Green Lantern’s ‘Justice League’ Construct Is His Coolest Ever

Green Lantern’s ‘Justice League’ Construct Is His Coolest Ever

Warning! Spoilers for Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 by DC Comics

Hal Jordan has brought back his coolest Power Ring move ever, as the Green Lantern showed off his Justice League constructs in a battle against Pariah and the Great Darkness. In Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 by DC Comics, the Green Lantern Corps find the villain responsible for the recent deaths of the Justice League. Green Lantern uses his most intimidating Power Ring construct to combat him and his immense power, creating an entire Justice League team to assist the Corps.

The Justice League was shockingly killed ahead of the current Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 event from DC Comics. Wonder Woman, Batman, John Stewart’s Green Lantern, and Superman’s attempt to stop Pariah and the Great Darkness ended with the villain’s victory. As a result, a new Justice League was formed to defeat Pariah, but the group is largely unproven and consists of several unexpected heroes and usual bad guys. Meanwhile, Hal Jordan returned from being off-planet to discover the demise of his closest heroic friends. Now, Green Lantern is bringing the fight to Pariah by recreating one of his coolest constructs ever.

In Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Daniel Henriques, Alejandro Sanchez, Danny Miki, and Tom Napolitano from DC Comics, The Green Lantern Corps locates Pariah and the alternate worlds he’s keeping the original Justice League on. Seeing the power he is up against, Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern calls on his constructed Justice League team, as his Power Ring produces versions of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and more heroes.

Green Lantern’s ‘Justice League’ Construct Is His Coolest Ever

Unfortunately for Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern, using the Justice League constructs isn’t as successful as it was in one of his first attempts. Pariah manages to wipe the Power Ring creations away, as Jordan gets trapped in his own alternate reality, suffering a similar fate to his fellow Justice League allies. Still, seeing the hero attempt to pull off the Justice League construct team remains one of his coolest moments.

Despite his best efforts, Hal Jordan will now need to break free from Pariah and the Great Darkness’ false reality if he wants to help the surviving heroes bring the Justice League back to life. While the Green Lantern hero gets his fair share of criticism for his behavior and interactions with his fellow Justice League heroes, there’s no doubt Hal Jordan gave it his all in his last-ditch attempt to save the fallen heroes with the amazing Power Ring constructs. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 by DC Comics is in stores now.