Harry Potter: 5 Patronus Animals Capricorn Would Likely Have (& 5 They Never Would)

Harry Potter: 5 Patronus Animals Capricorn Would Likely Have (& 5 They Never Would)

Capricorns are most known for their resilience, focus, ambition, and potential for spiritual awareness. They are determined and will work hard for what they want, have a tendency to be geared toward politics, and are great with money. It’s no wonder, then, that the most notable Harry Potter world Capricorns are Severus Snape (born January 9th) and Tom Riddle, a.k.a. Lord Voldemort (born December 31st).

A Patronus is deeply personal to every witch or wizard who conjures it and meant to call on their happiest memory to ward off Dementors. Tom Riddle never conjures a Patronus in the books or movies so it is not known what his would be, while Severus Snape conjures a doe as his Patronus. Read on to find out about five most likely animals that a Capricorn would conjure as a Patronus, and five they never would.

(Never) Chameleon

Harry Potter: 5 Patronus Animals Capricorn Would Likely Have (& 5 They Never Would)

The chameleon is adaptable in it’s ever changing color status but it is also quite hesitant and anxious. Such an animal does not represent the Capricorn at all. It’s 360 degree vision and ability to blend at the top of a hat aren’t part of a resilient nature. These features are about hiding, something a Capricorn is not known to do. It is unlikely, then, that a Capricorn would ever conjure a chameleon as a Patronus.

(Likely) Goat

The Capricorn is often symbolized by the “Capricornus,” which is a mythical sea goat that has the body and head of a goat and the tail of a fish. There is no animal like this in earthly existence or in the lore of Harry Potter, however, a goat is an extremely resilient animal.

It is considered very earthy and Capricorn is an earth sign. Goats are masters of survival, just like Capricorns. They can live on almost any terrain and get nutrition from eating many types of food. A goat is therefore extremely likely to grace the end of a Capricorn’s wand when facing a Dementor.

(Never) Dolphin

Dolphins are playful and light as well as fluid in all things. They’ve been known to show a goofy disposition. These are traits that are not likely to be found in a Capricorn. In evolution, Dolphins switched between land and sea several times, seemingly unable to decide which kind of mammal they wanted to be. They cannot focus for very long and most have the mentality of a five year old, at best. A Capricorn would never conjure this type of animal for protection.

(Likely) Crocodile

Capricorns are patient and focused. They can concentrate for long periods on one thing without fail and their ambition is unparalleled. A crocodile will lie in wait for its prey, waiting for it to come close enough for them to grab. They don’t move, make a sound, and they do not waver. They are also powerful and ancient. A Capricorn would easily choose this animal to protect them.

(Never) Opossum

Not to be confused with a possum, the opossum is a highly social creature. They groom themselves constantly and when a predator comes after them, they play dead and have no control over the anxiety response that makes them do so. This is everything Capricorns are not. When conjuring an animal from their soul that is meant to protect them, this is one that a Capricorn is highly unlikely to throw into the face of a Dementor.

(Likely) Goose

Geese are incredibly protective of their loved ones. They have been used to guard other animals and they have a singular focus when it comes to their loved ones. A baby chick will imprint on its mother or someone it believes to be its ,other and will stick to them for their entire lives. A baby chick can even imprint on a human. The goose will follow its own path no matter where the herd may be going.

Consider Severus Snape in his protectiveness of Harry even after he resents Harry for Lily’s death. Think of his protectiveness over Draco to the point of engaging in an Unbreakable Vow to protect him. These are traits that run strong in Capricorns and so it would be very likely for a Capricorn to conjure a goose as a Patronus.

(Never) Rabbit

Rabbits are not focused, scare easily, and live in intricate and confusing social networks in their warrens of underground tunnels. They’re not too resilient and their disposition is all over the place. This is practically the complete opposite of the stoic and hard working Capricorn. When it comes to protection from Dementors, it is unlikely that a Capricorn would ever conjure a rabbit. This animal is not representative of Capricorn in any way.

(Likely) Emperor Penguin

This animal, like the Capricorn, is incredibly determined. When seeking a mate, they will travel over sixty miles every year to the ancestral breeding ground. The emperor penguin chooses only one mate for life and when they are incubating their eggs, each partner will trade off warming the clutch with complete focus. The partner warming the clutch will sit there with no food for months at a time to incubate and protect their eggs. This animal is focused, determined, hardworking, and protective. All are traits that embody the Capricorn and make the emperor penguin a likely Patronus.

(Never) Cheetah

The cheetah is fast and attractive. They are touted as great hunters but the fact is that they give up nearly 60% of their chases. A Capricorn would never give up when hunting something they wanted. Tom Riddle made a plan that took decades to execute and he didn’t even give up in death. Snape saw his Unbreakable Vow through to the end, even though it meant he had to kill Dumbledore to keep his promise. Capricorns do not give up for anything and that’s why a cheetah would never be a Capricorn’s Patronus.

(Likely) Unicorn

The unicorn does not exist on Earth in any known capacity but they do exist in the world of Harry Potter. In fact, in the first book/movie, Voldemort (i.e. Tom Riddle) was seen drinking the blood of a unicorn in order to survive. This is two-fold since he is also a Capricorn and unicorns are symbols of pure magic, awareness, and ascension to higher levels of being. If ever an animal symbolized singular ambition, it would be the unicorn. While Tom Riddle (nor Voldemort) is never seen conjuring a Patronus, it is likely that had he done so, it would be a unicorn. Fans have speculated that his Patronus would be a snake since he could speak Parseltongue and Nagini is one of his horcruxes but a snake, even a basilisk, is not as ideal a Patronus for a Capricorn.