HBO’s Barry: The 10 Relationships In Season 3

Despite being “like, legit nervous,” NoHo Hank finally got to be 50/50 with Cristobal and even more than he ever expected. It’s been quite the ride for the leaders of the Chechen and Bolivian mobs in the Los Angeles territories, each having to live their lives in secret lest their respective higher-ups find out they’ve been sleeping with the enemy.

Far removed from the violent, tumultuous underworld they both inhabit, their relationship is built on a quiet domestic life of shared meals, favorite morning coffee, and falling asleep to late-night television or a good Thomas Freeman book. Their Romeo and Juliet-esque courtship is one of the highlights of the series.

Barry & Gene


Mr. Cousineau finding out Barry was responsible for Janice Moss’s death was a crucial storyline for Barry season 3, and fans didn’t know what to expect when he confronted his star pupil. Things didn’t go as planned during that altercation, but the two men realized they needed each other in some very unexpected ways.

Barry found out he had more to offer his mentor than a hollow apology, and Gene discovered that there was a second act to his career as a performer through the most unlikely channels. Their scenes together continue to be touching, even as they’re mired in pain and disappointment.

Gene & Tom

Gene Cousineau (Henry Winkler) and Tom (Fred Melamed) in season 3 of HBO Barry

Of course, just when Gene wants to leave town, his agent appears at his front door. When Hollywood comes knocking, most people would be thrilled, but Gene is just trying to stay alive. Tom has to persuade his longtime client that he should pursue a career comeback, even though it comes with golden Barry-shaped handcuffs.

Tom’s presence broadens the scope of Gene’s backstory by virtue of being his agent for thirty years, and offers a look into the other interpersonal relationships that Gene had when he was busy being an actor and not a father. The few scenes they share together are not only hilarious (like when Gene’s shopping for getaway suitcases), but full of lived-in warmth (like when Tom’s listing every name anyone in LA ever called Gene).

Ana & Fuches


As it turns out, going on the lam means spending a lot of time with goats. Barry’s former mentor and partner Monroe Fuches takes to a bucolic life of goat herding while waiting for the heat from Los Angeles to die down. Even when NoHo Hank tells him it’s possible to come home, Fuches doesn’t want to leave, in large part because of his relationship with Ana, a young woman who sees to his needs around the farm.

The relationship between them is only indicated in a few domestic scenes, but it reveals a whole different side of Fuches. Fans never get to see him in a happy, normal, much less vaguely romantic situation, and it shows how different his life could be if he chose to ignore his nature. He has a chance to live in “heaven” as he calls it, but because he’s so hurt by Barry’s betrayal, the opportunity for vengeance proves too enticing. He can no more leave the hitman life than Barry can.

Natalie & Sally

Sally Reed (Sarah Goldberg) arguing with Natalie GReeg (D'Arcy Carden) in season 3 of HBO Barry

Natalie has gotten a big push forward as a character in season 3, thanks to joining the production of Sally’s popular new series. As Sally’s PA, she’s dependable and positive, but her outward appearance belies a fragile sense of self-worth the more Sally puts her down.

There’s a real opportunity for Natalie and Sally to have a connection based on coming up in the industry together, even if it won’t ever be one of the best TV female friendships. It will require Sally not to constantly think of Natalie in terms of what she can get from her, and Natalie to stand up for what she wants out of the relationship and a job.

Barry & Sally

Sally Reed (Sarah Goldberg) confronting Barry Berkman (Bill Hader) in HBO's Barry

These two aren’t in a very good place at the top of season 3, and it doesn’t get much better as the season continues. Sally is considered successful with her own series, but she’s overworked and finds little time to acknowledge Barry’s increasing erratic nature. When they do interact, Barry’s abusive language sends Sally spiraling right back into using the coping mechanisms she learned from her relationship with Sam.

Sally’s self-involvement allowed her to look past a lot of Barry’s red flags in the beginning, and his devotion to her dreams meant he didn’t need to confront the lack of his own, leaving him to project all of his need for a purpose onto her. They are forced to do some real introspection in this season, learning that in order for real growth to happen for either of them, they may need to grow beyond each other.

Leo & Gene

Gene Cousineau (Henry Winkler) with his son Leo (Andrew Leeds) in season 3 of HBO Barry

Building on their relationship introduced in season 2, father and son duo Gene and Leo Cousineau find ways to bond while trying to make a go at a nuclear family. Living together means becoming uncomfortably close to each other’s inner machinations, and having Barry lurking around only complicates their stability.

Gene proves to be a surprisingly protective father as his involvement with Barry takes on dangerous proportions, and it’s clear that he doesn’t want a second chance at an acting career if it jeopardizes the second chance he has at a connection with his son.

Barry & NoHo Hank

NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan) negotiating with Barry Berkman (Bill Hader) on HBO's Barry

When Barry tries to mend fences with NoHo Hank after framing him for Detective Moss’s murder, Hank informs Barry that “forgiveness has to be earned,” signaling the theme that dominates much of the season and gives Barry a new purpose. Barry ends up earning it in a big way for Hank later when Cristobal is in harm’s way, signaling that despite their differences, these two men will always find a way back to each other.

Goran once asked Hank if he was in love with Barry. While Hank avoided the question, there’s no denying he has a strong attachment to the hitman that supersedes his better judgment. Perhaps he sees a man much like himself — someone good at a violent lifestyle they don’t particularly care for. These two continue to represent a positive masculine bond built on respect and acceptance, and Hank continues to have some of the best quotes on Barry. 

Sally & Katie

Sally Reed (Sarah Goldberg) talking with Katie Harris (Elsie Fisher) in season 3 of HBO Barry

Newcomer Katie plays Sally’s daughter in her new series, and it’s clear that the younger actress looks up to Sally as someone giving an empowering voice to female TV characters. When she sees Sally get intimidated and yelled at by Barry, she can’t reconcile how such a strong woman who’s making a series focusing on overcoming abuse puts up with it from her own boyfriend.

The relationship between Sally and Katie is an important one in season 3 because it forces Sally to come to terms with the fact that she’s been slowly accepting abusive behavior from Barry for a long time, unable to do anything about it because it’s so surreptitious. When an impressionable performer like Katie holds up a mirror to Sally’s problems, Sally has no choice but to do what’s best for her while also demonstrating what owning her self-worth looks like to Katie.

NoHo Hank & His Crew

Yandar (Nick Gracer) speaking to NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan) while Akhmal (Turhan Troy Caylak looks on in season 3 of HBO Barry

After Barry’s attack on the monastery, NoHo Hank’s crew consists of Batir, Akhmal, Yandar, and himself. Being outmanned and outgunned at every opportunity almost makes them grow closer, creating a small family by comparison to the Bolivian army that assembles when Fernando shows up.

Each of the men have more distinct personalities in season 3, and as they get to know them, fans can’t help but root for their enterprises. Their scenes offer most of the humor in what appears to be a very heavy season, providing some tension-relieving gags to offset all the melodrama.