Harry Potter: Sirius Vs Lupin: Who Was The Better Character?

Harry Potter: Sirius Vs Lupin: Who Was The Better Character?

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are both side characters in the Harry Potter series, and while there are tons of characters, many of whom are more important than them, they are fan-favorites. As members of the Marauders with interesting backstories, fans have always wanted to know more about them and were upset by their tragic deaths.

While both of these characters have their strengths and weaknesses, it’s hard to say who was the better character overall, but we will look at the things that made them both great.

Lupin: He was more calm and level-headed

Harry Potter: Sirius Vs Lupin: Who Was The Better Character?

Sirius and James were known for being reckless and wild, and they loved to break the rules at Hogwarts just like Fred and George Weasley.

While Lupin went along with them somewhat, he also provided more of a balance. He was less arrogant and reckless and more calm and logical overall. While being brave is a good thing, Sirius could definitely take things too far.

Sirius: His backstory is fascinating

Sirius Black in Azkaban in Harry Potter

Sirius Black has one of the most interesting stories in the entire series. When he’s first introduced, everyone thinks he is a horrible villain and right-hand man to Voldemort who betrayed his best friends.

Then, we all learn that he was actually framed and forced to be in Azkaban for years as an innocent man. His life story is really tragic, and it made him interesting.

Lupin: He was an amazing professor

Snape talking to Lupin in the dark

One of the best things about Remus Lupin was how he acted as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He was by far the best professor of this subject that Harry ever had.

Not only did he actually know what he was doing and have a lot of experience, but he was overall a very kind professor who helped his students thrive by showing compassion and engagement, unlike many other Hogwarts professors who bullied their students.

Sirius: His personality is more charismatic and engaging

Lupin overall is the more subdued character of the two and more introverted. Now, this isn’t’ a bad thing per se, and who your favorite of the two is likely depends on personal preference. However, as Sirius was more outgoing and dramatic, he could be more engaging to read about.

Sirius was described as being quite handsome and haughty, and he definitely had charisma and bluntness that made him appealing to many fans.

Lupin: He was able to overcome a lot of prejudice

David Thewlis As Remus Lupin In Harry Potter

All of the Marauders had rather tragic lives that ended much too soon. While Sirius was framed and sent to jail, Lupin faced prejudice and hatred all his life because he was a werewolf.

This story is also a fascinating but sad one, and many fans wish they could have learned more about what life was like for Lupin. He clearly was a very strong person to be able to handle all of this.

Sirius: He didn’t ever try to abandon his pregnant wife

Lupin and Tonks outside the Weasley's home

While Lupin overall is the most logical and less self-absorbed of the two, he does make one pretty big mistake.

His sense of guilt over being with Tonks and getting her pregnant makes him try to abandon them both thinking that they’d be better off without him. It’s some pretty screwed up logic, and it was a choice that made both Harry and readers feel disappointed in Lupin.

Lupin: He helped Harry a lot

Remus and Harry on a bridge

When Lupin starts teaching at Hogwarts, he quickly becomes a mentor figure to Harry. He’s there to provide advice and help Harry learn more about his parents, and he also teaches him how to produce a Patronus.

He was a stabilizing force in Harry’s life at the time, but the one downside is that he didn’t seem to remain involved very much once he stopped teaching.

Sirius: He did everything he could to help Harry under the circumstances

Sirius was Harry’s godfather, but he wasn’t able to be there for him for most of his life given that he was imprisoned. However, as soon as he escaped, he wanted to check on Harry as quickly as possible.

Then, he helped Harry with the Triwizard Tournament as much as he could. He did make some mistakes as a mentor to Harry, but it’s clear that he cared about him a lot and wanted to be the best godfather he could.

Lupin: Because he was more consistent than Sirius

Remus Lupin in the Harry Potter movies

Sirius is probably the more dynamic and intense of the two which can be very appealing. He has a bit of a bad boy element to him, and his dramatic nature and tragic backstory are like catnip to many fans.

However, Lupin deserves a lot of credit for being a strong, silent person in the background. He might not be as flashy as Sirius or James, but he was smart and hardworking, and loyal.

Sirius: He was able to overcome the horrible family he was born into

Sirius Black standing in doorway with a cocky smile in Harry Potter

One of the great things about Sirius that doesn’t get talked about enough is how he grew up in a family that was sympathetic to Voldemort and his teachings.

They were bigoted and awful people, but Sirius wasn’t like them at all. He saw the error of their ways when he was just a young teenager, and he found the courage to leave their home forever.