Grey’s Anatomy: 5 Times Izzie Stevens Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

Grey’s Anatomy: 5 Times Izzie Stevens Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

Although Katherine Heigl only appeared in six seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, her character remains one of the most memorable. Over these six years, Izzie was seen to become an integral part of the show. She was not only included in some dramatic and heart-hitting storylines but she also underwent a huge emotional journey.

Despite Heigl’s stellar acting, Izzie remains one of Grey’s most unpopular characters. A lot of the time, many fans believe she was high-strung and impulsive. Others believe her compassionate nature was highly overrated. But for every one of Izzie’s lows, there is always a high — which often gets overlooked.

Overrated: Her Treatment Towards Callie

Grey’s Anatomy: 5 Times Izzie Stevens Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

While Izzie believes she is a friendly and warm person, she proved she was the exact opposite by the way she treated Callie. From the minute she met her, Izzie was shown to be hostile and rude towards the orthopedic surgeon. She made callous remarks about Callie and George’s marriage and made her feel uncomfortable by not talking when she walked into the room.

Let’s also not forget how Izzie broke up Callie’s marriage because she believed she was in love with George. Considering they didn’t date very long, it felt like Izzie’s feelings may have sprouted from the fact that she was losing her “person.” Poor Callie didn’t even stand a chance.

Underrated: A Supportive Friend

Cristina lies in a hospital bed as her intern friends hover around in Grey's Anatomy.

Despite the poor first impression she gives off, Izzie has proven she would be a great friend to have in your corner. Out of the original interns, Izzie is the one who can be seen as the most nurturing. She never left Cristina’s side when she went through her ectopic pregnancy and she helped Alex study for his exam.

Izzie was also seen to be waiting on the stairs for Meredith after the general surgeon resat her intern exam. If anyone needed emotional support, Izzie would have made a good confidant.

Overrated: A Terrible Surgeon

Grey's Alex Izzie George

While Izzie has a good bedside manner, her skills as a surgeon proved to be lacking in comparison to her friends. Between season 4 and season 6, Izzie began to log less OR hours as she began to get distracted by personal issues. Her education was further impacted when she was diagnosed with a brain tumor and began stressing over the merger.

As a result, Izzie makes a grave mistake that puts the life of her patient in danger, which leads to her contract being terminated. It’s not the first time she jeopardized a patient’s life as she almost nearly killed her fiancé too.

Underrated: Her Hope & Optimism

An image of a smiling Izzie Stevens in Grey's Anatomy.

Everyone knows that the surgeons of Grey-Sloan are put through the wringer. There is practically someone having a near-death experience every season – which isn’t surprising since there has been a shooting, fire, ferry crash, and a bomb. However, despite the surgeons appearing morose and gloomy, fans should credit Izzie for her optimism.

For instance, after Meredith drowns and is fighting for her life, Izzie refuses to give up hope and says she will pull through. Despite being told she had a 5% chance of surviving her cancer, Izzie fought it tooth-and-nail. It’s awe-inspiring…

Overrated: Her Romance With Denny

Izzie lying on Denny in his hospital bed in Grey's Anatomy

While Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Heigl had exceptional chemistry, the whole Denny and Izzie romance is completely overrated. On several occasions, fans had heard Izzie say how Denny had been the love of her life. However, it’s a strange thought to contemplate when you realize they ‘dated’ for a month.

It also goes against all ethics for Izzie to fall for her patient and then pressure him into the LVAD situation. Let’s not forget the whole ghost Denny situation either. It’s not as special as many people believe it to be – particularly since she was declaring her love for George

Underrated: Fighting For The Underdogs & Lost Causes

Alex flirting with Izzie Grey Anatomy

One of the most underrated moments of Izzie’s arc had to be her belief in giving people second chances. One of the reasons why Izzie should be considered likable is the fact that she fights for the underdogs. When the group first met Alex, Izzie was the one who told them that they should give him a chance.

Despite the bad first impression the Mercy West residents gave off, Izzie was the first one to try and build a bridge between them. Let’s also not forget how she operated on a deer and stood up to Owen for torturing pigs. It seems this spirit is overlooked by many…

Overrated: Too Emotionally Invested

Izzie sitting on the floor in the hospital in Grey's Anatomy

While many people praise Izzie for her kind and compassionate approach, some fans seem to overlook the fact that she is too emotionally invested in her patient’s life. Everyone already knows the ethical boundary Izzie crossed when she fell in love with Denny but she also failed to learn from these mistakes.

Remember when she got too involved with a teenage patient’s pregnancy and the girl’s mother said she was overstepping? Or when she spent at least half a million to foot a patient’s entire bill? She couldn’t excel as a surgeon unless she could separate her personal judgment from her professional one.

Underrated: Altruistic & Charitable

Bailey with Patient in Grey's

For all the times the fans say Izzie was selfish or self-absorbed, this may be a good moment to remind them of the good deeds she did. For instance, remember when she used the money Denny left her to open the free clinic? Or when she put her job on the line for by illegally treating a documented worker?

Let’s also not forget her immediately agreeing to donate bone marrow to her daughter after the adoptive parents came looking for her. She can be selfish but she can also be altruistic and selfless too.

Overrated: Her Friendship With George

Geroge and Izzie smiling at each other in the hospital cafeteria in Grey's Anatomy

While some believe there has yet to be a friendship as loyal as George and Izzie’s, some fans may not be able to see how toxic it was. Especially on Izzie’s behalf. When Callie and George began dating, she became extremely jealous and undermined it in every way.

When George began bonding with his intern group, she got jealous and wanted in. Then, after they broke up, they drifted apart because she was focusing on Alex. Considering he was her best friend, why was he the last person to find out about her cancer? Seems she was too controlling in this relationship.

Underrated: A Good Teacher

Izzie instructs her interns in Grey's Anatomy

One other aspect of Izzie’s journey that tends to get overlooked is her teaching skills. Out of all the residents, Izzie seemed to be the only one who cared enough to teach the residents. When the interns were being punished for the cabal, it was Izzie who tried motivating them.

When Sadie kept messing up with cases, Izzie was quite patient with her. Even after they messed up, she took the time to teach them the Patient X case. The dedication she put towards the interns’ education should be talked about more.