Hamilton: 5 Reasons Why The Broadway Hit Needs A Film Adaptation (& 5 Why It Doesn’t)

Hamilton: 5 Reasons Why The Broadway Hit Needs A Film Adaptation (& 5 Why It Doesn’t)

Hamilton has become an incredibly successful Broadway musical from the mind of Lin-Manuel Miranda and starring him in the Alexander Hamilton role. The musical tells the story of the founding father immigrant from his beginnings in the Caribbean to becoming an American Revolution war hero, helping to craft the Constitution and appointed as America’s first Treasury Secretary.

Most everyone has heard of the musical, but even with it begin to tour across the world it is difficult for most to afford to see it live. Although live stage musicals are a different experience than a recording of the musical or a film adaptation, both could allow for a wider audience. There are reasons why Hamilton deserves a film adaptation, but also reasons why it should stay a stage musical.

Does: Seeing The Battles

Hamilton: 5 Reasons Why The Broadway Hit Needs A Film Adaptation (& 5 Why It Doesn’t)

Although the stage production masterfully choreographs the battles of the American Revolution it would be interesting to see how these battles would be shown in a film adaptation.

A film adaptation could make the battles even more engaging and emotional if done correctly. It could portray an even stronger bond between Hamilton and his fellow revolutionaries he fights besides such as John Laurens and Lafayette.

Does Not: Professionally Filmed On Broadway

Lin-Manuel Miranda looking up in Hamilton

The musical was professionally filmed when the original cast was performing on Broadway and is set to be released to the public through Disney+ streaming services in July.

Audiences will finally be able to view the musical on a wide scale and have access to the stage production. It seems like a film adaptation might not be needed since this will be available to everyone.

Does: More Historical Additions

The stage production does a good job of telling Alexander Hamilton’s story while also dramatizing pieces to make a cohesive plot from beginning to end.

In a film adaptation, more historical facts could be added to a script to flesh out Hamilton’s legacy even further as long as it doesn’t push itself into biopic territory.

Does Not: Was Written And Choreographed For The Stage

Hamilton was always meant to be a stage musical and it has been an extremely successful production on the stage. A film adaptation may not be as successful since the musical took years to develop and perfect.

There could be time to develop a film adaptation and if the same team is involved then it could be a great success, similar to the In the Heights film adaptation journey.

Does: Giving More Actors Their Shot

hamilton daveed diggs lin manuel miranda

Even if the original broadway cast is tapped for the film adaptation, there would probably be more casting to be done. In the stage production, many actors play multiple characters, which probably wouldn’t read as well in the film production.

For example, Daveed Diggs probably wouldn’t play both Lafayette and Jefferson in the film adaptation so this could give another actor their shot at a big break. This opportunity would be in the same vein as the musical’s message itself and be a lovely real-world connection.

Does Not: Could Lose Its Charm

hamilton broadway ensemble

The stage production of the musical was carefully crafted and it shows that a lot of love and time was put into it. If the film adaptation doesn’t have this same approach, some of its charm and uniqueness might be lost in the Hollywood world of cinema.

After releasing the professionally filmed stage production it could be a gamble to live up to the hype with a film adaptation.

Does: Could Reach A Bigger Audience

Although the stage production is set to be released, some viewers may still hold off from watching it because it’s a musical on stage.

Movie musicals are accessible to a larger audience and more people might view the musical if there were a film adaptation made in a more familiar format to them.

Does Not: Too Much Of A Good Thing

Although a film adaptation could bring a larger audience to Hamilton it could also backfire and be too much of a good thing. Right now Hamilton is confined to the stage and the original Broadway cast recording will be released soon. If this is all the musical shares it will be enough, and more than this might prove to be too much of a good thing.

Does: Advantage Of Film Techniques

In a film adaptation, more thought could be put into the cinematography of each and every scene and editing would be a strong tool this story could use.

Due to all of the time jumps and the length of time the musical covers it could be a useful tool to edit a montage to help the audience see the change, such as Alexander and Eliza’s kids growing up or their depression and reconciliation after Phillip’s death during the song “It’s Quiet Uptown.”

Does Not: Could Lose Its Raw Emotion

While emotion can be displayed in a film adaptation there is something special about a live stage production that cannot be duplicated in cinema.

The raw emotion of actors giving their full performance in a new way every single time they perform can’t be recreated in a film adaptation. This special uniqueness is reserved for the stage and a film adaptation will lessen the emotion.