Green Lantern Names the 1 Situation Where He’s Faster Than the Flash

Green Lantern Names the 1 Situation Where He’s Faster Than the Flash

Spoilers for Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong #1!In DC Comics, Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern and Barry Allen’s Flash are superheroic best buds with a penchant for poking fun at one another while one-upping each other in ways that are increasingly fun to watch play out. And although Flash is undoubtedly the Fastest Man Alive, bar none, Hal has just revealed the only situation where he thinks he could beat Barry in a one-on-one footrace!

With one relying on the Speed Force to help him zip around the world in seconds and the other using hyper-space tunnels to cross vast distances of space in the blink of an eye, both Flash and Green Lantern are no slouches in the speed department.

Green Lantern Names the 1 Situation Where He’s Faster Than the Flash

And despite Flash undoubtedly being able to beat Green Lantern in a race using their respective powers, Hal has somewhat jokingly, somewhat seriously called out Flash by saying that he could totally beat him in one if they didn’t use their powers at all!

Green Lantern Thinks He Can Beat Flash In A Non-Superpowered Race

Green Lantern tells Supergirl he could beat Flash in a race without their powers

Posing the question of who would really win in a non-superpowered footrace in the premiere issue of Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong, by writer Brian Buccellato and artist Christian Duce, this issue has a running gag of Flash constantly asking Green Lantern to race to their next destination, with Hal replying with a smirk and a simple “Nope” in response. And after Barry leaves Hal in the dust to help Superman take on Titano, Hal, trying to save a bit of face in front of Supergirl, confidently says, “Without powers, I could totally beat him,” bringing up an interesting topic for nerd debate: Is Flash actually a fast runner when not using his speedster powers?

It stands to reason that Hal would have a fair shot at beating Barry should they ever compete without their signature abilities, as not only is Hal a highly trained Air Force pilot, but in Flash’s case — and other than the cardio workout he gets from using his powers — Barry is a forensic scientist who probably wouldn’t be nearly as active as Hal would be on the regular, tipping this non-powered hypothetical race in Hal’s favor. Furthermore, the endurance alone needed for Hal’s job pulling G’s in an aircraft would ensure he’d be able to outlast Barry and his slightly above-average athleticism any day.

Without Powers Green Lantern Believes He Can Outrun Flash

Green Lantern and Flash DC Comics

While using his powers, there’s no doubt Flash could beat anyone in a race, whether in DC’s sprawling comic book universe or otherwise, with the i of whether or not Barry would be a fast runner sans his Speed Force connection being an interesting question to explore should the Justice League lose their powers at some point down the road. As of now, Flash is still the Fastest Man Alive, and Green Lantern will have to settle for being a bit further down on that list.

Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong #1 is now available from DC Comics.