Harry Potter: 5 Hogwarts Subjects/Activities Taurus Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail)

Harry Potter: 5 Hogwarts Subjects/Activities Taurus Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail)

Taurus is an earth sign and is best known for the stubborn personalities that fall under its influence. Despite being stubborn Taurus are also very fond of just taking it easy and enjoying some relaxation and pampering. So how would a Taurus make out at a Hogwarts student? They’d likely be very successful, but not necessarily at everything.

But, while Taurus are perfectionists, they don’t necessarily succeed at being perfect at everything. Hogwarts is quite a big school, and that means there are options where everyone can succeed. After all, the school is home to both Slytherins and Hufflepuffs. So, where would a Taurus find their greatest successes in the Wizarding World?

Excel – Transfiguration

Harry Potter: 5 Hogwarts Subjects/Activities Taurus Would Excel In (& 5 They Would Fail)

Transfiguration is one of the hardest subjects at Hogwarts. Just look at McGonagall, she’s no slouch. The pressure Neville’s Gran puts on him to take a NEWT course in transfiguration also highlights the prestige put on the subject. Taurus would be very successful under McGonagall.

Consider the stubborn determination of a Taurus along with the way they strive for perfection and transfiguration would fit in with their general personality very nicely.

Fail – History of Magic

Professor Binns from Harry Potter

History of Magic is not likely to intrigue most students (that, of course, is the fault of the professor) but Taurus is likely to struggle more than most.

Their perfectionist tendencies coupled with their desire to take it easy are likely to clash in this class as they try to focus while being distracted by every lazy opportunity Professor Binns offers his class by barely noticing any of them are there. The struggle for a Taurus would be very real in a History of Magic classroom.

Excel – Apparition

Harry Potter Apparition

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, students in Harry’s year are offered lessons so they can learn to apparate. Odds are, the student who will successfully apparate first will be a Taurus.

The stubborn perseverance and perfectionist tendencies of a Taurus will lead them to follow the directions to a T and successfully travel from one circle to another without splinching themselves (leaving a piece of themselves behind). Any other student looking for an example to follow should depend on a friend who is a Taurus.

Fail – Music

harry potter choir

You’re not likely to find a large number of Taurus in the Frog Choir at Hogwarts. While Taurus work hard they enjoy relaxing just as much, if not more. The Frog Choir doesn’t come with a lot of popularity credit, nor does it help a student show off.

A Taurus is unlikely to sign up and waste well-earned relaxation time working with Professor Flitwick on harmony and toad care. Taurus is likely to ignore the music options at Hogwarts all together.

Excel – Potions

Despite Snape’s cruelties, or perhaps because of them, Taurus are likely to excel at potions. Perfectionist tendencies are likely to assist in finding success at potions, due to the finer details and instructions the class required.

Add to that the fact that a Taurus would like nothing more than to prove Snape wrong about how few students really appreciate the “subtle” art of potion-making. Snape might not appreciate a Taurus in any house other than Slytherin, but they are likely to make up some of his most successful students.

Fail – Herbology

Like History of Magic, herbology is likely to find a Taurus with their wires crossed. Like potions it takes small repetitive steps to be successful yet, despite their perfectionist tendencies, a Taurus is not likely to appreciate the time it takes to see herbology success.

Where many potions will display their successes (or failures) immediately, the waiting that comes along with replanting and waiting in herbology is very likely to frustrate Taurus more than it is likely to inspire them.

Excel – Hogsmeade Weekends

A view of Hogsmeade's cottages lit up at night in Harry Potter

Any student in the third year or above, with a signed permission slip, gets to visit the village of Hogsmeade on certain weekends. No one is likely to find more joy in a Hogsmeade weekend than a Taurus. With their love of all things relaxing and comforting, the shopping available in the only all-wizarding village left in Britain will certainly appeal.

The stubborn personality of a Taurus is also likely to lead them to the best deals and opportunities in the village as well. When visiting with friends it certainly helps to have a Taurus in the group.

Fail – Muggle Studies

The Dursley family looking shocked in Order of the Phoenix.

Taurus come with very strong opinions, these opinions, along with the very real likelihood they would have no trouble expressing themselves, makes them unfortunate muggle studies students.

While Taurus would certainly take good notes, they would likely be distracted with questions and problems they found in the muggle way of life. It’s hard to understand a life without magic when you’ve never had to experience it. Muggle studies would likely be more of a distraction for a Taurus than a successful course of study.

Excel – Quidditch

Want a winning quidditch team? Have some Taurus on the team. Stubborn, physical, and dedicated? It’s the perfect combination for a skilled and determined quidditch player, no matter the position.

As perfectionists, Taurus are likely to put in extra time practicing on the quidditch pitch than any other players. Don’t want to get knocked off your broom? Stay out of the way during a serious house match.

Fail – Divination

Hermione and Trelawney Harry Potter

Just the design of the divination classroom is likely to set up Taurus to fail. Consider the smokey interior and the poofs to sit on. A chill Taurus is likely to use divination as a nap session rather than a perfectionist study moment.

Despite their dedication to their studies, a Taurus is unlikely to be able to bring themselves to top the class for Professor Trelawney. Not even perfectionists can be good at everything.