Halloween: Michael Myers’ 10 Best Murder Weapons, Ranked

Halloween: Michael Myers’ 10 Best Murder Weapons, Ranked

After being pushed back by a year due to the global pandemic, Halloween Kills is still on track to open in theaters on October 15, 2021. Shot back-to-back with Halloween Ends, the film will resume Michael Myers’ reign of terror as he pursues Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) and her family with lethal intent.

While Michael Myers is known for the trusty butcher knife he has used to slaughter the vast majority of his victims since 1978, the baleful boogeyman has also used a wide assortment of murder weapons in some of the most inventive ways imaginable.

Bare Hands

Halloween: Michael Myers’ 10 Best Murder Weapons, Ranked

On several occasions, Michael Myers has used the brute strength of his bare hands to murder his victims. For instance, in Halloween 4, Myers uses his hands to repeatedly bash J. Black’s head against a wall before fatally impaling his forehead with his dulled thumb.

Later in the film, Myers tosses aside a loaded shotgun to forcefully dig both of his thumbs into Brady’s face and throat before snapping his neck like a twig. Even in Halloween II, Myers uses his bare hands to lethally submerge a nurse’s face into a hot tub full of boiling water.


Michael picks up a hammer in Halloween

Throughout his forty-year murder spree, Myers has used both ends of a carpenter’s hammer to claim a victim’s life. In Halloween II, Myers murders police officer Bernard Garrett by brutally braining him with a reverse hammer-claw.

In the 2018 Halloween remake, Myers repeatedly bludgeons an unsuspecting mother with the blunt end of a hammer until a hole is punched in her head and a pool of gore collects on her dinner table.

Metal Spike

Michael impales nurse on spike in Halloween 6

In at least two instances, Myers uses a sharp metal spike to impale his victims. During Halloween 6, Myers murders Nurse Mary by slowly ambling towards her, choking and lifting her up with one hand, then using his other hand to push the back of her head onto a large metal spike extruding from the wall.

In Halloween Resurrection, Myers foregoes his trademark butcher knife, which he has in tow, to kill Donna in a boiler room. Myers corners Donna and slowly shoves her torso against a large rusty metal spike until it impales her plum through the sternum.

Scalpel/Medical Machete

Michael kills sheriff in Halloween II

Since much of Halloween II takes place in a hospital, Myers uses the deadly medical instruments around him to great effect. For instance, he uses a scalpel to fatally stab Jill in the back and lift her four feet off the ground. Later, he uses the same scalpel to slash Sheriff Gummell’s throat in a glorious close-up.

During Halloween 6, Myers gorily massacres doctors Bonham, Wynn, and a septet of unnamed doctors by using a large medical machete that Jason Voorhees would be proud of.

Tripod Leg

Michael kills Charley in Halloween Resurrection

In Halloween Resurrection, Myers uses one of his most inventive deadly instruments to tally his 75th overall victim. The plot concerns a group of reality TV stars who agree to stay in Michael’s eerie old house while cameras record the event 24/7.

During their stay, Michael picks up a camera mounted on a tripod and uses the sharpened leg of the stand to savagely impale Charley’s trachea with such force that the leg exits his nape and erupts in a fountain of grue. However deliberate, the kill is a nod to Michael Powell’s slasher prototype, Peeping Tom.

Syringe/IV Machine

Michael needles nurses eye in Halloween II

Going back to Halloween II, Myers ruthlessly murders two victims using a syringe, and another with an IV machine. In her attempt to evade Myers, nurse Janet stumbles upon the corpse of Doctor Mixter, who has a syringe and hypodermic needle jutting from his eyeball.

Janet staggers backward in terror until Myers emerges from the shadows, draws an air bubble into a new syringe, and slowly plunges the needle straight into the nurse’s temple and through her eyeball. Later, Myers uses an IV machine to desiccate Virginia by draining her blood supply.

Garden Claw/Pitchfork

Michael claws Mikey in Halloween 5

In Halloween 5, Myers employs a wide array of farming tools to exact a series of creative kills. For starters, Myers brutally slays Mikey in the garage with a three-pronged garden-claw that sticks in the teenager’s forehead as he hits the ground.

Later, Myers picks up a five-pronged pitchfork from inside a barn and proceeds to impale Spitz in the back while he has sex with Samantha. As the film progresses, Myers uses the pitchfork to slaughter Nick and Tom offscreen by stabbing them multiple times in the neck.


Michael uses scythe in Halloween 5

Once Myers impales Spitz in the spine in the barn, the young lady cowers into the corner in sheer terror. She pulls the bloody pitchfork from Spitz’s corpse for protection, at which point Myers yanks a large scythe from the barn wall and advances toward Samantha.

In one fell swoop, Myers pushes Samantha aside, swipes the scythe to slash the girl’s throat as a splash of blood splatters across the hay on the ground.

Corn Thresher

Jamie meets her demise in Halloween 5

In Halloween 6, Myers uses one of his all-time most inventive murder weapons to kill Jamie Lloyd, one of the series’ most beloved characters.

After chasing Jamie through a farm, she seeks refuge inside a dim and dank barn. Myers slowly stalks her inside, lifts her up by the throat, and impales her on a three-pronged corn thresher. Undone, Myers then turns the thresher machine on and watches as Jamie has her guts churned inside out while screaming out in terror.

Butcher Knife

Michael with a butcher knife on the staircase in Halloween.

Just as Freddy Krueger is synonymous with his razor-glove and Jason Voorhees his murderous machete, Michael Myers will always be associated with the large butcher knife that he uses to kill the majority of his Halloween victims. In addition to being the first instrument he used to kill Judith Myers by stabbing her 17 times during the original Halloween, Myers uses the knife at least once in every subsequent film.