Green Lantern Lore Changes Forever with a Brand-New Corps

Green Lantern Lore Changes Forever with a Brand-New Corps

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern #7!The Green Lantern mythology expands as a new ‘corps’ makes its official debut in the DC Universe. Korg, a wayward Korugarian has been holding onto the belief that he’s secretly Thaal Sinestro’s son. After months of taking abuse from his caretaker, Korg rises up to take a new name and forge his destiny with a corps of his own.

In Green Lantern #7’s backup story “Wayward Son Part Four” by Peter J. Tomasi and David Lafuente, Sinestro’s possible son Korg is reprimanded by his caretaker Nagaf for building a rocket to escape and continue Korg’s search for Sinestro. To crush Korg’s spirit, Nagaf has the boy’s rocket destroyed.

Green Lantern Lore Changes Forever with a Brand-New Corps

However, Korg manages to turn his fellow orphans against Nagaf by showing them that Nagaf has been stealing from them. Korg leads a successful rebellion that ends with the orphans selecting Korg, now calling himself Sinson, as their new leader. Freed from their oppressor, Sinson prepares his new corps for their next mission.

Sinestro’s Son Has Founded the Latest DC Universe’s Latest Corps

Korg Becomes Sinson and Founds a Corps DC

While Sinestro has been stuck on Earth after a devastating attack on Korugar, elsewhere in the galaxy, a young boy has been idolizing the fallen Green Lantern. Korg is a young Korugarian who believes that he’s Sinestro’s son, though he lacks any evidence to prove it. Korg wanted nothing more than to leave his troupe of orphans behind and follow in his supposed father’s footsteps. Unfortunately, his caretaker Nagaf refused to entertain Korg’s notions and kept him around to steal and salvage whatever he could from others. But all the while, Korg never let go of his dream of being just like Thaal Sinestro.

Unfortunately for Sinson, there’s no way to tell for certain that he’s Sinestro’s son. Sinestro is lightyears away and likely isn’t even aware that Sinson exists. But Sinson looks up to Sinestro and wants to be just like him. Like Sinestro, Sinson rebelled at authority that he believed was oppressive and has the ability to inspire others. While most Corps in the rest of the DC Universe all center around one of the lights of the Emotional Spectrum, Sinson’s new crew doesn’t have any form of firepower to their name. However, they do have the leadership of someone who’s just as determined as one of the most infamous villains in DC history.

Sinson’s Ambition is About to Change the DC Universe


Thanks to recent DC news, it’s known that Sinson is about to team up with Lor-Zod, the son of Superman’s Kryptonian nemesis General Zod. Sinson might not have a light to wield, but he will have a Superboy-level ally by his side, which is just as good, if not better than the Yellow Light of Fear. As Sinson sets out to follow in his role model’s footsteps, he’s already displayed one of the best qualities Sinestro has: His ability to lead others. He might be young, but Sinson’s determination and his new corps might just wind up leaving a huge imprint on the Green Lantern mythology.

Green Lantern #7 is on sale now.