Harry Potter: 5 Ways Taurus Are Typical Ravenclaws (& 5 Ways They Are Not)

Harry Potter: 5 Ways Taurus Are Typical Ravenclaws (& 5 Ways They Are Not)

Wit and learning define Ravenclaw house from book one onward. Despite Hermione being the smartest witch of her age, Ravenclaw students are better known for coming out at the top of the class. Ravenclaw is the house of “air”. They have a tower common room, like Gryffindor, but their house is full of books and a beautifully painted ceiling of stars.

Creativity also thrives in Ravenclaw. Just look at Luna Lovegood, perhaps the most famous Ravenclaw student in the Harry Potterbooks. So how do Ravenclaws relate to the earth sign Taurus? Here are just a few of the best similarities, and a few places they diverge.

Typical – Reliable

Harry Potter: 5 Ways Taurus Are Typical Ravenclaws (& 5 Ways They Are Not)

Like any good Taurus, a Ravenclaw friend is someone who can be relied upon. Who goes with Harry, Ron, and Hermione to the Department of Mysteries in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? It’s all Gryffindors except for Ravenclaw’s own Luna Lovegood.

Luna, always reliable, is also, along with Neville and Ginny, the one who keeps the DA going and fights the new school system under Snape and the Carrows in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. A Ravenclaw, just like a Taurus, is definitely someone who you would want in your corner.

Not – Stubborn

Ravenclaws Harry Potter

Tauruses are known for being stubborn, but Ravenclaws, as the wisest house, know when it’s better to take in the new information and evidence and change opinions accordingly. Ravenclaws will search out books, information, proof, but not hold to an opinion merely because they can.

It’s not a bad thing that Ravenclaws are not as stubborn as Taurus, it’s probably very helpful in a house based on wisdom to be willing to listen to new ideas, new people, and then form new outcomes.

Typical – Ambitious

Slytherin may be the most ambitious house, it’s right there in the description, but Ravenclaw has it’s fair share of success stories, and those successes don’t come without a little bit of drive behind them. Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Order of the Phoenix Member and post war Minister of Magic, was a Ravenclaw.

And, while he was a liar, Gilderoy Lockhart was an incredibly successful author, as well as a member of Ravenclaw house himself. Like any Taurus, Ravenclaw very much appreciates success and ambition in its members.

Not – Procrastinating

Ravenclaw is the least likely house to have students who procrastinate. Dedicated to wit and learning, Ravenclaws enjoy the work of study and are not likely to put it off.

While a Taurus is likely to procrastinate, despite being ambitious, Ravenclaws are likely to start working toward success immediately, without wasting time thinking about it. If projects are completed quickly then it’s possible for Ravenclaws to turn their attention to their own interests and areas of expertise.

Typical – Dedicated

Ravenclaws are certainly dedicated to their studies, it comes with the type of students the house attracts. Add Luna Lovegood to the mix, and dedication, away from just studying, is also on display. No one was more dedicated to her friends, the DA, and the success of both than Luna was.

There’s no one better to have at your side than Luna, or a Taurus, when you’re looking for effort, loyalty, and dedication. When a Ravenclaw, or a Taurus, puts their mind to something, they will dedicate themselves completely to seeing it through.

Not – Chill

Tauruses are prone to procrastination because they find it very easy to chill out, that’s not likely to be a common trait in Ravenclaw house. With so many high achievers in one place the chill in that common room during exam time is likely to be non existent.

Ravenclaws, unlike Taurus, are likely prone to obsession, over thinking, and over working themselves in many situations (especially in school). Ravenclaws would need to see some of their Hufflepuff or Gryffindor friends in order to learn how to relax and chill out.

Typical – Perfectionists

Harry Potter Ravenclaw banner.

While Ron and Harry don’t understand Hermione’s complaints about missing one extra point on an exam it’s likely quite a few Ravenclaws would completely get it. Like Taurus, Ravenclaws are likely to be perfectionists, striving to be the brainiest most well informed person in the room.

Add to that the way they want to appear to the world (look at how Cho can’t quite organize her feelings about Harry and how dating him would look after losing Cedric) and there’s quite a bit of perfectionist stress that the house of Rowena Ravenclaw puts on itself.

Not – Set in Their Ways


A Taurus’ stubborn nature comes from the fact that those born under that sign are very set in their ways. The wisest Ravenclaws would not be.

The house of wit and learning would always be willing to take in new information and change their ways based on the more current or more correct facts that are brought to light. Ravenclaws want to learn and with that comes change.

Typical – Get the Job Done

A Taurus or a Ravenclaw is exactly the type of person you want on your team for a group project. Aside from Ravenclaws being some of the smartest students, their effort and dedication to finishing what they begin would also work in everyone’s favor.

To get everything they can from an assignment, a Ravenclaw has to finish it, and it’s unlikely members of the house of bronze and blue are ever the ones asking for extensions on assignments.

Not – Dependable

Due to their creativity and their focus, Ravenclaws, unlike Taurus, are dedicated but sometimes not the most dependable. Both Cho and Luna prove that Ravenclaws can get stuck in their own heads and not always show up when needed.

Add to that Gilderoy Lockhart and the ambition of those in Ravenclaw house, and sometimes Ravenclaws can be a little bit too self centered to be depended on.