HBO Was Right To Avoid An Aegon The Conqueror Game Of Thrones Spinoff

HBO Was Right To Avoid An Aegon The Conqueror Game Of Thrones Spinoff

The enormous ratings and critical success of Game of Thrones ensured that spinoffs would be developed, but HBO made the right choice in passing on a potential Aegon The Conqueror project. Ultimately, of course, the network avoided an Aegon-centric story, choosing instead to focus on a later period in the history of one of the most infamous of royal houses. In doing so, HBO chose House of the Dragon, as the Dance of the Dragons instead of focusing on Aegon’s Conquest.

Of all of the powerful houses in Game of Thrones, the Targaryens are arguably the most important. After all, two of the most well-loved characters of the series–Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen–were scions of the dynasty. As House of the Dragon has shown, Daenerys’ and Jon’s Game of Thrones story during the struggles for the Iron Throne fundamentally reshaped the destinies of the Seven Kingdoms, paving the way for the ultimate conflict between the forces of the Night King and those of the living.

There Are So Many Better Game Of Thrones Spinoffs Than Aegon The Conqueror

HBO Was Right To Avoid An Aegon The Conqueror Game Of Thrones Spinoff

An Aegon the Conqueror spinoff would ultimately be disappointing, even to devoted fans of Game of Thrones. In large part, this is because the overall plot and ending is already preordained: burn anyone and anything who disagrees. Many of the other tidbits known about Westerosi history have given tantalizing hints of what could be if HBO brought their story to the screen instead, allowing writers to flesh out the world and surprise viewers at the same time.

The Game of Thrones spinoff 10,000 Ships, about Nymeria’s conquest and rule of Dorne, would provide plenty of room for intrigue and plotting. This would allow fans to get a similar experience to that of the early seasons of Game of Thrones. While a story about Aegon Targaryen would most likely have battles galore, something which has so far not been a key part of House of the Dragon, such a series would lack the sorts of backroom dealing and politicking that have always been a key part of the appeal of both Game of Thrones and its successor.

Which GOT Spinoffs Are Still In Development

Split Image of Kit Harrington as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones and George Rr Martin

Given the sprawling nature of George R.R. Martin’s world-building, there are many other avenues that HBO can explore as it looks for ways to elaborate on the vision laid out in Game of Thrones. In addition to House of the Dragon and the anticipated Nymeria series, there is already a potential Game of Thrones sequel series on Jon Snow. There was also talk about a Dunk and Egg project, two animated history series, and the Sea Snake. All of these stories have significant potential in terms of drama and action.

As the success of House of the Dragon has abundantly shown, the enduring appeal of this franchise lies in its ability to dive deeply into the fraught nature of power in the world of Westeros. With all of that said, it’s important to note that some of the previously teased Game of Thrones spinoffs may not come to fruition based on the recent HBO Max and Warner Bros. shakeups. Martin spoke on the future of GOT spinoffs, sharing that some of the projects have been shelved, but he added that he doesn’t think they are dead. Though there is more uncertainty, all hope should not be lost just yet.

There is still a great deal of room for the development of shows in the Game of Thrones franchise. Though some fans would have loved to see more time given to Aegon the Conqueror’s story, the truth is that his story would simply lack the dynamism needed to be a true ratings and critical powerhouse. House of the Dragon took the right lessons from Game of Thrones, and hopefully, the other spinoffs will, as well.