GTA 6: Classic Grand Theft Auto Weapons & Vehicles That Must Return

GTA 6: Classic Grand Theft Auto Weapons & Vehicles That Must Return

Grand Theft Auto 6 should strive to feature the series’ best offerings, both in terms of weapons and vehicles. Things such as pistols and sportscars are mainstays for the series, and expected to come back no matter what. What players should get excited about is more distinctive and impressive weapons and vehicles that could potentially make a return.

With Grand Theft Auto games being as large as they are, they need a lot of variety in order to keep players interested as they explore the city. Limiting the games to generic cars and guns could get boring very quickly, which is why a lot of more creative ideas have come into play throughout the series. In almost every game, the chance for the player to get behind the wheel of a cool car or get their hands on a rare or powerful weapon is something that players strive for. GTA 6‘s crime sprees can become even better by making a few nostalgic choices available to players.

Grand Theft Auto’s Broadway Exudes Old-School Coolness

GTA 6: Classic Grand Theft Auto Weapons & Vehicles That Must Return

Most of the time, the cars of Grand Theft Auto are based on rather contemporary or modern models. Because of this, cars based on older models tend to stand out, sometimes even more than supercars or other high-performance vehicles. It’s thanks to this phenomenon that one of Grand Theft Auto‘s more distinctive and rarely-used cars, the Broadway, stands out in a crowd. It has only appeared in two games, but it’s a hard car to forget.

The Broadway is based on a Cadillac from the 1940s, and its retro style makes it instantly eye-catching, especially with the improved graphics of its Online iteration. It manages to simultaneously look like something that a player could imagine their grandpa driving, as well as a car one wouldn’t be surprised to discover belonged to a gangster like Grand Theft Auto: Vice City‘s Tommy Vercetti. As a bonus, in San Andreas the Broadway was classified as a lowrider, so players could have it customized to look even flashier. Performance-wise, it doesn’t stand out much compared to more impressive vehicles, but that doesn’t matter. The Broadway is all about style, and players who want one will choose it for that reason.

The old-school appeal of the Broadway makes it surprising that it has only appeared in San Andreas and GTA Online. Even then, it didn’t come to GTA Online until the Los Santos Drug Wars update in December 2022, leaving it out of the series for a stunning 18 years. Grand Theft Auto 6 can prevent another such drought from occurring by including the Broadway at launch and letting players cruise the streets of Vice City with more style than most of Grand Theft Auto Online‘s secret cars.

The Katana Is The Kind Of Melee Weapon GTA 6 Needs

CJ standing on the sidewalk outside a building's doors, holding a katana in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Melee combat is usually not one of the things that players think about when the Grand Theft Auto games come to mind. It is present, but shooting and driving are far more prevalent, not to mention more useful. That’s not to say that melee has no place in GTA though, and Grand Theft Auto 6 can hopefully polish that part of the game. In order to do so, a reintroduction of the series’ best melee weapon may be in order.

The katana is a weapon that is well-known, but has appeared in surprisingly few GTA games. It was a mainstay in the series’ 3D era, from Vice City to Vice City Stories, but disappeared completely after that. As one would expect from a sword, it dealt incredible damage, and in some instances could even decapitate an enemy with a killing blow, although the latter trait was removed from GTA: San Andreas‘ Japanese port. Its strength made it actually worth getting into melee range, since it could reliably take down enemies without using ammo. The general mythos and popularity regarding katanas as a weapon in gaming as a whole could also be a solid argument for its return.

Bladed weapons in Grand Theft Auto have been surprisingly scarce except for knives, and bringing back the Katana could be a good change of pace. As a melee tool that could actually have decent range and power, it’s something that a lot of players could put to good use in missions that involve close quarters combat. Since katanas debuted in Vice City, it would only be fitting if Grand Theft Auto 6 were to be the game that brought them back, potentially alongside some returning Vice City characters likely appearing in GTA 6.

The Jetpack Is GTA’s Most Interesting Mode Of Transportation

CJ wearing a jetpack and using it to fly over the GTA: San Andreas countryside.

Although Grand Theft Auto games can be unpredictable, they can typically be expected to remain at least somewhat grounded in reality. Most of the cars in the games are based on real-world models, and the weapons are usually realistic firearms as well. There was one prominent instance of this pattern breaking though, and it led to one of the best vehicles in the series. Grand Theft Auto‘s brief forays into science fiction introduced players to the Jetpack.

First appearing in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, the Jetpack is a unique vehicle compared to others that the series has to offer. It’s small and maneuverable, barely increasing the player’s size while in use, and offers a method of flight that’s more convenient than Grand Theft Auto Online‘s jet planes. The tradeoff for this is that it offers the least protection out of any vehicle, since the player has little protection from the Jetpack itself. At the climax of The Doomsday Heist in Grand Theft Auto Online, a new, armed variant of the Jetpack called the Thruster makes its appearance, making it an even more enticing option than before.

The Jetpack may be less grounded in realism than most of the vehicles on offer in the Grand Theft Auto games, but it makes up for it by being a lot of fun. The introduction of the Thruster only made a stronger argument for bringing it back again, since a missile-launching Jetpack is something that a lot of players would love to pilot. San Andreas‘ jetpack was worth cheating for, and it would be a fantastic addition to Grand Theft Auto 6.

Grand Theft Auto 6 has a large backlog of weapons and vehicles from the series’ past to choose from, aside from anything new that it could introduce. Some of the best cars, weapons, and other features in the series have only appeared a handful of times, and bringing them back would be a boost for the new title. Hopefully Grand Theft Auto 6 can give players access to the best weapons and vehicles from across the GTA series.