Hades: How To Beat Hades Himself (Final Boss Guide)

Hades: How To Beat Hades Himself (Final Boss Guide)


To beat Hades’ final boss Hades, players will need to bring their most powerful weapons and best boons. The Hades boss fight has two phases which don’t differ from each other very much. However, players will still need to be cautious of Hades and keep their distance. The best way to beat Hades is to learn his pattern and use specific weapons and special attacks.

Each of Hades’ attacks are designed to take as much health from Zagreus as possible and send him back home. Additionally, players are technically forced to beat Hades twice during Hades’ final boss fight, since his health regenerates after being eliminated the first time. Just like all the other boss fights in Hades, the best way to bring down Hades himself is by understanding his attacks and when to counterattack.

This is far and away the most difficult boss fight in Hades, but it is definitely possible to complete with a bit of memorization and skill.

Hades Final Boss Fight: Phase 1

Hades: How To Beat Hades Himself (Final Boss Guide)

The trick to the first phase of Hades’ final boss fight is to keep a distance from Hades and try to hit him with ranged attacks or ones that keep the player out of the range of his spin attack. If he tries to use his Cast Attack (detailed below) players can duck behind one of the many pillars in the area or deflect it back at him with one of Artemis’ Boons.

Hades Boss Attacks

Explanations & Tips


Hades will randomly disappear and spawn somewhere else on the map. This makes him hard to track and will dispel any negative status effects he has picked up. Keep moving constantly and locate him as soon as possible.


This is why Zagreus needs to be moving after Hades vanishes – often Hades will attack with a quick dash and try to stab players with his spear. Don’t get caught off guard!

Spin Attack

Hades will spin in a circle with his spear. Do not get close.

Cast Attack

This attack is very similar to Zagreus own casting attack. If it hits it inflicts Boiling Blood which causes damage over time, and will also detach from Zagreus before exploding.

Enemy Spawning

Hades will spawn Bombers and Witches once his health drops considerably. It is recommended to focus on Hades as much as possible and only attack the extraneous enemies if they are causing major problems.

Keep moving continuously in order to bring Hades down. Once his health bar is depleted entirely, don’t get complacent and think that’s the end game of Hades. Phase 2 is about to begin.

Hades Final Boss Fight: Phase 2

An image of Hades sitting in a chair and writing in the Hades video game

The second phase of Hades’ boss fight adds two new attacks to Hades’ lineup, but he is more than able to use his other attacks as well. The two new attacks are:

Soul Vase

Several vases will appear on the map that can be destroyed by both Hades and Zagreus. The vases spawns ghostly hands that will grab Zagreus and stun him momentarily, so it’s best to get rid of them quicky.


Hades will stop moving and fire off several massive lasers that spin around him. The only way to avoid this attack is by ducking behind a pillar.

Players will just need to keep moving and duck behind a pillar whenever they need to avoid damage from Hades. The best strategy to keep in mind is to use ranged attacks and make sure to bring along the most powerful Godly Boons players have unlocked in Hades. Using boons such as Divine Dash, Blinding Flash, Hyper Sprint, and Aphrodite’s Aid will make it easier to beat Hades’ final boss.

In addition, players can also take advantage of boons like Privileged Status that can stack up to 40% extra damage on an enemy afflicted by two status effects. Because Hades can use his Vanish ability to remove these effects, it’s best to try and apply them immediately after he reappears in order to maximize the amount of time damage is being done.

  • Hades Game Poster


    PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 5


    Supergiant Games

    Supergiant Games

    Action, RPG, Roguelike


    How Long To Beat:
    22 Hours

    Hades 2