Guardians Of The Galaxy: Who Would Win In A Fight, Gamora Vs. Star-Lord?

Guardians Of The Galaxy: Who Would Win In A Fight, Gamora Vs. Star-Lord?

Marvel has introduced many great superhero teams over the years. Some of them are more iconic (Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four), some less (Guardians of the Galaxy) but all of them feature powerful superheroes. Two of the most well-known Guardians of the Galaxy are Gamora and Peter Quill aka Star-Lord.

Their story is a bit different in the comics, but in the MCU, they reluctantly formed a team and went on to fight villains together, including Peter’s dad Ego and Gamora’s dad Thanos. (They do seem to have a problem with their dads.) Gamora and Star-Lord usually stand on the same side, but what would happen if they fought? Which one would win?

Intelligence: Gamora

Guardians Of The Galaxy: Who Would Win In A Fight, Gamora Vs. Star-Lord?

Star-Lord is no dummy but he can be reckless sometimes and rely too much on his emotions. After all, it was his emotions that stopped the team from defeating Thanos in the 2018 film Avengers: Infinity War. Gamora, on the other hand, had to learn how to be calculating and one step ahead of her enemies, since this was the only way she would survive as the adoptive daughter of one of the most dangerous men in the universe.

Strength: Star-Lord

Gamora is a strong woman, there’s no doubt about that. She’s able to bring down many enemies who are foolish enough to cross her way, and also sometimes her allies as well if the situation calls for it. But the statistics are clear. The MCU version of Star-Lord supposedly has a strength level of 50+ tons, while Gamora’s strength level is “only” 454 kilograms.

Weapons: Tie

Both Gamora and Star-Lord know perfectly well that sometimes saying “please” just doesn’t work and it’s time to bring out the big guns… literally. Gamora knows how to handle many forms of weapons, but she seems to particularly excel with swords and knives. Star-Lord, on the other hand, is a highly proficient marksman, so this round is a tie.

Fighting Experience: Gamora

Gamora may despise Thanos with all of her heart but it’s difficult to deny that she wouldn’t be where she is today if it wasn’t for him (because she’d be, well, dead… again).

Thanos trained Gamora very hard, so hard that the saying “tough love” might have been created about them. As a result of the training, Gamora became known as the most dangerous woman in the galaxy, and that’s something even Star-Lord can’t compete with.

Origin: Star-Lord

Peter Quill’s dad may have turned out to be a psychopath, just like Gamora’s adoptive father was (another thing these two superheroes have in common), but Peter did inherit his great powers from his dad nonetheless. Ego is a living planet, a basically god-like being, that’s all too powerful for ordinary people, and even the extraordinary ones. And even though Star-Lord is a half-human, that still means he could do a lot of great things thanks to his heritage.

Team: Tie

Both Star-Lord and Gamora are important members of the Guardians and the team wouldn’t be what it is without them. If they decided to fight each other, they would have individual team members who could support them and stand by their side. It’s difficult to say which Guardian would fight with Gamora and which one would join Star-Lord’s side but they wouldn’t miss the fight regardless.

Nebula’s Help: Gamora

Nebula and Gamora face to face

Nebula might not be as good a fighter as Gamora is but she’s a close number two which still makes her highly dangerous. What’s more, even though Gamora might be better at fighting, Nebula is more ruthless which more than makes up for the small difference.

The sisters always didn’t get along but managed to form a bond later on. And while separately they’re dangerous, as a duo they would manage to defeat Star-Lord quite easily.

Yondu’s Help: Star-Lord

Of course, Gamora isn’t the only one who has a powerful family member by her side with whom she could join forces in a fight. The same is true for Star-Lord who has Yondu, his almost-adoptive father who was more of a dad to young Peter than Ego ever was. Again, these two didn’t always see eye to eye but managed to reconcile in the end. And Yondu has already proved he’d be willing to die for his son, so fighting for him would be something he’d do in a heartbeat.

Sneakiness: Gamora

Gamora can draw attention to herself… but only when she wants to. When the mission requires it, Gamora is very covert and the people she’s after won’t notice her until it’s too late. The same isn’t true for Star-Lord whose superhero costume and mask as well as his usual behavior make him easy to spot in a crowd. Gamora could, therefore, track him down and try to kill him before anybody would notice she was there in the first place.

Winner: Gamora

It was a surprisingly tight match but with her six points to Star-Lord’s five points, Gamora takes the victory. Both of these heroes are very powerful and should be treated with respect but considering Gamora’s reputation, her fighting experience, and ruthlessness, she’d have an advantage over Star-Lord. Yes, he could use his inherited powers against her but Peter is a deeply loving person and would probably hesitate to brutally attack the woman he loves which could prove fatal for him.