Harry Potter: 5 Hogwarts Subjects/Activities Virgo Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail)

Harry Potter: 5 Hogwarts Subjects/Activities Virgo Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail)

It’s no secret that Harry Potter fans are a die-hard fandom, and there’s certainly enough people out there who would totally enroll in a real-life version of Hogwarts. Even more so, they probably know what classes or activities they’d be most excited about taking or trying.

For anyone who knows their astrology, Virgos are practical and analytical, but they’re also pretty intuitive and caring. If a Virgo was to find themselves with a wand at the school of magic, they’d likely have their nose in a book or be helping their classmates study.

Excel: Charms

Harry Potter: 5 Hogwarts Subjects/Activities Virgo Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail)

This core subject is all about spells, and learning everything about their properties. This one is definitely known as being a practical class, and not every wizard is exactly good at it.

For a Virgo, their analytical brain is more than equipped to handle anything that comes their way. They could remember any spell, and they’re cautious enough that they would likely never create much chaos.

Fail: Flying

Virgos can be a bit guilty of being all work and no play. While their heads are usually buried in books, it would be an interesting sight to see a Virgo on a broomstick, where they have pretty limited control over reality.

This risky activity is definitely not all about practicality and knowledge, so this might not be where a member of this earth sign excels. Well-grounded, they prefer to stay on the ground.

Excel: S.P.E.W.

There’s a lot to say about a Virgo’s intelligence and analytical brain, but they’re also super loyal and totally kind-hearted. This political club is all about equality in the wizard society.

It literally stands for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, and any Virgo would be happy to join Hermione in this social justice club, who, would likely also be a member of this zodiac sign.

Fail: Muggle Art

This is an activity that requires artistry and creativity. This analytical sign isn’t exactly known for having an artistic side, and while they love books and creativity, they aren’t exactly pros at making things.

Whether it’s painting or drawing, creating things isn’t a skill that most Virgos have, and they’d probably rather be studying art history – which they’d definitely excel at.

Excel: History Of Magic

There’s nothing more logical and practical than history. It’s all about reality, and a hardworking Virgo would certainly be able to absorb all the historical facts about magic and Hogwarts.

Knowledge is power for this zodiac sign, and they’re also a bit of a nerd when it comes to learning and memorizing information. Other wizards would certainly copy their homework in this class.

Fail: Duelling Club

This is certainly another activity that is reliant on being quick on one’s feet, but also has to do with violence and risk. A Virgo would likely be covering their eyes during any duel, and while they might understand the best moves, they aren’t volunteering to join.

Virgos need time to plan and think, and any fast-paced activity isn’t something they’d excel at. However, they could be helpful in preparing a wizard against a monster. However, they’ll sit this one out.

Excel: Charms Club

While wild and chaotic activities aren’t in a Virgo’s wheelhouse, anything with their mind is definitely something they’d excel at. Professor Flitwick would certainly enjoy any and all Virgos that joined his club.

This is one club they would definitely be in. It’s basically more learning, but putting that knowledge to use. What better way for a Virgo to prove how intelligent they really are?

Fail: Transfiguration

This class is about changing objects. From vanishing, conjuring, and switching spells, this subject is literally the opposite of reality and practicality. Virgos place a lot of value in reason, and they’re all about the small details.

Transforming frogs into rabbits or making something disappear is definitely a guessing game, and probably doesn’t sit well with the grounded Virgo – much like it doesn’t with Professor McGonagall.

Excel: Alchemy

Virgos are certainly skilled at organization, and excel even more at remembering and focusing on small details. This class is basically the chemistry of potions, and how substances become other forms.

This science class is all about practicality and realism, and any Virgo would love to figure out how these spells and potions truly operate. They’d probably be the best in the class, and will remember every potion.

Fail: Quidditch

It might be a bit disappointing to fail at this classic game, but Virgos will likely accept the fact that bravery and sports aren’t exactly their strong suits. Flying at high speeds and making quick decisions aren’t on a Virgo’s list of fun things to do.

They’d be the biggest cheerleaders in the stands, and could probably even offer some helpful tips, but they’d certainly be sitting on the sidelines. In fact, a Virgo would likely be sitting right next to Hermione.