Harry Potter: 10 Most Exciting Takeaways From The Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay Showcase

Harry Potter: 10 Most Exciting Takeaways From The Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay Showcase

News that Hogwarts Legacy will allow players to make so much of an impact on the Wizarding World around them that there are actually multiple endings has thrilled fans. The open-world Harry Potter game is set for a February 10, 2023, release and with each passing day, it seems that there’s even more reason to be excited. The game might not allow players to play as Harry or any of the familiar characters from the franchise, but so far that doesn’t seem to matter – Hogwarts Legacy looks spectacular.

With several months still to go before the game officially arrives, fans received a special treat recently with the Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay Showcase. The 46-minute-long event offers an in-depth look into the mechanics of the game, as well as introduces specific aspects of the game’s gorgeous scenery. There is much to be intrigued by, with the following being the most exciting takeaways.

The Detail Of Hogwarts

Harry Potter: 10 Most Exciting Takeaways From The Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay Showcase

Of all the mysteries in the Wizarding World, arguably the greatest of them all is the very school that Harry, Hermione and Ron attend. Hogwarts is a major character in the franchise, and each film provides fans with greater insight than ever into the beloved castle’s twists and turns.

With the arrival of Hogwarts Legacy, fans finally have the opportunity to fully explore every nook and cranny of Hogwarts. What’s especially exciting about this is that the upcoming game’s developers truly took the task of designing Hogwarts to heart – with rooms recreated within the game to match the descriptions laid out in creator J.K. Rowling’s books.

Character Creation

The character creation system in Hogwarts Legacy.

When news first broke that an open-world game set in the Potterverse was on its way, some fans were a little disappointed to learn that the game wouldn’t take place during Harry’s lifetime. Instead, Hogwarts Legacy sends gamers back to the 19th century as a fifth-year student.

As a brand new Hogwarts student, fans are able to create their own witch or wizard to play as. The character creation options are astounding, with 32 different character presets, 15 face shape options, 20 skin tone options and much, much more. There are even freckle, mole and facial scar options, making creating a wizard or witch a very fun and detailed offering.

Being A Fifth Year

A Hogwarts Legacy character in Ollivander's wand shop with Ollivander watching as they pick

Every Potterhead worth their salt knows that an education at Hogwarts begins when the prospective wizard or witch turns 11. From there on, it’s seven years of education in the ways of potions, defense against the dark arts, herbology and much, much more.

It is indeed unusual to begin a Hogwarts education as a fifth year, but that’s what awaits Hogwarts Legacy gamers. As a result, the game provides something called The Wizard’s Field Guide. On loan from the Ministry of Magic, this tool helps lead players into different challenges and encounters that will help them grow as witches and wizards.

House Points

Hogwarts Legacy student in sorting hat at ceremony

Though fans had to wait until the end of the books and films to learn which Hogwarts house was the winner, the competition between the four houses was always a point of interest. Exactly how the winner was determined often seemed a bit too random for some fans, but all in all, the competition was a lot of fun.

In Hogwarts Legacy, some fans might be disappointed to learn that house points aren’t a core mechanic of the game. Fortunately, house points are still included in the overall story arc of the game, meaning the concept exists but can’t be controlled. Simply knowing this is great, helping to further immerse gamers while they focus on numerous other aspects of the game.

Ambient Details

Gryffindor common room in Hogwarts Legacy with natural light streaming in from windows

One of the most aesthetically pleasing elements of the Harry Potter films is watching Hogwarts change with the seasons. This is especially a treat for those who love holidays like Halloween and Christmas. The changes occurred in the books as well, but seeing them on screen has always been a special treat.

Thankfully, this wonderful detail has been included within Hogwarts Legacy. It can most clearly be seen in the castle’s windows, which, along with allowing for different light throughout the day, also help define the different seasons. Gentle autumn sunlight eventually turns to a slice of the winter wonderland beyond, all through the castle’s tall glass windows.

Spells Galore

Two students in Hogwarts Legacy mixing a potion in a cauldron, pointing a wand and dumping ingredients into it as blue sparks float into the air.

Obviously one of the most, if not the most important aspect of being a wizard or witch in the Potterverse is the ability to cast spells. Watching Harry and the others learn different ways to make their lives easier or ward off evil is great fun that keeps imaginations primed.

Gamers who take on Hogwarts Legacy will be pleased to know that each student has the opportunity to access 20 different slottable spells. These can be stored in the four different slots in the spell diamond which makes up a player’s HUD. This allows them to be easily accessible for the many challenges that await players.

Which Spells?

Hogwarts Legacy student casts a spell with their wand, sending a red beam and sparks flying.

The world of Harry Potter has shown fans a tremendous variety of spells over the years and because of this, exactly which spells are available to players of Hogwarts Legacy has been a major question that fans want answered. While the three unforgivable curses have been touched on within the game, fans are still eager to learn more.

The Hogwarts Legacy gameplay showcase was kind enough to allow fans a little more insight into how the spells work and even revealed the first officially confirmed spell in the game. Revelio is an essential spell in Hogwarts Legacy, the likes of which allows players to reveal hidden objects, messages, passages and more. It might not be the most exciting charm, but it definitely has the potential to liven up a player’s experience.

Hogwarts Houses

Student in Hogwarts Legacy walks through the Hufflepuff common room

Discovering which house they’d belong to were they to enroll as a student at Hogwarts has kept Potterheads connected to the wizarding world for years. Some houses are more popular than others, but each offers its own rich experience for students.

Within Hogwarts Legacy, a tremendous amount of detail has been put into the four Hogwarts houses. The gameplay showcase confirmed that each house is represented by a natural element: Gryffindor (fire), Slytherin (water), Ravenclaw (air) and Hufflepuff (earth). These elements are thematically incorporated into the game, creating enchanting environments.

Familiar Locations Made Even Better

The interior of Hogwarts in Hogwarts legacy with two big stair cases leading either side of a giant hogwarts crest

After years of books and films set within the wizarding world, fans can quickly recognize many different locations within Hogwarts. One of these extremely familiar locations is the school’s grand staircase. Excitement regarding the ability to explore it in Hogwarts Legacy is certainly high – and for good reason.

Traveling by broom isn’t the only way to get around for a witch or wizard, and Hogwarts Legacy will allow players to use Floo powder to quickly move from one place to the next. This is provided through several Floo Flame locations – one of which just happens to be found on the grand staircase!

Battles Within Hogwarts Legacy

image from the Harry Potter game Hogwarts Legacy showing a student fighting against a troll

As the story of Harry Potter unfolded, more and more battles between good wizards and witches and the dark magic of Voldemort and his fellow Death Eaters occurred. Watching the wizards and witches do battle was fascinating, especially after watching Harry and his friends become more adept with magic over the years.

The ability to learn more as a witch or wizard and develop a player’s skills is a major feature in Hogwarts Legacy. The battles revealed in the showcase proved that this is an incredibly smooth aspect of the game, with plenty to draw gamers in. One such aspect is the halo which appears over students’ heads, acting as a sort of Spidey-sense in terms of alerting players to incoming danger.