Halo Infinite’s Three Biggest Changes To Multiplayer

Halo Infinite’s Three Biggest Changes To Multiplayer

One of the defining features of Halo‘s multiplayer over the years is how willing developers at Bungie and later 343 Industries are to change things up. From game to game, weapon roles shift and entire systems appear and disappear. Movement changes from a steady pace to a full-on sprint while gametypes bounce from classic settings to new attempts at brilliance. Each version of what 343 dubbed Arena has its fans, and there’s always a seeming need to try to please everyone with a brand-new configuration. The upcoming Halo Infinite continues this trend with several major shifts on defining aspects of Halo multiplayer that could drastically change how Spartans get the job done.

This all comes as just a small part of the changes coming to the Halo experience with Halo Infinite. For the first time, Halo‘s campaign and multiplayer will split into two separate experiences, with a premium Master Chief story and a deathmatch suite that’s free to play on Xbox and PC. This means that Halo Infinite‘s multiplayer will likely have the most exposure of any other game in the series, and that could influence some of the decisions coming to the base game.

343 Industries has already detailed an in-depth tutorial zone featuring a firing range and bot matches that will help get new players up to speed on Halo‘s action. The game is also diving deep into player customization via in-game unlocks and seasonal battle passes that players can unlock at their own pace. Gone are the days of randomized REQ packs, replaced with a system of persistent battle passes that will hopefully unlock cosmetics at a steady pace as players complete matches of Slayer, Oddball, and Capture the Flag. One aspect of customization will even have a drastic effect on gameplay beyond just crafting the perfect suit of Spartan armor.

Halo Infinite: How Personalized AI Changes Gameplay

Halo Infinite’s Three Biggest Changes To Multiplayer

Halo multiplayer has always had one man that connects every game together. Jeff Steitzer uses his deep voice to call out killing sprees, alert the team to a missing flag, and celebrate in an execution. He has already been confirmed to return for Halo Infinite and will serve a similar role when it comes to players achieving skillfully executed kills. However, he won’t be the only voice in each Spartan’s head on the battlefield. Halo Infinite also introduces personalized AIs, a second customizable voice that provides “moment-to-moment updates” during a game. The example 343 gives is that the AI will encourage players to head back to base when they grab a flag and other trailers have this AI voice responding to power weapon pickups and vehicle spawns.

This AI is seemingly an iteration on the teammate barks from Halo 5, which served a similar purpose in providing always useful information and also making it clear to newer players whenever something important happens. Being able to customize that voice and tying it into an AI feels much more authentic to the Halo experience than just having teammates call out catchphrases eSports style, so it’s a welcome improvement. Halo 5 also experimented with a trio of alternate multiplayer announcers over time, so players should expect guest characters in this role sooner rather than later.

Halo Infinite: How Consumable Power-Ups Changes Gameplay

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Power Up Changes

Halo Infinite is already bringing back Halo 3-style equipment, including the game’s signature grappling hook, a threat identification grenade a-la Hanzo in Overwatch, and a front-facing energy shield for fortifying positions. Today’s new trailer revealed that power-ups are now part of this equation as well, although they seemingly won’t be in the same slot as the more tactical gadgets. Overshield and Active Camo were a big part of early Halo multiplayer, but they faded into the background as time went on. Because they were single-use items that activated as soon as a player grabbed them, it was hard to place them on a map efficiently. Later games even introduced other variants that were used even less frequently.

In Halo Infinite, power-ups (including the seen but not mentioned Speed Boost) are now consumable items that Spartans pick up for use in the right situation. This immediately shifts the item from a power weapon-style pick-up to a valuable tool that fits into many more situations. It adds a layer of strategy to high tensions situations, especially since an unused power-up is dropped upon death. It was already embarrassing to lug a rocket launcher to an enemy’s doorstep and then hand it over via a quick death in classic Halo multiplayer. The prospect of adding a free invisibility cloak or powerful shield into the equation should hopefully get players thinking about their placement on the map and how they should use their tools effectively.

Halo Infinite: How Vehicle Cargo Changes Gameplay

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Cargo Space

The Troop Transport Warthog and the gunless Mongoose were always curious fits on the Halo battlefield. They only really made sense with an accurate partner in the passenger seat or as a quick getaway for someone hoping to capture the flag. Even then, there was often little reason to use them in place of a traditional Warthog or Gungoose thanks to their added firepower. Halo Infinite is changing that with the addition of cargo space for weapons and items in certain vehicles. The newly rechristened Razorback trades in the Warthog’s various armaments for the ability to drive a whole team into battle, and there’s enough room for a powerful weapon in the back.

This could change the whole complexion of a Capture the Flag matchup. A well-organized foursome could load a Spartan Laser into the boot, jump in with Assault Rifles and take out opposing vehicles while a pair of teammates slip in the base unseen. The new video also reveals that this cargo room also fits objectives, implying that players could drop the flag off in the car and then bolt towards the base with an armed passenger instead of slowly marching through a cave on the edge of the map. It certainly beats a magically spawning pistol.

It’s clear that, when it comes to multiplayer, 343 Industries have a lot of ideas on how to mix what fans love about Halo‘s past with the future of Halo Infinite. Instead of trying to follow trends or adapt Halo to ideas that don’t fit the franchise, the changes shown during today’s multiplayer explainer are all smart tweaks on what Halo does best. With the multiplayer going free to play in this release, more people than ever will get to experience the game that launched a thousand LAN parties and a million Xbox Live subscriptions.