Harry Potter: 10 Memes That Prove Ginny Was Right For Harry

Harry Potter: 10 Memes That Prove Ginny Was Right For Harry

The Harry Potter series introduced fans to a plethora of characters, creatures, and magic. One part of the series, though, that truly fascinated readers and viewers, were the different relationships that developed over the course of the series. While some fans were satisfied with the way some relationships ended, others were not.

The main characters that ended up together were, of course, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, and Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Some wished that Harry and Hermione ended up together, while others were happy with Harry’s relationship with Ginny. Keep reading to see 10 memes that prove Ginny actually was right for Harry.

Ginny Always Loved Harry

Harry Potter: 10 Memes That Prove Ginny Was Right For Harry

One reason that proves Ginny was the right person for Harry was the fact that she was always interested in him. Even when Ginny tried to branch out and explore relationships, like her relationship with Dean Thomas, it was always clear to fans that she was always infatuated with Harry and was simply waiting for her feelings to be reciprocated.

This is proven in this funny meme regarding the Yule Ball in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Harry’s date, Cho.

Ron Accepted It

One testament to the fact that Ginny was right for Harry was the fact that she and Harry had Ron’s approval. Ron’s approval is true proof that Harry and Ginny were good together, seeming as how Ron despised Dean Thomas after he discovered he was dating Ginny.

Although Ron and Harry are best friends, Ron was still protective of Ginny, and the fact that he gave them his blessing is evidence enough that this couple was meant to be, even if he was slightly weirded out in the beginning, as this meme shows.

It Was Hinted At From The Beginning

Harry and Ginny didn’t become romantically involved until Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, however, that is not to say that the idea of this couple wasn’t introduced in the films and movies earlier on.

This meme shows a funny comparison to the first time Ginny was referred to as Harry’s girlfriend, and it shows that their relationship was always in the cards, and was truly meant to be after all.

Cho Chang

Both Harry and Ginny spent time dating other people in the series, as Ginny dated Michael Corner and Dean Thomas, while Harry’s first crush and kiss were with Cho Chang.

However, neither of them found their “chosen one” until they were with each other. This meme jokes about Cho’s reaction to Harry and Ginny’s relationship.

She Understood Him

After knowing Harry for so long and being his friend for many years, Ginny understood Harry incredibly well. Ginny and Harry often had an unspoken understanding for one another, which this meme proves.

The meme shows a paragraph for the Harry Potter series, during which, Harry breaks up with Ginny. Instead of being upset, Ginny understood that he had a noble reason as to why they couldn’t be together, proving their connection yet again.


While Harry lost his parents and godfather, he created a family of his own with his best friends, Hermione and Ron. When Harry and Ginny got together, this only solidified his strong familial bond with the Weasley family, and it made him and bigger part of it.

By Harry marrying Ginny, he officially became related to his best friends, Ron and Hermione, giving him the family he always wanted and deserved.

They Were Friends First

Harry and Ginny grew up together, and while they didn’t get into a relationship until they were much older, the fact that they were such close friends throughout the series, only made their relationship stronger.

Harry and Ginny were friends before they had a romantic relationship. They genuinely loved and cared for each other, and were there for one another through many hard times.  This laughable meme, though, shows how happy fans were when they did finally get together.

The Chamber Of Secrets

Harry and Ginny shared a traumatic experience in the Chamber of Secrets when both of them nearly died. Because of this, Ginny was able to help Harry get rid of the Potions textbook that led him to the Half-Blood Prince, fully understanding the power that words had on her.

These two moments brought the two characters together, as this meme points out perfectly, and it adds Ron and Hermione into the mix, as well.


Many fans noticed that Ginny resembled Harry’s mom, Lily, in more ways than one. Ginny resembled Lily in appearance, as they both had long, red hair. But she also had a similar personality to Harry’s mom, as she was talented, smart, strong, and very stubborn.

This meme points out their similarities, and whether it was planned or not, Harry ended up with someone that his mom definitely would have approved of.

Harry And Ron

One of the reasons that makes Ginny right for Harry, is simply the fact that Harry and her brother are best friends. Ron and Harry’s friendship is one of the sweetest, funniest, and most supportive in the series.

The fact that Ginny was also close with Ron, and was able to have her brother and husband be best friends, proves that she and Harry made an amazing couple, as well as the fact that Hermione and Ginny were close, as well.