Harry Potter: Which Hogwarts Professor Should You Date, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

Harry Potter: Which Hogwarts Professor Should You Date, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

One of the most magical things about the Harry Potter universe is, of course, the school of Hogwarts. Most of the significant actions happen within its walls, and the professors are, of course, some of the most fascinating characters. While the films don’t always give them as much depth as the books do, most of them still manage to emerge as full individuals, with their own personalities and quirks.

It’s also fascinating to think about them in terms of their romantic compatibility in terms of the Chinese zodiac, which opens up many new aspects of their characters that are worthy of examination.

Rat – Slughorn

Harry Potter: Which Hogwarts Professor Should You Date, Based On Your Chinese Zodiac?

Slughorn is a late addition to the franchise, but he manages to become one of the most interesting characters. While he’s devious and ambitious, there seems to be a genuine warmth and compassion to him, buried deep inside. He would make a good match for those born under the sign of the rat, who also tend to be a bit more ambitious than is probably good for them (or for those who interact with them).

Ox – McGonagall

McGonagall standing outside with her wand at the ready

From the moment that she appears, McGonagall makes it clear that she isn’t going to tolerate nonsense from anyone, even if they are as famous as Harry Potter himself. However, she has a good heart, and she clearly cares very deeply about her students. She and the ox would make a great pair, in large part because the two of them are both very strong personalities that are natural-born leaders who are always up for a challenge.

Tiger – Moody

Mad-Eye Moody in class in Goblet of Fire

Moody is one of those characters whose name says a lot about his temperament. Though he has a notoriously mercurial personality, there’s no denying that he’s also a very powerful wizard and a natural leader (even if he does at one point allow himself to be captured). He’d thus make a good match for the similarly strong personality of the tiger, though the two would be advised not to let their larger-than-life personas get away with them.

Rabbit – Sprout

Professor Sprout at the greenhouse in Chamber of Secrets

Professor Sprout is one of those faculty that just seems to hover in the background. However, what  the viewer learns about her suggests that she is a very warm-hearted sort of person, the kind of person that was born to be a supporter. The rabbit is a similarly mild-mannered sort of sign, to the extent that some mistake them for being weak.

Together, however, Sprout and a rabbit would be a lovely sort of couple, capable of great love toward one another.

Dragon – Dumbledore

Dumbledore speaking at the Ministry in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

It would take a truly powerful personality to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts and somehow manage to wrangle the faculty while also fending off the meddling of the Ministry of Magic, and yet that is exactly what Dumbledore manages to do. He is thus very compatible with those born under the sign of the dragon, who are similarly powerful personalities skilled at ensuring that everyone is able to do their part.

Snake – Snape

Snape looking angry in the Harry Potter series

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Snape would be the type that would be compatible with the snake. After all, he was a Slytherin, and he definitely seemed to identify most with that house and its principles. Like the snake, Snape is notorious for being both highly intelligent and yet also jealous, and it is in fact his jealousy that makes him despise Harry so much. The snake and Snape, however, will have to make sure that their mutual distrust doesn’t poison their relationship.

Horse – Trelawney

Trelawney wearing her glasses and waving her hands in Harry Potter

Even in a place like Hogwarts, a castle known for its odd residents, Trelawney is something else. She really does seem to go out of her way to appear as strange and otherworldly as possible. Despite her antics, however, she has the actual ability to predict the future (to a degree). Given that the horse is also known for being a bit on the freewheeling side, this sign would make a good match for Trelawney.

Goat – Lupin

Remus Lupin points his wand at someone in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Lupin has one of the most tragic stories in the whole story (aside from Harry’s, of course). Despite this, he is still one of the most loving and compassionate members of the faculty, acting as another father figure for Harry.

Goats are known for being creative and for needing emotional support, so it would seem that they would make a good match for Lupin who, despite his own misfortunes, always seems willing to offer love and compassion to others.

Monkey – Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart teaches defence against the dark arts by using cornish pixies

Though he’s one of the most famous wizards in the world, it’s ultimately revealed that Lockhart is nothing more than a fraud, his reputation built on lies, half-truths, and fabrications. In this respect, he has a lot in common with those born under the sign of the monkey, who also have a tendency to look out for themselves rather than for others. At least if they got together, neither of them would be under any illusions about what the other brought to the table.

Rooster – Flitwick

Flitwick is another of those faculty who always seems to be around but doesn’t have a lot of characterization. Nevertheless, what the books reveal is that he was in his youth a very diligent student, and this has clearly carried on into his adulthood. Given that he teaches charms, it would make sense that he is a bit demanding in what he expects of students (since charms have to be pronounced correctly in order to work). He’s thus quite compatible with the rooster, who is similarly perfectionist.

Dog – Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Hagrid has one of the best hearts of all of the characters that appear in this series. In fact, he tends to wear it on his sleeve, which is what makes him such a natural when it comes to dealing with various magical creatures. He’s fiercely loyal to Harry and his friends, often putting himself at risk for them. Thus, he’s a good match for the dog, who is similarly protective of its pack.

Pig – Hooch

Madam Hooch Almost Had Several Flying Tragedies

Though she only appears in the first film, Hooch makes quite an impression. She seems to be the type of person who, though they are very prickly on the outside, has a lot of warmth for the world in the right circumstances. Like other professors, she’s a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to style and the riding of brooms, which means that she would be a good match for the pig.