GTA 6’s Cars Need To Be More Like RDR2’s Horses

GTA 6’s Cars Need To Be More Like RDR2’s Horses

It’s likely that Grand Theft Auto 6 will take at least some inspiration from Red Dead Redemption 2, but one of the best things Rockstar could lift from that game would be its horse mechanics, and to apply them to the player’s car. RDR2‘s iconic horses are one of the best transportation options that Rockstar has placed in a game to date. The cars of GTA could use a serious upgrade, and RDR2‘s horses may be the best blueprint to use for that purpose.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has a wide variety of horse breeds and coats for the player to unlock, similar to GTA‘s long list of cars. However, there is a lot more to Red Dead‘s horses than there are GTA‘s cars, with RDR2‘s beasts allowing players to feed them, take care of them, and even store their entire arsenal on them. By forcing players to take care of their horse and level up their bond with it, Rockstar created one of RDR2‘s most rewarding mechanics. RDR2‘s surprisingly accurate portrayal of horses makes this even better, as it fostered a connection between Arthur Morgan and his chosen steed.

If Grand Theft Auto 6 is to be as realistic as Red Dead Redemption 2, then it would make sense for Rockstar to apply the same principle to cars as it did to horses. While the player obviously won’t be able to feed or brush their cars the same way Arthur could his horse, a GTA protagonist could perform maintenance on their vehicle and grow their driving skill as a result. By making cars more interactive and more useful, GTA 6 could introduce a new dimension to the series.

Players Should Be Able To Store Weapons In GTA 6’s Cars

GTA 6’s Cars Need To Be More Like RDR2’s Horses

One of the biggest changes Red Dead Redemption 2 made to Rockstar’s traditional gameplay formula was to limit the player’s access to the game’s entire arsenal of weapons. As Arthur Morgan or John Marston, players could carry up to two sidearms and two longarm weapons at a given moment, but not any more than that. In order to change up their loadout, players had to go to their horse and cycle through the different kit in their arsenal. This lent a greater sense of choice to the player, as they could either focus on being a close-quarters brawler with shotguns and pistols, or opt for a more ranged approach with a sniper and a repeater.

GTA 5, conversely, lets players carry every weapon on them at once, meaning Michael, Trevor or Franklin could whip an RPG out of their pocket at the flick of a switch. This kind of freedom works to the chaotic nature of GTA 5‘s open world, but it also means the player becomes overpowered. It would add a greater sense of depth and realism if players had to retrieve their heavier weapons from their vehicle, especially if combined with the four-weapon limit Red Dead Redemption 2 implemented.

Grand Theft Auto 6 could easily include a similar mechanic for the player’s car. When in an owned car, the player could resupply themselves with their weapons and explosives, and the same option could also be available from the car’s trunk. This would not only lend a greater sense of authenticity to vehicle gameplay, by limiting the number of GTA‘s many ridiculous weapons at the player’s immediate disposal, but also provides much more incentive to drive one’s owned cars rather than stealing random vehicles off the street. If just one mechanic of Red Dead Redemption 2‘s horses were added to GTA 6‘s cars, then stashing weapons would be the one.

GTA 6’s Cars Could Be Maintained Like RDR2’s Horses

GTA 6 should let players work to keep their car in top condition.

In GTA Online, players can buy their own cars from multiple dealerships, but aside from driving and painting them, there is not a lot of interaction to be had with the cars themselves. True, cars are essentially just there to help the player move across the map at a tolerable rate, but their role in the game could still be expanded upon. Once again, GTA 6 could look toward Red Dead Redemption 2 for more meaningful car gameplay.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur’s horses have health and stamina cores just like Arthur himself that the player must maintain with occasional feeding. Horse care is important, especially if one has RDR2‘s best horse, the Arabian. Another thing that the player must keep track of is the horse’s cleanliness. Riding a lot will make the horse get dirty, penalizing its health recovery. Thankfully, Arthur can clean his horse easily by either brushing it or riding through water. Caring for the horse gives the player a couple of small extra chores, but keeping the horse at maximum health and performance is quite rewarding.

Maintenance mechanics for the player’s cars could be added into GTA 6, albeit not exactly like Red Dead Redemption 2‘s horses (for obvious reasons). Players could possibly take their cars to mechanics or work on the cars themselves in order to tune them up and make them run at maximum efficiency. This could reward the player with higher top speed, better handling, and generally better performance than average. With GTA Online already having lots of customizable cars, maintenance would be a useful extension. Similar to RDR2‘s horse care, it would be something extra to keep track of, but a way to pull better performances out of the player’s chosen vehicle.

RDR2’s Horse Bonding Can Lead To Car Mastery in GTA 6

Letting players become experts with their own car would be a great move for GTA 6.

Outside of upgrades, there is no real way to improve a car’s performance in a Grand Theft Auto game. Even if the player drives the same car for the whole game, its performance will never change in any significant way. Thankfully, for players who like to keep a signature car around, Red Dead Redemption 2 has a mechanic that would change that.

The horse bonding mechanic in Red Dead Redemption 2 makes Arthur’s horses more comfortable with him as he rides and cares for them. As the bonding level increases, the horse’s stats will rise. Not only that, but Arthur can call them from farther away and perform more riding maneuvers with a bonded horse. Reaching the maximum horse bonding level in RDR2 is well worth the investment, letting the player get the absolute best out of their chosen horse. This rewards players for managing to keep the same horse alive for the bulk of the game, turning it into a reliable, strong steed for Arthur.

In GTA 6, Rockstar could try a similar thing with cars. If the player drives a specific car around for long enough, their character could start mastering the car more and get a better understanding of it. This could raise the car’s stats, make it more durable, and enable them to perform more impressive maneuvers such as drifts and hairpin turns. This would be another way to encourage players to keep a signature car around, because it would ultimately end up better than any car they would steal. There are several areas where GTA 6 could emulate Red Dead Redemption 2, and treating cars like RDR2‘s horses is a good place to start.

Horses may not have wheels or an engine, but Red Dead Redemption 2‘s horse mechanics are something that Rockstar should seriously consider for the next GTA title. Making the player’s car feel more important could be what puts the next entry over the top. Grand Theft Auto 6 has a chance to be the best in the series, and new car mechanics may aid it in doing so.