Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Relationships That Fans Knew Were Doomed From The Start

Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Relationships That Fans Knew Were Doomed From The Start

In real life, hindsight is always 20/20 and it’s hard to tell from the start of a relationship that it’s going to end badly. When watching a TV show, it’s much easier to spot the problems and flaws when two beloved characters start dating. Sometimes the couple can make it work, but in the case of Grey’s Anatomy, many romances have no hope of happy endings.

Fans get very excited about certain couples on the popular TV drama, but there are some pairs who were bad news from the very beginning. Whether they ignored a major issue or had nothing in common, fans didn’t expect them to live happily ever after.

Cristina And Owen

Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Relationships That Fans Knew Were Doomed From The Start

Cristina and Owen felt differently about having children and their relationship seemed doomed from the beginning.

No matter how much they loved each other, they couldn’t move on from this, as there’s no good compromise with this topic. Viewers watched them circle around the same problem over and over again, and they also had some other hurdles, such as Owen’s PTSD. Even fans who wished that they would find a way to stay together knew that when they finally broke up, it was definitely for the best.

Cristina And Burke

Burke feeding Cristina Grey's Anatomy

Cristina was one of the most intelligent characters on Grey’s Anatomy and she’s still missed. She needs an incredibly respectful partner who wants her to shine and doesn’t get jealous of her ambition and passion.

Even when they were engaged, it was clear that they were having problems, as Burke wanted a bigger and more conventional big day than Cristina was interested in. It seemed like he expected her to change for him, and when he left her at the altar, it was dramatic but not super shocking. Cristina deserves more than someone who runs away when things get serious.

Jackson And April

April cries in Jackson's arms in Grey's Anatomy

When Jackson and April got together, it was because Jackson showed up at her wedding to Matthew.

This is a pretty melodramatic way to begin a relationship, and things only went downhill from there. Jackson and April might have wanted to be together, but when they lost their baby, they couldn’t seem to support each other. They were always fighting and they didn’t seem to understand what the other person wanted or needed.

Penny And Callie

Penny and Callie sitting at the dinner table in Meredith's house on Grey's Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy fans can’t get over the fact that Penny was there when Derek died and she didn’t save his life.

While she had a lot of regret about that, it was hard to sympathize when it seemed like she messed up really badly. It was shocking when Callie started dating Penny and even brought her to dinner at Meredith’s house. No one thought that this relationship would work out, and eventually, Callie moved to New York. Arizona did later on, too, suggesting they would get back together.

Maggie And Jackson

grey's anatomy jackson maggie

Maggie is a unique and important character and it would be wonderful to see her in a serious, healthy relationship.

Unfortunately, it was clear from the start that her romance with Jackson was doomed. For one thing, their parents are married, so that added a creepy element that is hard to ignore. For another, they didn’t make much sense and seemed like a random pairing. While, of course, the characters in Grey’s Anatomy date each other since they’re in the same place all the time, maybe Maggie needs to date someone who isn’t from the hospital.

Bailey And Tucker

bailey and tucker on grey's anatomy

Miranda Bailey is an incredibly smart character and like the other strong doctors on the show, she needs a partner who loves for who she is.

Bailey’s marriage to Tucker never felt right. He didn’t support her job or get why she is so consumed with her work, and it felt like they were holding onto something that was long gone and broken. When Bailey divorced Tucker, it wasn’t surprising, but it was a bit surprising that she had stayed for as long as she did. Her relationship with Ben is much healthier.

Meredith And Riggs

Meredith and Riggs on Grey's Anatomy

It’s fair to say that Meredith and Derek had some problems, but they’re still the most popular pair from the medical drama.

After Derek died, Meredith struggled with moving on and re-entering the dating world. She finally admitted her feelings for Nathan Riggs and they started seeing each other, but this relationship was doomed from the start because he had been in love with Owen’s sister Megan, who went missing. Viewers could guess that Megan would come back, and that’s exactly what happened. While it was sad to see this couple break up, it made sense that Riggs and Megan reunited and went to start a new life in Malibu.

Addison And Mark

Mark and Addison in Joe's bar. They are sitting close to each other and smiling

While Addison and Derek’s marriage would have likely ended anyway, her affair with his best friend Mark didn’t help matters.

Addison and Mark tried their hand at a real relationship, but they seemed doomed, as Mark was a playboy who Addison didn’t completely trust. They acted immaturely with each other, as Mark said he could go two months without sleeping with anyone, and then she had sex with Alex. It never seemed like they took each other seriously or were right together.

Callie And George

George O'Malley looking over Callie Torres's shoulders in Grey's Anatomy

Season 3 of Grey’s Anatomy had some strong episodes and this was also the season when Callie and George got married. It’s fair to say that they got married really quickly and that no one thought that they would stay together.

Callie and George were definitely doomed from the start because a relationship needs to progress at a natural pace. It felt like they were both more into the idea of marriage than each other, and they weren’t a good match at all.

Richard And Ellis

Richard Webber and Ellis Grey in Grey's Anatomy

When a relationship starts with an affair, the couple can sometimes leave their spouses, or they can say goodbye and return to their marriages.

Richard and Ellis had a tragic love affair that ended in so much pain for both of them. Meredith’s relationship with her mother was one of the saddest things about this character, and Richard chose to go back to his wife Adele. It turned out that Adele was aware that they were together. Richard and Ellis had so many obstacles that it was clear their love story was always doomed.