Green Lantern Reveals the Shock Wielder of the Corps’ Ultimate Secret Weapon

Green Lantern Reveals the Shock Wielder of the Corps’ Ultimate Secret Weapon

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern: War Journal #8!One of the Green Lanterns’ most useful weapons just so happens to be in the possession of the most surprising officer. Amid his battle with the Radiant Dead, John Stewart has gone missing and his partner is determined to find him. But does one of Green Lantern’s surprising assets hold the answers Stewart needs?

In Green Lantern: War Journal #8 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Montos, Green Lantern Caolán Shepherd heads to Guy Gardner’s last known residence for assistance in finding John. Gardner’s security system detects Shepherd and traps him in the apartment for a remote interrogation.

Green Lantern Reveals the Shock Wielder of the Corps’ Ultimate Secret Weapon

After Shepherd tells Guy that John is missing, Guy directs Shepherd to a closet where Gardner has stashed something that can help the Lantern find John and get answers about the Radiant Dead. Shepherd is shocked to discover that beneath a bunch of dirty clothes, Guy is in possession of the Green Lantern Corps’ Book of Oa.

Guy Gardner Has the Green Lantern Corps Ultimate Reference Book

Guy Gardner with a bat made of green light in a DC comic.

The Radiant Dead are a terrifying and powerful army and an extension of the dead Old God Olgrun. The Radiant Dead have been seeking out John Stewart, now the most powerful Green Lantern in the DC Universe, to use him as a host for Olgrun’s spirit. Green Lantern Shepherd has pursued the Radiant Dead across the multiverse and has been assisting John in tracking and fighting the Radiant Dead. Unfortunately, during an encounter with one of the Radiant Dead’s leaders, the Revenant Queen, John was kidnapped and the Green Lantern is now trapped on the far side of the universe.

Guy Gardner doesn’t seem like he’d be the most likely possessor of the Book of Oa (and by his own words, it sounds like most of the Corps isn’t aware he even has it). But Guy’s always been a true-blue dedicated member of the Corps and with all the chaos unfolding thanks to the United Planets seizing the Corps, it makes sense Guy’s squirreled it away. It’s a good thing he did, too. The Book of Oa has guided generations of the Green Lantern Corps and could hold some valuable secrets for how to defeat the Radiant Dead.

The Book of Oa Can Help Green Lantern Defeat His Powerful New Enemies

The Book of Oa and Two Green Lanterns DC

The Book of Oa is a tome that tells the history of the DC Universe’s cosmos. It’s bound to have crucial information Shepherd needs for his and John’s quest to defeat the Radiant Dead. The Guardians no doubt saw Olgrun’s return coming, and if Shepherd wants to save John from becoming Olgrun’s latest vessel, he’s going to have to dive into the Book of Oa and discover any secrets he can find. Hopefully, Guy’s decision to take the Book of Oa will pay off and help the Green Lanterns defeat their powerful new enemy.

Green Lantern: War Journal #8 is available now from DC Comics.

Green Lantern: War Journal #8 (2024)

Green Lantern War Journal 8 John with Ring

  • Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
  • Artist: Montos
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Dave Sharpe
  • Cover Artist: Montos


Green Lantern