Has Evil Dead Introduced Its Ash Williams Replacement?

Has Evil Dead Introduced Its Ash Williams Replacement?

The first trailer for Evil Dead Rise is out now, and it may have just shown off its long-awaited replacement for Ash Williams. Ash Williams was the protagonist of the original Evil Dead movies, with Bruce Campbell playing the groovy chainsaw wielder throughout the original trilogy — as well as in the spin-off series, Ash vs Evil Dead. Ash’s personality and Bruce Campbell’s goofy performance is what made the original Evil Dead movies so beloved. After the 2013 reboot lost the franchise’s sense of fun, Evil Dead Rise‘s new protagonist may be gearing up to fill the Ash-shaped hole in viewers’ hearts.

Evil Dead Rise is the fifth film in the Evil Dead series, being the second reboot after 2013’s Evil Dead, which received mixed reviews from critics and long-time fans alike. Evil Dead Rise follows a single mother who becomes possessed by the Deadites, The Evil Dead‘s iconic demons, leading her young children to fight off the dark spirits that have overtaken their mom. There are still a lot of lurking questions regarding Evil Dead Rise, including if it will take more inspiration from the original series or the reboot. Some viewers are hoping that Ash will make a cameo appearance in Evil Dead Rise — but he’s already been replaced.

Why Beth Replaces Ash In Evil Dead Rise

Has Evil Dead Introduced Its Ash Williams Replacement?

The first trailer for Evil Dead Rise introduced a new character named Beth, played by actress Lily Sullivan. In the film, Beth is the sister of the mother who is possessed by the Deadites, with Beth attempting to protect the young kids from their demonic mom. Evil Dead Rise will give the franchise its Ash replacement in the form of Beth, as the new character is surprisingly similar to her groovy predecessor. While the Evil Dead Rise trailer doesn’t give many hints as to what Beth’s story will be, one shot proves that she is the perfect follow-up to Ash Williams.

Near the end of the Evil Dead Rise trailer, Beth can be seen consoling one of her nieces before deciding to protect her. A blood-soaked Beth picks up a revving chainsaw, presumably prepared to attack the Deadites. Beth’s bloody face and crazed expression draw clear parallels to Ash, with both characters having completely snapped due to the amount of horror they are exposed to. Beth’s weapon also continues an Evil Dead trend, as chainsaws are Ash William’s iconic weapon of choice. Evil Dead Rise seems to be setting Beth up as the new series protagonist, and in doing so, it’s taking some serious notes from Ash Williams.

Will Ash Williams Appear In Evil Dead Rise?

Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams in Evil Dead II

Some viewers have been crossing their fingers in hopes that Evil Dead Rise will finally see the return of Ash Williams to the Evil Dead franchise. Bruce Campbell’s position on returning as Ash Williams has been impossible to track in recent years, as his position on it keeps flipping. Initially, Bruce Campbell said he was finished playing Ash Williams after the spin-off series Ash vs Evil Dead was canceled in 2018. Campbell hasn’t made any appearances as Ash since then. However, an Ash cameo in Evil Dead Rise isn’t impossible.

Bruce Campbell is no stranger to cameos, as he appeared as Ash Williams in the post-credits scene for 2013’s Evil Dead. Even though he said he was done with the character, Campbell has claimed that he would be on board with several potential projects, including an Army of Darkness sequel as well as a crossover between the original Evil Dead movies and the 2013 reboot series. Campbell is even currently planning to voice Ash in an animated revival of Ash vs Evil Dead. Even though there are currently no more planned appearances for a live-action Ash, due to Bruce Campbell’s track record, a cameo in Evil Dead Rise seems likely.

Does Evil Dead Rise Take Place In The Same Timeline As The Previous Movies?

Alyssa Sutherland as Ellie in Evil Dead Rise

Somewhat unexpectedly, Evil Dead Rise actually takes place in the same timeline as the original Evil Dead trilogy. According to Slash Film, Evil Dead Rise director Lee Cronin confirmed that the film is an in-universe story, even though Evil Dead Rise follows different characters in a different location. This makes a cameo from Ash Williams even more likely, as it is already known that he exists somewhere in the universe. Even though Beth is Evil Dead Rise‘s version of Ash, it would be interesting to see the two work together eventually.

Key Release Dates

  • Evil Dead Rise Poster

    Evil Dead Rise
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