Halo: Master Chief Collection Update Adds Enemies, Customization, & More

Halo: Master Chief Collection Update Adds Enemies, Customization, & More

Fans of the classic Halo titles are being treated to new content, customization features, and crossplay for modes included in Halo: The Master Chief Collection. The MCC includes both the single-player and multiplayer modes for Halo 1 through Halo 4, plus Halo Reach and Halo ODST. Besides the legendary first-person campaigns, each Halo entry has included many multiplayer modes that continue to keep fans entertained many years after release.

Multiplayer has always been one of Halo’s most popular components. Many believe that the original Xbox may not have reached its levels of success without the help of the popular sci-fi shooter. Some multiplayer modes have grown more popular with Halo fans over the years and have managed to be updated and reworked into new games in the series. One of the series’ most popular modes called Firefight pits up to four players against increasingly difficult hordes of enemies. An update has added new versions of the franchise’s most terrifying enemies to the popular mode.

A significant update for Halo: The Master Chief Collection is adding cross-play, new features, and new deadly Flood enemies to ODST’s Firefight mode. The lengthy Halo Waypoint blog post extensively lists all of the latest additions and improvements in MCC’s latest update. Flood enemies have been given new forms and abilities for ODST’s Firefight mode that should surprise even the most seasoned Halo players. And unlike Master Chief, the playable ODST soldiers can be both infected and resurrected by Flood enemies. The new update makes jumping back into MCC’s Firefight modes sound like a good time, but that is not the only new content fans will find when they boot up the game again.

Halo: Master Chief Collection Update Adds Enemies, Customization, & More

Several quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes have also been included in the MCC update. It also fixes some issues in other games included in the collection, like Halo: Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 2: Anniversary. These fixes and adjustments will allow more options for Halo’s Forge modders to create their own custom game modes. Crossplay has also been enabled for Halo 3 and ODST campaigns, allowing players on PC and Xbox to play them together online. The update also adds new skulls to Halo 2, 3, and ODST, plus many other features that can be viewed in the Halo Waypoint blog.

Halo Infinite is the latest game in the series. It has been having difficulty keeping fans’ attention with the lack of cooperative multiplayer options and maps. Fortunately, the MCC is going strong with all the features that fans want to be included in Infinite. New content and improvements being added to the Halo: The Master Chief Collection may convince even more fans to return to the classic Halo multiplayer experience, at least until new Halo Infinite multiplayer content can entice fans to return.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows.