Harry Potter: 5 Wizarding World Careers Virgo Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail At)

Harry Potter: 5 Wizarding World Careers Virgo Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail At)

Harry Potter has one of the largest fandoms out there, and lovers of this series can also dream about what their life would be like if they were attending Hogwarts or living in the wizard world. For astrology lovers, Virgos are known for being practical and analytical, but they’re also caring and selfless.

If one were to find this zodiac sign in the wizard universe, there are some things they’d be pretty great at – and some not so much. Here are 5 careers in the wizard world that Virgos would excel in, and 5 they would definitely fail at.

Excel: Archivist

Harry Potter: 5 Wizarding World Careers Virgo Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail At)

This might not be the most exciting job in the wizard world, but it’s certainly one that any member of this earth sign would excel at. Virgos are all about being analytical, and they’re the best organizers of the zodiacs.

Being an archivist, such as in the Ministry of Magic Records Room, would be a piece of cake for any practical Virgo, which, they all are. The archives would never be more organized than if a Virgo was taking care of them.

Fail: Curse Breaker

It might seem that all the exciting jobs aren’t fit for a Virgo, but it’s simply that Virgos are needed for all the grounded, analytical, and soft-hearted jobs. Breaking curses, such as Bill Weasley did, is definitely too much guess work and risk for this earth sign.

It could certainly keep one interested, but a Virgo doesn’t enjoying always being on their toes. They will study and understand curses before they go out trying to break them.

Excel: Dragon Keeper

This is probably the most magical position on the list that a Virgo would excel at. This kind and intuitive sign is all about caring for others, even while being practical about it.

Keeping dragons is certainly not a job for everyone, and it would probably take this grounded sign to connect with dragons and care for them well.

Fail: Knight Bus Driver

Stan Shunpike talking to Harry from the steps of the Knight Bus

This is a pretty important job, but it’s not one that will stimulate the analytical and curious mind of the Virgo. While it certainly isn’t easy, this job requires a pretty focused and calm wizard.

Virgos need more human interaction and more use of their mind. Plus, this sign is almost a bit too organized to take on the chaos of being a knight bus driver.

Excel: Headmaster/Headmistress

An image of McGonagall standing in woods in Harry Potter

This is a special job at Hogwarts, and takes someone that’s all about organization and facts. This is the administrative side of things, and this job is perfect for the analytical Virgo – maybe like Minerva McGonagall.

Of course, students also like a Headmaster or Headmistress that isn’t rude or intimidating, which might also be a reason the kind-hearted Virgo is perfect for this position.

Fail: Quidditch Player

Of course, there are still sports and journalism in the wizard world, but any Virgo knows that they’d likely be on the sidelines instead. Much like Hermione, they will be the biggest fans, but aren’t going to fly on brooms.

There’s a lot of bravery and chaos involved, and Virgos are a bit more oriented to practicality. Plus, this earth sign would much rather stay on, well, earth.

Excel: Historian

The Department of Magical Artifacts is where all the knowledge of history is kept, and it’s certainly important to have historians to know the ins and outs of the wizard world.

Of course, an organized and intelligent Virgo would certainly excel at keeping records, and also remembering everything there is to know about the history of the wizard society. It doesn’t seem glamorous, but it’s certainly interesting.

Fail: Executioner

The wizard world isn’t cruel, but there are state-sanctioned executions for creatures, beasts, and dangerous criminals. Virgos have soft hearts, and they certainly aren’t cold enough or emotionally capable of ending lives.

This zodiac sign probably wouldn’t even attend an execution. While they’re about facts, they’re also intuitive and sensible. This job is far too brutal for them.

Excel: Potioneer

This job is all about studying potions, and this position usually takes place in an apothecary. Similarly, a Virgo might also excel as an alchemist. These careers rely on paying attention to small details, which Virgos excel at.

Plus, their curious and intelligent minds love to study and learn, and it would be pretty magical to see what this earth sign could come up with for potions.

Fail: Auror

alastor moody

This is the glamorous job that all new students at Hogwarts want to do. Fighting the Dark Arts is a dangerous job, and while it might be perfect for Gryffindors or some fire signs, it likely isn’t for a Virgo.

This earth sign is about being grounded and making safe, practical choices. Adrenaline junkies would like this job, and a Virgo would much rather study the dark arts than fight it.