GTA Online: How To Buy A Garage

GTA Online: How To Buy A Garage


Getting a garage in GTA Online is relatively straightforward; however, there are three tiers players need to be aware of before purchasing one. Garages are available to buy from the “Dynasty8realestate” website or by going to a “For Sale” sign found outside the property. Garages are available anywhere between $25,000 to $150,000, each offering different vehicle storage spaces. The more expensive garages provide more vehicle storage space while the more affordable ones have room for just two to three cars.

Garages are a great investment in GTA Online for new players because they provide a space to leave a handful of important vehicles to use for missions, or just to cruise around in. Even for players who don’t intend on purchasing a home or apartment early on, getting a garage in GTA Online is probably a good idea. There are a wide range of affordable garages available across all corners of the city.

Buy Garages in GTA Online or on Foot

GTA Online: How To Buy A Garage

In GTA Online garages are as easy to come by as other types of property around Los Santos. One method of buying garages is to drive to them individually and check prices. Open the map and select Garages from the menu. Cycle through to the neighborhood that is most convenient and add a location to the GPS. Players can buy garages in GTA Online easily by selecting the purchase option on the sales billboard in front of the property.

A more convenient method of buying garages is to visit the Dynasty 8 Real-Estate website on an in-game phone or computer. This site works similarly to real estate sites in the real world, where players can find information about the best properties in GTA Online and weigh their options. There are helpful descriptions and prices along with pictures of the garage, and players can buy garages directly from their phone.

Two Car Garage Locations in GTA Online

A two car garage in GTA Online

Garage Address

Map Location


Little Bighorn Ave

East Los Santos


Unit 124 Popular St

East Los Santos


1 Strawberry Ave

North-West San Andreas


142 Paleto Blvd

North-West San Andreas


1932 Grapeseed Ave

East San Andreas


1200 Route 68

Central San Andreas


197 Route 60

Central San Andreas


0754 Roy Lowenstein Blvd

East Los Santos


2000 Great Ocean Highway

North-West San Andreas


1920 Senora Way

East San Andreas


634 Blvd Del Perro

North-West Los Santos


0897 Mirror Park Blvd

North-East Los Santos


Garage Innocence Blvd

South-Central Los Santos


Six Car Garage Locations in GTA Online

A six car garage in GTA Online

Garage Address

Map Location


870 Route 68 Approach

Central San Andreas


8754 Route 68

Central San Andreas


4531 Dry Dock St

South-East Los Santos


Unit 1 Olympic Fury

East Los Santos


0432 Davis Ave

East Los Santos


1905 Davis Ave

South Los Santos


Unit 14 Popular St

East Los Santos


0552 Roy Lowenstein Blvd

East Los Santos


Ten Car Garage Locations in GTA Online

A ten car garage in GTA Online

Garage Address

Map Location


1623 South Shambles St

South East Los Santos


1337 Exceptional Way

South West Los Santos


Unit 76 Greenwich Parkway

South West Los Santos


331 Supply Street

East Los Santos


Unit 2 Popular St

East Los Santos


0120 Murrieta Heights

East Los Santos


Players can take advantage of garages in GTA Online by storing vehicles and keeping them safe from getting stolen, destroyed, or even hijacked in free roam mode. The garage is the perfect property for GTA Online players who want to keep their vehicles safe from danger or have ease of access in far-out locations.